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1、英语口语句型大全将来某时刻正在进行的行为过去某时刻完毕的行为 haden awy whnI ared.By esteday/by last niht/b the nd oflas week 997/by then/by thattime/by 10 este morningptl lastnig/befr daybra/befor dark/be forI saw yu lastwhen gt there情态能(can, oul)He ca pak FenhCoud yu tel ehowto g tothespil?wm/sa/ski/ceride a tricye/soke garette

2、/sing a pp(cls),ngoperate a machie/ooice/rdea biedrieacar/dink piits/lim a tree/operate opte可以(may, mgh)a Im in?igt I knw yor ame?必须(must)You mustel us theresMst I e he t si?必须,应当(must , obe to (主观), ave o (客观) , should, ough t(道理) msgo theeimmdiatey.I amtg her imediaely.I hveto gothere evydayWe sho

3、ld help ech ther ouworkYo oughtn owrite o crelesly.需要,敢(need, dae)Ned e com hereon?e he ?判断无把握的判断H my e adctor.e ight be a docto.Hcul be dcor.有把握的判断H must be ae.Hecant belate.对过去发生事的判断Itcant hav been c.I must have bee the .感慨对形容词表达感慨的感慨句Hw+形容词+主语+ 连系动词How beutiful he park s!对副词表达感慨的感慨句ow+副词+主语+谓语o l

4、uentl espeas ngls !对名词表达感慨的感慨句hat+形容词名词+主语谓语What a eutif pture it is!对谓语动词表达感慨的感慨句Hw+主语+谓语+How ant to see o again!Ohh der/Dear mGodness/racou/oones grcous/G/Gones m/Gaiusme/Gracios oodesGodnes know/Oh lord/Oh bthFncy/Nnene/Dam you/Dm it alH ie/ow strne/Wha a pity/Blesme/Blessmy soulat/被动行为目前的被动行为Whs

5、 at caled i English?Theb is meo ood.过去的被动行为Ths bok was written y him.Is old preaea docuent正在被做的行为A bidge i ben iltar thehol.Theprem is ben dscue a t metin.将来被做的行为The wok will b finsedtomow.Thywill beinvited to the prty.已完毕的被动行为Te iscusson metingseencalld f.Hisbycle s ben soe.带有情态的被动行为t nbe dne ths w

6、a.o mayb fied fordelain ayment.用成语动词表达的被动行为Educatin shal bpid gat atntion ooo afte/deed opt onain/take e f/pay attion o/make us of/自身自己You an se ursl inthiror.独自e referso wrkbyimself.亲自、自己儿、自身You yrself mayg ask the tecer book itslis tereting本人You ayo ad ask the diecor imself.同是也是,也不是so/nitherTey e

7、o nand,soissheThey cntspeakrn,nethe(nr) an I.也是,也不是adso/niheThey ren coks ,adnether areeH went to brad s moth,nd so i ay.余外别的omethigsmebodomewere lsIave somethng esduyt gieou.Ill giete gt t mebody ele.Were gon oewereele for usiness.任何别的anhingnybody/anywhereelsev u ntin else to do?Isanbdy es goi?Are

8、yogoingt go anyhre else?再没有别的notngnobodnwhere lseI ant nothing e.Nbody elsill ome.We wt nowe else别的什么whwo/hereeseha elscn I o oryo?Wh lse igong?Where elsid yo g?阐明:阐明活动工作内容:动词不定式做表语Hr jb i t kecareof the ldrn.M plan s to ini the worki to e.阐明工作内容:动名词做表语ur duty i rvingfor thepeopleha is impotis eing

9、conidet阐明由某人做某事:or omone to somthin)Tisis fr you do.Thi is for the to or out表白一种问题:howto ? wnto?ha we wnt to knw i whento st ourwor?Thequestion is ho o thre?评估:of 短语做表语Readg wit udestdig isof no ue.his plan of itl paticl value评估:rov+表语Thestatemnprove ncrrect.Teplanproved a filre.感觉触觉和感觉fee 和 feel li

10、keHe felswel.D you fee hungr?Itfeel lke nyo.cold,wel,hunry,thirsty,evrish,hard,sot,rogh,mooth,fne,carse,wet,dry,spr味道tSur astes et.Giger tases hot.Sugsugar cnewe,beebitr,gingerhlli,salsalty,ngasour,nielicious,of ononof leoof mil气味smellIt sels nice.Thatflw ells sweeood,nc,weet, at,fol,burnng听感oudThe

11、storouns ineretnghe musc soeet.iceswetcear/sof/harsh/caced,neesng/fnny/ll h/silly/asctor/reaonale阐明某些心理效果:目前分词做表语The lectre i cnvncing.convicin/satisfingconfsing/frihtning/usinisirin/mvinxciting阐明某些心理状态:过去公词做表语We ar sasfi wit youanswer.itereteinfrghtene f/worred a/frghtne at/surpised t/saisfedwthbodwh/excited aoupleased th/used to/ieof/accstomedto/外表印象:外表look ,lo likeHe look woried.happy,worrd,angy,disint,ired,stong,youeH oks lke her sis.外表印象apearH appears eergeticenegti/qut we/msttired/rsightedqite ouginintelliet/tobe


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