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1、外研版八年级下册英语短文填空专题训练一, 基他自What do students dikt the Green High Sctiool ?Herr arc (he multK(4 the Mndcn(s atiiv ny sun cy(1) Green High SchwL exertisc Uitvv(2 fniir Linur13) * wl.exrciy ohixiu ice u lAirck.Some MuJents are very aclive (4! exertjse every day. h* homemork rauM sindent% doevery day (6) uu

2、ikni% Jn humcwtYl three 4*t four umo a *ceLNl) tuiknLs ik,hunicmvtl uttc工 or twice a week. The rcsLihx 1)wacch TV afc intcrcsimg.AH Mudenh “meh TV er 1*ilc 4 uvek. Some Mudent 节 ixilcli T、di rec l*t lour 冉t a weekt jlUj oh蜀 Mudcn(h TV every 必上L 14 4. 工6l 7. S.9. 10.J m pretry hcaliliy. 1 cxwrux ever

3、y duy, usually(I) t ixtmc horiK2 %cbooL My (3l habits arc pmiy gcod. 1 Lt) (4i U & I,m肃 VEgcmhlc*. kL (*# me gH ggd grudc- CtikkI tkxid 9nd rxcfVisc hug tit to ludy 110).1. 2. 3. 4, 5.6.7 乱 10.二. 媒合提高篇John and Salty are in(I) same school. Their home is far(21 “hooL They get up early 13) ihe rmtming

4、amJ 14)iJic bu,附 xh*x1 aHer bieak I a st. Sometimes ilicy(5) lunch in the rrsmurni. likes hafnburger(ft) meat(7) Sally likes jnd Inm Alter lunch 卜帝n 的死、i*】(8) volleyball and Sully goes to the dassroontShe . 一四,English Mngs or Irieiis 11。)niuic L 2 工 4r 工&7tr 民 9,10.Lieryne knotty that exercise 口、imp

5、ortant. We aJI need i口 exercise. IXiciors ay ii i( I) for us. It tnako your hciid 滴tul body Ntntng. Children who ohen excrete (2; iiumt aleru 过 酒的)Ulis means they do in tests and school work than those who(4) eKereise.There art many ways (o ciercK 他趾匕 mn, swim. slMe or pljiy ball games. Make sure yo

6、u (6) in the Jolhmmg way. You have w hke (7i yim art doing.ELXttvise eniMigh but noi hx (*霜 Its the He斓 to txeruis Lwice 9) week. Thirty ininuic iuh ntiie k enough Try all kinds(10)Lhinc dockm* bchrr wt (I) a balarKc (2j yin and yanf to .13) healthy. (4)example, are wxi often weak ml lired? Maybe yo

7、u have IS) ym You hiud edt hot yung like tKcl. EiLin Danglien and HLunqi herb* h also gxl(6 this. Rui pctiple (71 al翦 VH)inesMid mil and angry may hme loo much ing. (liiiiee diwiuz believe that (hey (8) cat nxirc yin fbock like Lntu. Chinew medicine k naw popular in manv wolcm J9). Its easy ta have

8、a bcllhy bfestyk. and its imfxntaM 410) cal aha lanced dietI. 23.4 5.6. 7. 8.9. K,Everybody gels tired (1).i2) ycu are Kred. you uurk hard uny more. Ycrn shxild 3eep for41 mghb and you vhaulJ hiive a rett to 15) heMthy. Youshould also .|6) h(H yu】c IehS and tuhtr (7)foods, Ytw .(8 cal nwrc yin例 when

9、 ytw arc(10) .I.,8.9.tO,Eating habits arc(I) in diflereni canines. The Chinese hac a saying Eat gtwd things t2 F break last. n big tucuI I or lunch, 31 cal lc*、at dinner*. Many Amcnciin urcc thii( one 14J sum the day wiih a good bneakh1T5) (heir itk然 tilxHii luivch atuldinner are dilkrent

10、,MiZ American only iiie Lhemlves a shtin time lor lunch. ihcv eat a null lunch. A tier work ihcy uill have tTKtrc linic7) rm h big dinner. Al、。a quiet dinner iH)hnme with id】 the family piking i的 iheir dax i、也 【n (uke a jtixxl rest after a hm,hard day 彳 10) wtirk.I.2r 3., 4,配&7.&9,10.也1 hope ynurc e

11、njoying my uhtT m、门 i York. 1 like your (I j in Begins. (2) Im noii3i very well(4)ihc rrHnnciiL Im lircd arid hdve ku 15) bcddiuhcs. And I m(6 out because my Puhm&hua Krfi improving, I (udy laie every nighi, k用式山优、(7) 2 am. but I(S Lhmk Im improving. really need some con versa! iu d(nny thcrv ”Lin l

12、luii: Im hiking in the iiKuntiiini. I lew(5 you. Tuny? What arc you doing lt)r vacuiitin ?Tony: I-m viMbnp my Friend in lhn Konp.Lin Hud ; Oh yeah?6)long irc uu Uying?1 tmy: JusL tiM* tuur days. I di)nbt like guing kr m long.L in Huu: Well* iS I a good time! Sent! me a post crd r9r llan Kong.Tuny: S

13、ure. Sluu nie vuur plMMuh(10)vte iei Iwk u l1kkiI.L 2. 工 4.5,fr. 7.&9_10.Ren iHiiiihcn , 山u fiinxm% Itctkh sinjicr, i* (dkinj a loujr ukuliun (his unuiM:r. Ik ihouhi (U filing g Greece or Spain, but decided(2) Carttda, * I always(3) vseaunnk in Europehe smdJ I his time I wunt to Mjmcihin3 7j, 1 hcurd Ihdt Canudd 强 bcuutifuL nd I know theru are (5】people here who %pea* French/Ren is gciinp to Canadas Cl rear I.akex. He 沃 leaving the Rr week in Jimf and (6j until Scpicnibcr. tc plans to kuve n rvtiuin vucaiion. * 】*m luking walk



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