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1、Unit 6 An interesting country第一课时Story time(教案)教学目标:知识与能力1、 能正确的理解,掌握对话内容,并能准确朗读。2、 能正确地听、说、读、写、单词country , will ,learn , welcome ,visitor ,Australia3、能正确地听、说、读单词和短语find out ,kangaroo ,koala ,sport-lover ,Australia football ,exciting ,Sydney4、能正确地听、说、读、写句型; Ill ask my e-friend in Australia .5、能用英语介绍

2、澳大利亚的风土人情。教学重难点:重点;1、 句型: Ill ask my e-friend in Australia .2、 词汇Australia ,kangaroo, koala, Sydney等词的正确读音。难点:1、 课文的熟练掌握和对澳大利亚风土人情的介绍。2、 一般将来时的理解和运用。教学过程Step 1 Guess1、T: Im going to visit an interesting country this summer holiday. Its a bid country in the sounth part of the Earth. It has many inter

3、esting animals. It also has a very famous opera house. People there speak English. Which country am I talking about?we, Mike, my parents, his friends, Miss Li, Mr Brown2、GamesA go ,visit, plat football, swim, fly kites, have a picnic, make a cakeB museum, park, zoo, shop, cinema, Beijing, CanadaC to

4、morror, after school, next week, this weekend, this summer holidayD Step 2 presentation1. Free talkThis SundayTimeActivitiesTimeactivities6:30 a.m.get up4:30 p.m.go home8:00 a.m.do the cleaning5:00 p.m.cook dinner10:00 a.m.go to the supermarket7:30 p.m.wash the clothes11:00 a.m.have lunch with a fri

5、end9:00 p.m.watch TV3:20 a.m.go swimming10:00 p.m.go to bed2. ask and answerT: Well have thirty lessons next week.S1: Well have two Chinese lessons next Monday.S2: Well haveone Maths lesson next Monday.S3: Well have an Art lesson too.3. VocabularyT: (呈现袋鼠和考拉图片) Do you know these two animals?Ss: Yes.

6、T: Where can we find them?Ss: In Australia.T: Right. This is a kangaroo. Thats a koala.Ss: Kangroo. Koala.T:(呈现澳式橄榄球图片) This is the most popular game in Australia, Australian football.Ss: Australian football.T: Its different from English football or American football. There are 18 players in an Aust

7、ralian football team. They use an oval ball, not a round ball. Its a very exciting game. Players can kick the ball or carry or hit the ball with the hand.(呈现悉尼歌剧院图片) Is this a beautiful building?Ss: Yes.T: Its an opera house. Its in Sydney, the biggest city of Australia.Ss: Sydney.T: The Sydney Oper

8、a House is the most famous place in Sydney. Its a cultural centre for concerts, dramas and operas.4. Team workS1: The kangroo is a large animal. Its brown. It has a small head and a big body. Its front legs are short. Its back legs are long and strong. It can jump far and high. It has a long tail.S2

9、: The koala is small. Its grey. It has large ears. It has no tail. It lives in trees and eats leaves.5. Introduction the Sydney Opera House6. Free talkl How did you find out about Australia?l Did you go to the libraray?l Did you search on the Internet?l Do you have a friend or a relative in Australi

10、a?7. 听录音,学习第一部分WhoHowMikeask his e-friendWang Bingask Mr GreenLiu Taoread about Australia on the InternetYnag Linggo to the library8. Read the textl Where is Liu Tao?l What is liu Tao doing?l What does the article talk about?l Do you think Australia is an interesting country?Step 3 practice1. readin

11、g2. retell the textT: How will Mike find out about Australia?S1: Hell ask his e-friend in Australia.T: What about Wang Bing?S2: Hell ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia.T: What about Liu Tao?S3: Hell read about Australia on the Internet.T: How about Yang Ling?S4: Shell go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.3. Team work4. 拓展活动(Im a tour guide)Step4 Homework1.听录音熟练朗读story time2.小组内表演故事板书设计: Unit 6 An interesting countryCountry Australiafind out Ill ask my e-friend in AustraliakangarookoalaSydney


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