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1、栽培 土地面积,英亩数 acreage under crops 高山带 alpine zone 穴播 clump;dibble seeding 作物生长停滞 crop logging 茬口安排 cropping arrangement 收割期 date of harvesting 成苗期 date of lifting 成熟期 date of maturity 间苗期 date of thinning 无霜日 day without frost 移植 deplantation 齐苗,幼苗出齐 established stand 定植 establishing 黄化苗 etiolated see

2、dling 黄化(现象),褪绿病 etiolation 缺苗 fail place 实地试验 field test 催芽 forced sprouting 收割,收获 harvesting 后期倒伏 late lodging 耐光照 light-fast 耐光性 light fastness 沟播 lister sowing 补播,过量播种 over sowing 浸种 plant soaking water-soaked seed 催芽 pregermination 前茬作物,前作物 preplant 垄作,畦作 ridge culture 静止期,休眠 quiescence 重播,补播 r

3、eseeding 作垄 ridge building 播种量 quantity of seeding 株距 space in row间隔,间距 spacing 双行条播 twin-row drilling 双株穴 two-plant hill 二次收获 two-stage harvest 密度不足,过疏 undercrowding 行距 width of interrow 耕作层 worked soil 休眠期 wandernymph stage 畦宽 width of bed 高地,高原 upland 抽穗期 period of heading 出苗 emerge 出苗后 posttemer

4、gence 出苗前 pre-emergence 促进成熟 hastened maturity 催芽 forced sprouting; hastening germination 点播 dibbling ;precision sowing 定植苗龄 planting-stock age 高产作物 heave crop 行间 interrow 行 距 distance between hedges ;distance between rows ;drilling distance ;interrow distance ;width of interrow 开花期 anthesis ;efflor

5、escence ;inflorescence 枯萎 damping off 密 植 close planting ;compact crop ;compact planting ;condensed planting ;dense planting overstocked planting 畦宽 width of bed 湿度控制 moisture content control 收获 harvesting 条播 line drilling seeding ;regular drilling 土地肥力 fertility 温带 warm zone 休眠期 hypopial stage ;wan

6、dernymph stage 休眠种子 dormant seed ;latent seed穴播 clamp planting ;clump ;dibble seeding ;hill seeding种植 hacienda株高 plant height株 距 distance between hills ;distance between plants ;drilling distance ;dropping distance ;individual spacing ;interplant space ;space between plant ;space in row栽培 cultivatio

7、n ;cuture ;rearing 栽培技术 cultural practice 蔬菜栽培 vegetable culture 茬口安排 Crops arrangements育种败育花粉 aborted pollen缩短育种年代, 加速世代进程 acceleration of generation advancement A 系,雄性不育 A-line异花授粉 allogamy 雄性两性异株 androdioecy 育种小区 breeding plot 无性繁殖 cloned propagation 亲和花粉 compatible pollen 亲和性品种 compatible race 杂

8、交育种(法) crossbreeding 异花受精 cross-fertilization 异花授粉 cross-pollination 去雄 detasselling去雄授粉 detasselling and pollination 雌花雄花两性花同株 dimonoecious 雌雄异株的 dioecious 天然自花授粉 direct self-pollination 抽穗 earing 早熟型 earliness采种,制种 egg raising 原种圃 elite field 原种 elite stock seed 杂交后代 filial generation 夏型 forma aes

9、tivalis 早熟品种 forward crop 冬型 forma hiemalis 秋型 forma autumnalis 杂交育种(法) hybridization 杂种优势 hybrid vigor 同种源抗体 homologous antibody 杂种优势 heterosis 优良品种 good stock 移植体;嫁接 graft 雌性品系 gynoecial chamber 全雌花性 gynoecism 雌花两性花同株的 gynomonoecious 雌花两性花同株 gynomonoecy 单倍体,仅有一组染色体细胞 haploid 耐寒作物 hardy crop 春化作用 i

10、arovization 晚熟作物 late crop 迟抽薹 late shooting 藜科蔬菜 goosefoot vegetable 提高耐旱能力 improving hardening off 单株选种 individual plant selection 晚熟性 late maturity 小叶型 microphyll type 雄花 male flower 混合育种 mass breeding 单性杂交 monohybrid cross 繁殖 multiplication 自然杂交 natural crossing 亲本 parent早熟的,早开花的 precocious 优势种

11、prevailing species 繁殖 procreation 早衰 premature senescence 长日照植物 long-day plant 中晚熟品种 middle-late variety 两性花 monoclinian 登记品种 registered variety 抗性育种 resistance breeding 抗性品种 resistant strain 范例,标本,样品,样本,待试验物 specimen 三倍体 triplont 品种性 varietalness 品种退化 variety degeneration 有生命力种子 viable seed 姊妹种 vic

12、ariant 采种 egg raising 成熟期 date of maturity 虫媒授粉法 caprification 雌花两性花同株 gynomonoecy 雌性品系 gynoecious strain 雌雄蕊同熟 monochogamy 雌雄蕊异熟 adichogamy 簇生 fasciation 雌雄同体 telianthus 雌雄异体 gonochorism 雌雄异株的 dioecious 父本植株 paternal plant 繁殖 multiplication ;procreation ;propagation 繁殖床 propagating bed 繁殖季节 coverin

13、g season 单性结实 parthenocarpy 光合作用 photosynthesis 抗病性 disease resistance黄化 chlorisis ;etiolation ;yellowing 黄化现象 etiolation 回交育种 backcross breeding 混合授粉 mixed pollination ;polycross 混合育种 mass breeding 两性花 monoclinian 品系间杂交 line crop 品种复壮 revitalization of species 品种间杂交 interbreed ;interstrain crossing

14、 ;intervarietal grafting 品种退化 variety degeneration 亲本 parent 亲本系 parental stock 亲本原种 parent stock 亲本植株 parent plant 去雄 detasselling 去雄授粉 detasselling and pollination 全雌花性 gynoecism 三倍体 triplont 晚熟作物 late crop 未抽薹的 umpoled 稳产高产 high and stable yield 雄蕊 stamen 雄性两性异株 androdioecy 孤雌发育 parthenogenetic d

15、evelopment 昆虫授粉 insect pollination 抗性品种 resistant strain 抗性育种 resistant breeding 样本 specimen 样品 specimen移植 bed out ;deplantation ;line out ;naturalization ;planting ;prick out ;transplanting 异花受粉 allogamy 异花授粉 cross-pollination 小孢子 microspore育种 breeding原种 elite stock seed ;foundation seed stock ;reg

16、istered seed 杂交后代 filial generation 杂交育种(法) breeding by crossing ;crossbreeding ;hybridization 杂种优势 heterosis ;heterotic vigor ; hybrid vigor ;potence 早熟的 precocious ;ratheripe 中晚熟品种 middle-late variety 种源鉴定 determination of provenance 禾本科型 gramineous type 禾本科植物 gramineous plant 经济作物 cash crop ;commercial crop ;industrial crop 蔬菜作物 vegetable crop 温带作物 temperate zone crop 温室作物 glasshouse crop 雄性不育 Male sterile 自交亲和性 Self-compatibility 抗虫性 Insect resistance 育种目标 B


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