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1、房屋租赁 合同Residential Lease Contract出租方:(以下简称甲方)承租方:(以下简称乙方)Parties heretoLessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A):Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B):甲、乙双方就房屋租赁事宜,达成如下协议:Party A and B have, in respect of leasing the dwelling unit owned by Party A to Party B, reached the following agreement.

2、一、甲方将位于房屋出租 给乙方居住使用,租赁期限自年月日至年月日。1. Party A will lease to Party B the dwelling unit located at _. The lease term will be from_(month)_ (day)_(year)to_(month)_(day)_(year).二、本房屋月租金为人民币元,按年 结算。每年 月15 日内,乙方向甲方支付年租金2. The rent will be _ RMB per month. Party B shall make the annual payment of the rent on

3、 or before the 15 th day of _ (month) each year to Party A.三、乙方租 赁期间,水费 、电费、取暖费、燃气费、电话费、物业费以及其它由乙方居住而产生的费用由乙方负担。租赁结束时,乙方须交清欠费。3. During the lease term, Party B shall pay fees of water, electricity, heat, gas, telephone, management fees and any other fees and charges incurred from facilities used by

4、Party B. Upon expiry or termination of the lease term, Party B shall clear the arrears.四、乙方同意 预交元作为保证金,合同终止时,当作房租冲抵。4. Party B agrees to pay RMB _ in advance as security deposit. Upon expiry or termination of the contract, the security deposit shall be refunded in the form of a credit against the re

5、nt.五、房屋租 赁期为,从年月要求终止合同,须提前三个月通知对方,并偿付对方总租金日至年 月 日。在此期 间,任何一方的违约金 ;如果甲方 转让该房屋,乙方有优先购买权。5. The lease term shall be_, as from _( month ) _ ( day)_( year) to_( month )_( day) _( year) . During the term, each party may terminate the contract with 3 months advance notice to the other party ashall pay the

6、breach penalty of RMB_; If Party A transfers the ownership of the dwelling unit to any third party, Party B shall have the right of first refusal.六、因租用 该房屋所发生的除土地费、大修费以外的其它费用,由乙方承担。6. Party B shall pay all fees incurred by the rental of the dwelling unit, except for land royalty and overhaul cost.七、

7、在承租期 间,未经甲方同意,乙方无权转租或转借该房屋;不得改 变房屋结构及其用途,由于乙方人为原因造成该房屋及其配套设施损坏的,由乙方承担赔偿责任。7. Without the consent of Party A, Party B may not sublease or assign the dwelling unit to any third party, or change the housing structure and its use. Party B shall indemnify Party A against all losses and damages to the dwe

8、lling unit and its supporting facilities caused by Party B.八、甲方保 证该房屋无产权纠纷 ;乙方因 经营需要,要求甲方提供房屋产权证明或其它有关证明材料的,甲方应予以协助。8. Party A shall guarantee that the dwelling unit has no property rights disputes; Party A shall assist Party B in providing real estate certificate or other relevant supporting docume

9、nts for Party Bs need in business operation.九、就本合同 发生纠纷,双方协商解决,协商不成,任何一方均有权向人民法院提起诉讼,请求司法解决。9. Both parties will solve the disputes in connection with the contract through consultation. In case an agreement cannot be reached, either party may summit the dispute to the peoples court for judicial sett

10、lement.十、乙方不得在房屋内从事违法行为,并注重房屋及自身财产和人身安全。如发生违法及人身安全 责任事故自行负责。甲方不承担一切法律及民事责任。10. Party B shall not carry out any illegal activity in the dwelling unit, and must value housing and its own property and personal safety. Party B shall bear the liability of illegal acts and accidents due to negligence. Party A does not undertake any legal and civil liability.十一、本合同 连一式二份,甲、乙双方各执一份,自双方 签字之日起生效。11. This contract is made in two originals , one original for each party hereto , effective upon the signature of both parties.甲方:乙方:Party A: (Signature)Party B: (Signature)年月日Date: _(month)_ (day)_(year)



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