(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题05 高频词汇、短语、句型及经典范文(五)(背)

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(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题05 高频词汇、短语、句型及经典范文(五)(背)_第1页
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(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题05 高频词汇、短语、句型及经典范文(五)(背)_第2页
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(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题05 高频词汇、短语、句型及经典范文(五)(背)_第3页
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《(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题05 高频词汇、短语、句型及经典范文(五)(背)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题05 高频词汇、短语、句型及经典范文(五)(背)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题05 高频词汇、短语、句型及经典范文(五)(背)I.高考英语必背高频词汇wish1.wish+that (that通常省略;that从句内使用虚拟式过去时或过去完成时)(1) I wish I could fly. (2)I wish I were as rich as he.(3) He wished he had been at home when she came to see him.(4) I wish I had tried more things at college.2.wish+to do I wish to go to Hawa

2、ii someday.3.wish+n+to do What do you wish me to do?4.wish+n+adj/adv I wish everything ready. I wish him out of difficulty.5.wish+名(人)+名=wish+名+to名(人) We wish you good luck.= We wish good luck to you.6.How I wish若是该多好(表示不符合事实或对不太可能实现的事情之强烈愿望。)How I wish I could buy a house like that.watch1.watch+n.

3、I watch television every evening.2.watch+n.+do/doing I watched her go (going) out of the room.3.watch+wh-clause Watch what I do, and learn it.II.高考英语必背短语add(1)If you add 5 to 5,you get 10.把加到上面 Five added to five is/makes 10. 5 and 5 makes/make 10.(2)This will add to trouble增加(3)His whole school edu

4、cation added up to no more than one year加起来总共Add up the numbers,and you will get 1 155agreesb. agree with + sb. / sb.s opinion / what 同意某人意见sth. agree with sb.适合sth. agree with sth.相一致,相符,和谐I dont agree with yonwhat you saidyour advice同意The climate here doesnt agree with me食物、天气等适合某人Your story agree

5、s with what I have already heard和一致III.高考英语必背写作经典句子1With a camera in hand, Mrs Smith took pictures of almost everything and she was too excited to stop for a while.2It is a really good measure that our school has invited a foreign teacher, who is from England, to teach us English to improve our lear

6、ning interest.3I hope that our school should make an investigation as soon as possible and take effective measures to solve this problem.4We should plant trees in our spare time, so that we can be in harmony with nature.5If all of us make small changes, we could make a big difference.IV.高考英语必背经典范文Im

7、_Li_Jin,_monitor_of_Class_One,_Grade_Eleven. Im very delighted to learn that youre coming to our class to study with us next term. I, on behalf of the whole class, welcome to China warmly. It is a great honour for me to tell you some information relevant to the local life. First, our traditional foo

8、ds are steambread and rice. I hope you can get used to them soon. In addition, the climate here is very similar to that in the USA, so there is no need for you to worry about it. Now Ill introduce our class to you. Our class is made up of 52 students, all of whom are hardworking and friendly. There

9、is no doubt that you can get along well with them. Our teachers are kind to us and treat us as their friends. Last of all, I would appreciate it if you can do something, such as helping us practise our spoken English, and introducing something about American culture, to promote the understanding and friendship between the students of the two countries. Looking forward to seeing you. (2014天津卷) 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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