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1、成都理工大学硕士学位论文基于J2EE的通用报表系统的研究与实现姓名:关鑫申请学位级别:硕士专业:计算机软件与理论指导教师:黄地龙20100501摘要基于 J2EE 的通用报表系统的研究与实现作者简介:关鑫,女,1984 年 10 月生,师从成都理工大学黄地龙教授,2010年 6 月毕业于成都理工大学计算机软件与理论专业,获得工学硕士学位。摘要报表的应用在企业信息化建设中处于非常重要的地位,它是企业运营和管理的重要数据反映和决策依据。当前基于 Web 的信息系统发挥越来越重要的作用,不论是基于 Intranet 的企业信息系统还是基于 Internet 的电子商务应用,这给传统模式下报表软件的设

2、计提出了重大的挑战。由于传统的报表系统主要采用 C/S结构的报表设计器,具有一定的局限性,并且报表的开发是根据用户的需求定制的,报表处理部分与其它的业务逻辑关联度较大,导致了报表模块与系统的高度耦合性,可重用性差,对报表及其相关应用的开发和维护需要花费大量的时间和精力,难以适应开发过程的多样性和变化性,因此,传统意义上的报表设计模式已经很难满足日益增长的 Web 报表开发的需求。本文研究的通用报表系统,应用了Java开源报表引擎JasperReports与可视化工具iReport,将报表模板和报表数据分离开,用户既能根据自己的需要设计报表模板,又能按照业务需求自主地选择数据来源,并运用Jasp


4、报表功能作为一个单独的模块来设计,简化了编程工作,提高了系统的通用性、可复用性和可维护性。关键词:通用报表JasperReportsiReportJ2EE MVC 设计模式I成都理工大学硕士学位论文Based on J2EEGeneral ReportingSystemResearchandImplementationIntroduction of the author: Guanxin, female, was born in October, 1984, whosetutor was Professor HuangDilong.She graduated from Chengdu Univ

5、ersity ofTechnology in Computer Software and Theory major and was granted the MasterDegree in June, 2010.AbstractReport used in the construction of enterprise information play a very importantrole, it is important for business operations and management to reflect vital data andmake decision. Current

6、 Web-based information systems play an increasinglyimportant role, whether the enterprise information system based on Intranet orInternet-based e-business applications is, which presented major challenges to thedesign of report software in the traditional model. As the traditional reporting systemma

7、inly uses C / S structure of the report designer, it has some certain limitations, andreport development is customized according to user needs. To a great degree, reportprocessing part is associated with other business logic module, which leads to a highcoupling degree of the report module and syste

8、m, and it has poor reusability. It alsoneeds to spend a lot of time and vigor on the reports and the related applicationdevelopment and maintenance, and it is difficult to adapt to the diversity and changesin the development process. Therefore, the traditional report design patterns have beendifficu

9、lt to meet the growing demand for the development of web reports.In this paper, the general reporting system applies the java open source reportingengine called JasperReports and the iReport, which is a visualization tool. The iReportseparates report template from report data, so the user not only d

10、esigns reporttemplates according to their need, but also can independently choose data sourcesaccording to the business needs, and by using the powerful reporting capabilities andrich, scalable interface of JasperReports, it can be customized to achieve the reports.The paper first introduces the cur

11、rent development of reporting system andresearch meaning of the issue, through the presentation of several popular reportgenerating tools at home and abroad, it analyzes some problems in the application ofthe current reporting tools. For these problems of reporting system solutions, theIIAbstractgen

12、eral reporting system designs the architecture based on J2EE, and by using theMVC design pattern, the control logic, business logic and views display are dividedthe three separate systems based on this design to General Reporting System divided.According to the design pattern, the general reporting

13、system is divided into thecontrol layer module, the business logic module, the general report module and theview module. The general report module implements the separation between thereport processing part and other business logic parts, that is, in the business logicmodule, it does not require int

14、egrating the report templates and the report data, but thereport data and template are directly sent to the general report module, and there theywill be integrated. Designing the report function as a separate reporting module, itsimplifies system programming and improves the versatility, reusability

15、 andmaintainability of the system.Keyword: General Report JasperReports iReport J2EE MVC design patternIII独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。学位论文作者签名:年月日成都理工大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解 成都理工大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权 成都理工大学可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)学位论文作者签名:学位论文作者导师签名:年月日第 1 章 引言第 引 言章1.1 选题依据及研究意义报表作为一种信息组织和分析的有利手段,是企业信息系统的重要组成部分之一。优秀的报表可以实现将数据转化为信息,为决策



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