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1、LWE6A Teaching Plans Chapter Six Period Plan(1) 2009Teaching plannerZhou Li Teaching executorTeaching material Longman Welcome to English 6ACh6 Special PeopleTeaching aimsTo introduce to pupils ways of talking about people who have done special things and objects associated with them.Key pointsTo in

2、troduce the use of relative pronouns to link or add informationDifficult pointsNew words and sentencesTeaching aidsFlash cards ,projector, e-bookTeaching approachDirect visual ,communicative approachTeaching ProceduresPersonal ViewStep 1 Warming up 1. Get two pupils to tell stories.2. Ask pupils som

3、e questions to check their understanding of the stories.Step 2 Presentation1. Lead inAsk pupils to look at the photos on pages 41 and 42 of the Pupils Book.(Point to the photo of Lee Lai Shan showing her medal.) Do you know about Lee Lai Shan? She won a gold medal for windsurfing in the Olympic Game

4、s. The Olympic Games are an international sporting competition held only once every four years.(Point to the photo of Li Ching and Ko Lai Chak.) Two more Hong Kong people won silver medals in the Olympic Games. They won the medals for playing table tennis.Show pupils how we can combine the two sente

5、nces in the captions for the photos into one sentence using that for objects, who for people and where for places using the examples. Write the first two sentences in the captions on the board. Teaching ProceduresPersonal View 2. Connect the two sentences and make them into one by adding that and ru

6、bbing out the it in the second sentence of the caption. Also substitute a with the.This is my gold medal. I won it in the 1996 Olympic Games.This is the gold medal that Lee Lai Shan won in the 1996 Olympic Games.Step 3 Practice1. Read after the e-book about this part twice.2. Mix up the flash cards

7、on the desk in front of you .Step 4 Consolidation Repeat the process for the sentences about Lee Lai Sahns coach, Lai Kan. Rub out the words Lai Kan and substitute This. Rub out the word a and substitute the. Then rub out the word He and substitute who.Lai Kan is my coach. He taught me to windsurf.T

8、his is the coach who taught Lee Lai Shan to windsurf.Step5 Homework1. Listen, read and recite Part A .2. Copy and write new phrases four times each.3. Make some sentences. NOTE:Teaching Period Plan(2) Teaching plannerZhou LiTeaching executorTeaching material Longman Welcome to English 6ACh6 Special

9、PeopleTeaching aimsTo introduce to pupils ways of talking about people who have done special things and objects associated with them.Key points To obtain and provide objects, services and information in classroom situations and through activities Difficult pointsTo interpret and use given informatio

10、n through processes or activities such as matching.Teaching aidsFlash cards , grammar practice , e-bookTeaching approachDirect visual ,communicative and practical approachesTeaching ProceduresPersonal ViewStep 1 Warming up and revision 1.Get two pupils to tell stories.2.Ask pupils some questions to

11、check their understanding of the stories.Step 2 Revision1. Ask the pupils to read the new words and phrases.2. The pupils make up new dialogues.Play a brainstorming game. Write on the board some sentence starters with if . Ask pupils to work in groups. Each group should choose a sentence starter and

12、 brainstorm as many different endings as possible. Sentence starters can include: 3. Teach where in the same way.Teaching ProceduresPersonal ViewStep 3 PractiseHelp pupils make the sentences These are the table tennis players who won silver medals in the 2004 Olympic Games. This is the special stamp

13、 that the post office issued in honour of the silver medalists and this is the big sports centre where Li Ching and Ko Lai Chak first started playing table tennis.ExtensionTell pupils Lee Lai Shan, Li Ching and Ko Lai Chak want to raise money for charity by selling their things. Brainstorm what they

14、 can see, e.g. Lee Lai Shans windsurfing board, Li Ching and Ko Lai Chaks table tennis bats, T-shirts, etc. Tell pupils to pretend to hold up the objects and make sentences using that and who.Step 4 Consolidation1. Tell pupils to work in pairs 2. Divide the class into two groups. Ask pairs of pupils

15、 to demonstrate the conversation in front of the class.Step 5 Homework 1. Listen ,read and repeat Part A and B for 20 mins.2. Copy PartA. NOTE:Teaching Period Plan 3 Teaching plannerZhou LiTeaching executorTeaching materialLongman Welcome to English 6ACh6 Special PeopleTeaching aimsTo get pupils to practise skimming texts to obtain specific information.Key pointsTo encourage pup


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