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1、unit1 How can we become good learners一、学习目标:1、知识目标 A.重点单词: pronounce,increase,speed,partner B.重点词组: 1 spoken English 2 increase reading speed 3. make mistakes in grammar 4. practice speaking/writing 5. get much practice 6. get the pronunciation right C.重点句式: 1 I dont know how to increase my reading

2、speed. 2. I dont have a partner to practice English with.2、能力目标 要求学生谈论学英语时可能遇到的困难以及相应的解决办法。3、情感目标 培养学生遇到困难不放弃的心态。靠科学的方法使自己成为一个好的学习者。二、学习重难点能熟练掌握并会运用本节课的单词和短语及句型,能熟读课文,并能复述课文。三、预习感知:(一)、写出下列英语并大声朗读。发音(v.)_发音(n.) 速度 同伴 增加 重复 (二)、预习P.5, 翻译下列词组。害怕做某事_ 爱上_查字典_ 为了,以便_他们脸上的表情_ .的秘密_也 _ 关键词_有趣的东西_ 对英语电影有更好的

3、理解_四、合作探究完成1a与1b。任务一:交流1a,1b.(先对学,再组内讨论)任务二:小组展示1b。老师点评。任务三:先看图,对1c进行预测,然后听录音,完成1c。任务四:再听一遍,完成1d。任务五:分角色表演对话(1e)。任务六:综合1c,1d的内容,看谁能够复述。 五、检查反馈、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1The s_ of light is faster than that of the sound.2She has r_ last weeks lessons.3Old people cannot be so _ (活跃的) as young people.4The numb

4、er of cars is _ (增加)5I hear that he was _ (出生) in Sweden.、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1He is a man of many _ (ability)2That was not _ (wise) done.3The population of the earth _ (increase)very fast.4I dont think it difficult to keep _ (read) English every morning.5Id like to give my friend a _ (create) gift.Could y

5、ou give me some suggestions? 、单项填空。()1.When you visit a museum you should _ the instructions.Acompare with Blook forward to Cpay attention to Dtry out ()2.I _ a mistake.Please dont be angry with me.Amake Bmade Cwill make Dhad made()3.Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?Well, it all _ the weather.Abelo

6、ngs to Bhappens to Cdepends on Dconcentrates on()4.Mr.Li, I cant understand everything in class.Dont worry! Ill _ the main points at the end.Arecord Breview Crequire Dremember()5. If you want to send your photos by email, connect the camera _ your computer.Aout Bof Cin Dto()6.He was so busy.He canno

7、t afford enough time with his son _ he wants to.Aeven if Bas if Cbecause Dbefore()7.Its good _ you to keep _ when you have something difficult to do.Afor; trying Bof; tryingCfor; to try Dof; to try()8.Jane is _ girl.She often takes _ part in the schools activities.Aactive; active Ban active; active

8、Cactive; an active Dan active; an active()9.Whats _ hobby, going fishing, collecting stamps or flying kites?Sorry, I dont know.Athe common Bthe more commonCthe most common Dmost common()10.Lin Shuhao is _ famous _ all the basketball fans in China know him.Atoo; to Benough; to Cso; that Das; as六、课堂反思 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获_感到自己有待加强的是_ 教学反思:


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