期末专项训练之完成句子 牛津深圳版九年级英语上册

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1、九上完成句子期末专项复习(广州专用)一、完成句子考点归纳1. 感叹句2. 宾语从句3. 被动语态4. 常考句型(so.that;四个花费” ;not.until; it is+adj+(for/of sb) to do sth 等)5. 短语(以九年级上册为主)二、完成句子题组训练2020-2021学年广东省广州市六、完成句子(共5题,每小题2分,共10分)1. 上个月他们采取行动来防止水污染。Last month theyto prevent water pollution.2. 那些消防员们真勇敢!firemen they are!3. 她的视力太差了,无法通过视力测试。Her eyesi

2、ght isthe eyesight test.4. 我想知道他们是否将要搬到上海。I wonderto Shanghai.5. 公共场所不允许大声喧哗。Weto speak loudlypublic.2020-2021广东省广州市花都区第二节完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)9. 我们都想知道他在哪买到春运的车票的.We all want to knowfor the Spring Festival travelseason.10. 多么令人兴奋的消息啊!我们校足球队赢得了第一名。news it is! Our school

3、football team won the first prize.11 .保持均衡的饮食对我们来说很有必要。necessary for usa balanced diet.12. 小汤姆对他制作的飞机模型感到满意。Little Tomthe model plane he made.13. 洗手后,水龙头必须要关掉。Tapsafter you wash your hands.2020-2021广东省广州市越秀区根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子(每格限填一词)51. Becky很少写信。通常,只有当她收到别人的来信了,她才会回信。Becky seldom writes a letter.s

4、he will only write a letter back after shesomeone.52. 我很爱我的父母,因此,我不想让他们失望。我会尽力让他们对我满意。I love my parents very much, so I dont want tothem. I will try my best tomake them beme.53. 在Hans离开前,一个人举手,因为他有个问题想问。A man raised his hand because he hadbefore Hans left.54. 调查显示我们每日需食用大量的水果、蔬菜,以及类似面条和面包的谷物食品。Resea

5、rcheach day we should havefruit, vegetables andgrain products such noodles and bread.55. 我去找过黄老师了,但他不在。你跟我开玩笑的吧,对吗?I went to see Mr Huang, but he wasnt in. You justa jokeme,?四2020-2021学年第一学期广州市花都区华晨学校九年级英语期末复习冲刺卷57. 我们相互帮助是非常重要的。 very important for useach other.58. 这是一个多么不平常的故事啊!it is!59. 这棵树太高,以致我们

6、够不着。The tree isthat weit.60 .没有人知道她什么时候离开广州的。Nobody knowsGuangzhou.61 .吃饭前一定要洗手,否则很容易生病。The handsbefore meals, or youll get sick easily.62.过去,爷爷常去河边钓鱼。My grandpafishing by the river.63 .这里是图书馆,你最好不要大声说话。Here is the library. Youloudly.五 2020-2021执信中学12月月考56. 为了保持健康,有必要保持均衡的饮食。tshave akeep healthy.57.

7、 球赛结束后,他兴奋得不能保持安静。After the football game, he wasexcitedhe couldnt58. 他想知道他怎样才能打败其他选手。He wonderedthe other contestants.59. 这位老师给了我们多有用的建议啊!advice the teacher gave us!60. 年男孩了们被骗,帮汤姆粉刷了栅栏。The boysinto painting the fence for Tom.六2020-2021广东省广州市黄埔区52. 我听说他一小时内会回来。I heard that hein an hour.53. 他们哭得多伤心!

8、they are crying!54. 远离炉火,否则你会有危险!the fire, or you will be in danger.55. 昨晚外面的噪音逼得他快疯了。The noise outsidealmostlast night.56. 那件裙子太漂亮了,那个女孩盯着它好长时间!The dress was so beautiful that the girlher eyesit for a long time.57. 我会一直等我妈妈直到她回来。Imy mumshe comes back.58 .他们昨天被邀请去分享他们的想法。Theytheir ideas yesterday.七2

9、020-2021广东省广州市增城区51 .请不要捉弄那孩子。Please dontthat child.52. 直到收到了儿子的来信,老人才笑了。The old mansmilehehis son.53. 在朋友的帮助下,他建了一间新房子。A new housewith the help of his friends.54. 你能告诉我他何时解决了这个数学问题吗?Could you tell methe Maths problem?55. 她真幸运!尽管她的车子被撞坏了,但人没事。she was! Though her car was damaged, she was fine.八2020-2

10、021广东省广州市海珠区51. 南希昨天给自己买了双新鞋。Nancyto a new pair of shoes yesterday.52. 多讨厌的天气啊!我们不得不又推迟了旅行。weather! We have to put off the trip again.53. Amy进来时,我的注意力全都集中在新闻报道上。My mind wasthe news report when Amy came in.54. 他想知道什么时候可以收到朋友的来信。He wondered whenhis friend.55. 我想到了小时候奶奶给我讲的童话故事。Iof the fairy storieswas

11、 told by my grandma when I was young.六 2019-2020广东省广州市荔湾区51 .很可惜,今天天气不好,我们不能去白云山游玩。Itwe cannot take a trip to BaiyunMountain today because of the bad weather.52. Angela是多善良的女孩啊!她总是乐意帮助有困难的人。Angela is! She is always ready tohelp people in need.53. 我会一直等我妈妈直到她回来。Imy mumshe comes back.54. 昨天晚上,我的妹妹问我是否

12、能跟她讲Peter Pan的故事。Last night, my little sister asked meher the story of Peter Pan.55. 他们昨天被邀请去分享他们的想法。Theytheir ideas yesterday.56. 均衡膳食是指每天摄入不同种类的健康食品。Ameans having different kinds ofeveryday.57. 我和哥哥都住在学校。我们只能周末帮忙做家务。my brotherI live in school. We can onlythe housework on weekends.附:阅读理解能力训练Several

13、 Limes my daughter had telephoned to ask me to see the daffodils (水仙)beforethey were over, I wanted to go, but It was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead.After her third call, I promised to drive to my daughters house. When I finally arrived at herhome and hugged my grandchildren, I said,

14、 Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is in theclouds and fogs, and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want tosee! My daughter smiled calmly and said, “I was hoping youd take me over to the garage (修车厂)to pick up my car. Til drive. Pm used to this.After several min

15、utes, I found that wasn*t the way to the garage! Carolyn smiled, We aregoing to the garage the long way. Its by way of the daffodils. Hearing that, I got angry and askedher to turn around. nIfs all right, mother. You will never forgive yourself if you miss thisexperience/5 my daughter said.After 20 minutes, we turned onto a small path and I saw a hand-lettered sign that readDaffodil GardenH.



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