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1、抱怨信英语作文DearMr manage, I vetre towritto copain abouthe quityo the/m writng to complan abotthe service yu providefrme isFebruary.Myfiends ad I paticaten r travel ageny oee,we hadntreceive heperec rvie ou hadpromiseI at o tellyou something abouti. Frst ofall, I ltrealy anry aout heide She s s rudanupro

2、fssinal thatseold us little about the torit atratios.eides,he jt istened t e MP herslfnd wa rbitray abo the torists rureents econdl, the hoe wa so badthatcoud ardly eat th food and it was so oisy that I couldntsleep wll toe days hc had a gret act on mytavel On top o hes, y ad askedus to a foroething

3、 wdidn neednd thnkt as llegal Terefore,I hoeoucan comenste fo y oss. You n cal me to tk aout the detals. I would b grateful if this mate cn have yur mediat attenton英文投诉信范文(Letters fComplant)Dar Si: Wt eerecto ou order No. W 9, th120 computer ss spi t he above order ere delivredth day befre yestray,

4、but w rerettt 20se were alydmaged. Th pkage ctang he coputer sts ppeado e iood ondtio adwe accepted ndsignd for them wthout uetion. Wunackedthe compuer sets with c and cnnysumethat damage must e ue tocaeles handliat some stagerior to cking.W dte ase invtigated imediatel, ad he restsows h damage as d

5、ue toimroer acking, for whice suiersare efintely resposible. Teee, I wih tdeclar arfud. ill apreciateit if mypoblem receves duatenton./We shl be gad ifou ill rplacall 20set as on spssibl. Menwile,we aveut thedamad cmputetsaside case yo need tem to uppot claim n yr supplies for cpstion.Yours sincrly,

6、(Sgnature)五投诉信(ltte of complait)(一)常用句型和词汇:词汇:lainagainss.osth.投诉 2.istisfacionwith不满于.putupwih/bear/toeate忍受awful糟糕旳4poorservie糟糕旳服务.inconciable不可思议旳ouofonesxpectato令某人大失所望 7.looknto/gointoinestigate调查.incidnt/mtter事件句型:)Iawriingtyoutocopanbout. 2)Iaritngtoprsisstisfatinwith. 3)Teearesomepoblemswit

7、heflthatIishtobrngoatetion.Foronthing,thereiForanter,. 4)ahardbar/tolerate/utwthitanyoe.5)hottheauthotisoncernewlcnsidermysugsionsandimproveesituatoasbestasheycan. )Isiceelopetatwillreviwitsanagmeystem,wththviwtovidin,beterervictthepulic)Werustthtyouwlwconsierthismterseriousyandmaeanrtprvntthecurren

8、ofthiskid. 8)Wewillaprcatyorwillngnesstoakeupfrtelo9) nvewftheincnveniencthatthiscause,elyushould.英文投诉信模板Dear _,I am _(自我简介). feelbdto robyo ut I am afrid thatI hv to keacolan aout Te esoor my disstisction _(总体简介).Inthefrstplace, _(抱怨旳第一种方面). In aditon, _(抱怨旳第二个方面). Undr thescircumstancs, find i _(感

9、觉)to_(抱怨旳方面给你带来旳后果). apprcate it ery muc if o culd _(提出建议和祈求),peerbly_(进一步旳规定), ad I woul like have this maer ettledby_(设定解决事情最后期限).Tak you for ur cnsidration ad Iwillblooki forwar to o epy.Yours sincerely,LingTo om It MayCocern, am ritigto complanabout the pr svie ofyour.receied wen.Tcaues fo my disasfati leupn hee point as os: 1) _ (抱怨内容旳一种方面); 2) _ (抱怨内容旳另一方面);3)(抱怨内容旳第三个方面). de these ircsn, I find t dfiuto(客观旳评论).I amsur tayouar beo tooghl undesand my scntent,which you areondto rplcewith saisfacrysltin. I would b grateful if yu could _(体现本人旳愿望)a soon as possible.orssincerly,Li Ming



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