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1、Pride and Prejudice - A Window Through Which the Female is PiercedAuthor: Xu TingtingSupervisor: Jiang YanyanA ThesisSubmitted as a Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirement for the Degree of B.A. in English School of Foreign Studies Fuyang Teachers College, Anhui ProvinceMay, 2011学位论文傲慢与偏见透视女性世界的小窗口(学号

2、0724)指导教师姓名 职称 单 位 阜阳师范学院外国语学院专业名称 英语教育 申请学级别 学士学位授予单位 阜 阳 师 范 学 院2011年 5 月 Pride and Prejudice - A Window Through Which the Female is PiercedAbstractSince the ancient times, love and marriage have always been the permanent theme of literature. Jane Austen, a quite significant English novelist in th

3、e 19th century, is the author of Pride and Prejudice. Based on the young lovers relationship and marriage, clued by the development of the love between Darcy and Elizabeth, this masterpiece all together depicted us four couples in love and taught us a lesson deeply- one should have neither pride nor

4、 prejudice in his or her relationship. The novel vividly reflected the particular life and human relationship in the conservative, unenlightened English county from the late 18th century to the early 19th century and thought highly of the feminism which had been depressed and ignored in the real soc

5、iety and literary works. In the following research, the author will analyze the main distinctive heroines one by one and then do a comparison among them, from the angle of feminism, in order to find the different kinds of female consciousness. The first part will be the brief introduction of the aut

6、hor-Jane Austen, her masterpiece-Pride and Prejudice and the feminism. The second part will be the historical background which gave birth to this enduring and marvelous novel. The following part will be the main body of the research-three different kinds of female consciousness embodied in the five

7、mentioned heroines. And the last part will be a conclusion drawn by all the above factors.Key words:Pride and Prejudice; heroines; female consciousness; 傲慢与偏见透视女性世界的小窗口内容摘要古往中来,爱情与婚姻一直是文学作品中永恒的主题。英国小说家简奥斯丁是十九世纪一位重要女性作家。傲慢与偏见作为其重要作品,以男女青年的恋爱婚姻为题材, 以男主人公达西和女主人公伊丽莎白的爱情纠葛为主线, 一共描写了四起姻缘,反映了18世纪末到19世纪初,于保

8、守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情,高扬了在现实生活及文学创作中备受压抑和漠视的女权。本文的研究将从女权主义视角出发,通过逐个剖析作品中五个独具特色的女性形象,将她们身上所体现的不同种类的女性意识加以比较,整合。第一部分将先对作者简奥斯丁、小说傲慢与偏见、以及女性意识加以简单介绍,第二部分则解释小说傲慢与偏见诞生的时代背景,第三部分将逐一分析班内特夫人及简的顺从依附意识,伊莉莎白的独立意识,莉迪亚和夏洛特的情感缺失意识这三种不同类型的女性意识,最后一部分对全文观点进行总结概述。关键词:傲慢与偏见;女性角色;女性意识 Pride and Prejudice - A Window Throug

9、h Which the Female is PiercedThesis StatementAnalyzing from the perspective of feminism, we can find three different kinds of the feminine consciousness from some female characters in Pride and Prejudice.从女权主义视角出发,傲慢与偏见中不同女性角色共体现出三种不同的女性意识。OutlineI. Introduction II. The Historical Background of Prid

10、e and PrejudiceA. The Social Status of the Women in the 18th-19th CenturyB. The Difficulties for the Female Writers in the 18th-19th CenturyIII. Manifestation of Feminine Consciousness in Pride and Prejudice A. the obedient feminine consciousness B. the independent feminine consciousnessC. the emoti

11、on-lacking feminine consciousnessIV. Conclusion I. IntroductionIn the 18th century, the number of female writers increased quickly. However, the novels didnt take up a rather vital part and were shortage of convention. Till the 19th century, many female writers created novels to vividly describe the

12、 society, the politics, and various kinds of fates of those people in detail. So we can say that the female literary in Britain was originated from the 18th century and developed in the 19th century. The creation of the classic Pride and Prejudice is a symbol of the formation of the British feminine

13、. And the author, Jane Austen fully embodied her distinctive feminine consciousness in this novel. Having changed the womens peeped position in the literary which was long controlled by males, Jane proved to be a historic writer to make the women become the main character in the literary works.A. Ja

14、ne AustenIf you were living in the 19th century in Steventon, Hampshire in Britain, you may have seen such a scene-a quite little outgoing girl, almost having no idea about this enormous world, often enjoyed herself in her fathers parsonage or wrote some clergy, the old maid, the short-sighted women

15、, the marriageable lady and other similar people.If you were living in the 19th century in Steventon, Hampshire in Britain, you may have heard such a thing-a girl, lost herself in writing something, would suddenly throw a piece of paper over her desk when some visitors passed by. If you were living in the 19th century in Steventon, Hampshire in Britain and had a good luck, you may have met this special girl. But you may never realize that, this cheery, sprightly young lady would turn out to be a distinguished novelist. Ye



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