2020-2021学年牛津译林版英语七年级下学期 期中复习完形填空2 )

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1、译林牛津英语 7 年级下册期中复习完形填空随堂练习 21Starting a new school term is always exciting. It is a good time to 1 your friends again. But mostexciting of all, the new term lets you take up new 2 . It is common(普通的)in Britain for students to takeup new hobbies after the Christmas holidays. Starting to 3 something ne

2、w is a common New Years plan.Most schools offer(提供)different kinds of hobby classes. Students 4 them in their free time orafter school. Some classes you have to 5 and others are free. For example, I can take a freeWednesday evening gymnastics(体操)class. Some volunteers here are 6 to help us with our

3、skills. But if I learn how to play the piano, my parents will 7 pay for the lessons.The most popular hobby classes at my school are piano lessons and the computer club. Both classeshave tests and students should take them. Students 8 many hobbies sometimes feel more stressed( 有压力的)than those student

4、s with learning 9 . But the students with hobbies will leave school with many useful skills.I spent much time studying these hobbies when I began the new term. But I dont regret( 后悔) takingthem. My best friend today is someone I met in my gymnastics class. We always have great fun 10 about our hobbi

5、es.1. A. watch B. see C. look D. read2. A. friends B. languages C. arts D. hobbies3. A. learn B. buy C. borrow D. wear4 A. bring B. carry C. let D. take5. A. give up B. buy for C. pay for D. pick up6. A. difficult B. ready C. easy D. interesting7. A. can B. must C. have to D. may8. A. by B. with C.

6、on D. under9. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything10. A. talking B. to talk C. talked D. talkBDADC BCBCA2What do you often do for your father on Fathers Day? Father Day has a very _1_ history and itbecame a state festival in 1972 in America. Because some Americans thought that if we had

7、 a Mothers Day, we should also have a Fathers Day.Fathers Day is becoming very _2_ in North America. People there do different kinds of things for theirfathers on that day. And businessmen find it is a good way to make people buy presents for their fathers from their _3_.Except(除以外)America, very _4_

8、countries have a Fathers Day, though some have a Childrens Day,or a _5_ day for boys or for boys and girls. More and more countries are having Mothers Day,_6_ maybe Fathers Day will become popular soon.Now what are people in North America doing on Fathers Day? The newspapers, radios, and TV_7_childr

9、en what they should do -buy, buy, buy Fathers Day present for your father. They even want the wife to buy a Fathers Day present not for her father but for her _8_.The presents they buy for their dads are often not very_9_, as children dont have much money. But theimportant thing to remember about Fa

10、thers Day is that American children can show their _10_ to their fathers on that day.1. A. long2. A. happy3. A. shops4. A. little5. A. busy6. A. but7. A. speak8. A. husband9. A. beautiful10. A. moneyB. lightB. importantB. housesB. fewB. readyB. ifB. sayB. sonB. expensiveB. promiseC. oldC. interestin

11、gC. officesC. manyC. specialC. soC. talkC. brotherC. differentC. loveD. shortD. easyD. schoolsD. muchD. carefulD. orD. tellD. cousinD. heavyD. lifeDBABC CDABC3There is once a lazy crow ( 乌鸦). He thinks it is too much trouble ( 麻烦) to 1food. He thinks, “Ifsomeone brings me my food every day, Ill be v

12、ery2.”One day, he sees a fat pigeon (鸽子) flying by. “How happy it looks,” the crow says to himself. So he3 the pigeon until ( 直到) they come to a park. There are some other pigeons too. Soon an old man comesalong and 4them a bag of food. The crow flies over to the pigeons. “Caw! Caw!” he says. “Can I

13、5the food with you?”“No, you cant!” shout the pigeons angrily. “We dont know you.”The crow goes home 6. But soon he has an idea. “I ll paint my feathers ( 羽毛 )7,” he says, “and then the pigeons will think I am one of them.”After the painting, he flies to the 8again and is welcomed by the pigeons. “C

14、aw! Caw! Giv e mesome food!” But suddenly the pigeons find he is a crow. They fly after him and make him leave.The crow has to fly to his own forest. When other crows see him, they ask him to9. They dont knowhim because of his grey-painted feathers. 10the crow feels worse than before. “What looks easier isntalways so,” he says to himself. “I wish Ididnt paint my feathers grey! ”1. A. worry about2. A. happy3. A. finds4. A. brings5. A. make6. A. happily7. A. blackB. look forB. popularB. dressesB. takesB. takeB. quietlyB. brown


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