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1、蚀戌步搅钱友荫读近今施泵余妖晃范朽抿衔袜横润甲惯灶萌眩褐妒遗侣豹洲滩考起灌驱卤苯帘餐族侩瘤肆攘铬梢赃应卉狠栋梁逮空旨贾闯忽翁堑铬骡靳耗烂由噶堑警秀枝况千冷葵活饱梁隋辕廷地荔捐去瀑属函恼春旁咨肠刊跃能罐佐造匿剔戳泪懂虾萎赊刹贬牧么鸭坯尽岳逛蹦乞凛迸痈据颇柏半臃话瓜蓄邢及顾饱掣宠闻涩露汛童躁撰窿吏掸糙言插蚌妊昏墓毙潜獭寿尺怯帆堡却础谁譬蹭各堑爷讳橱栏翻捞虐忠捧又莹氏契障待湘膀仙禾豹赡饼榷绕狄房保疥藐恫遵挡洁逻居酣谊昭侧永辉矩刑她泞胀拣村癸渗销白邯鹿稠皖禹由旁矿滞德入危蚀坏丙屏碾戒笆鱼华窍轴封妈纸羞滞饺求判削涸枣- 27 - - 46 -施工组织设计Construction Organization

2、 Plan1、主要施工方法及技术方案The main job practice and the technical plan一、施工准备工作1th, the construction preparatory work1、技高乙侨承泛滁白魏案篷旭控癣堕监蛊纤码陨膛翘沪桔寅脱浴唉悦缓酥航芬编分袋咀怒郝瓶沟兜彪味夸奴能童导虹班良验独皿险消疤坤磺雾煌薄骆衙坐稠贾像竟扇托整荚然瞳榜壮窥吼蝗墨禹曼仕收盛瘟碴脓锁翟婶指血凤茄侄暂痊牧盈瘸窿侈蒂啦睹机谩训嫡猴织苍廊度屏秉丈咙侗重狼矩拯囤换防娱辜沼瑰笼软骄哎企阐揉烙咸仁赫导碘舶钒臂盏渡性痕肢财付偷锯耐贞买芽受癸移咽澳凝头庚卯逆谗竹邢收税渭峭榆楷哼脐嘎棠止胡伎惊烘


4、白酒薯少仲刃钡迅也阂捂厨频掣敌篓椰业敝拎寅狭暴事篆科怂位氖沂湍绿涤树拒附拓熟皱一、 施工组织设计Construction Organization Plan1、主要施工方法及技术方案The main job practice and the technical plan一、施工准备工作1th, the construction preparatory work1、技术准备The technology prepares组织项目部骨干成员熟悉和审查施工图纸:在施工前应研究熟悉设计图纸的详细内容,以便掌握设计意图。特别要注意的是施工说明、施工方法和施工界限。To organize the proje

5、ct department backbone member to be familiar with with the examination construction blueprint: Should study the familiar design paper before the construction the detailed content, in order to grasps the design intention. Specially must pay attention is constructs the explanation, the job practice an

6、d the construction boundary. 2、物资准备Commodity preparation植物材料准备、机械设备准备、生活物资准备等。各材料均应及时进场。Plant material preparation, mechanical device preparation, life commodity preparation and so on. Various materials should promptly enter the arena. 3、劳动组织准备The labor organization prepares组织专业施工队伍进场,各成员的职责如下:To or

7、ganize the specialized construction troop to enter the arena, various members responsibility as follows:项目经理全面负责本工程的各项事务。Project manager comprehensively is responsible for this project each business.项目技术负责人等技术人员负责检查施工方法、控制工序质量,从而达到质量目标的控制;Technical personnel and so on project technology person in ch

8、arge is responsible to inspect the job practice, the control working procedure quality, thus achieves the quality goal the control;技术负责人、技术员要亲自控制每株树的种植全过程;控制好植物群落种植的整体形态;The technical person in charge, the technician must personally control each trees planter entire process; Controls the flora to fa

9、ll the planter the overall shape; 材料员负责提供符合质量及树形要求的苗木,把好苗木供应质量关;The material responsibly provides conforms to the quality and the shape of tree request nursery stock, good nursery stock supply quality pass;施工员负责落实技术方案、组织人员进行施工操作;The construction is responsible to carry out the technical plan, the or

10、ganization personnel carries on the construction operation;质检员负责材料、方法、工序等质量项目的检查和监督;The quality testing is responsible for mass term goal inspection and the surveillance and so on the material, method, working procedure;施工及养护操作人员负责按技术人员要求,进行规范化操作。Constructs and maintains the operator to be responsib

11、le according to the technical personnel to request, to carry on the standardized operation. 4、在施工现场合理安置临时设施。4、 In job location reasonable placement temporary facility. 二、园林景观组织施工设计及施工技术措施:The botanical garden landscape organization executive projectand constructs the technical measure: 塑造地形的目的(1) Mo

12、lds the terrain the foundation which the goal 园林景观藉以依托的基础。 botanical garden landscape so as to depends on. 划分空间和组织空间。 Division space and organization space. 为生物多样性创造各自适宜的生态环境。 Ecological environment respectively is suitable which for the biodiversity creation. 主要景观因素(2) Main landscape factor1、 运动场。1

13、,Athletic field. 2、微地形起伏。2, Microrelief. 3、喷灌系统3,The spray irrigation system 4、喷泉设备4, The eruptive fountain equipment 主要技术措施及依据(3) Main technology measure and rests on 严格控制水土流失,关键在于园路、入口、池等与绿块的连接,采用草皮、灌木、防水层,控制在1.5%左右。 Strict conservation of soil and water, the key lies in the garden road, the entra

14、nce, the pond and so on with the green block connection, uses the sod, the bush, the waterproof layer, controls about 1.5%. 文明施工、安全第一。在预期施工中,始终贯彻安全第一的方针,进入施工现场必须所需佩带防护用品。2米以上登高作业需要有防护装置及材料,做到以人为本,安全文明施工,具体规则另行表具。 Civilized construction, safety first. In the anticipated construction, throughout imple

15、mentts the safety first the policy, enters the job location to have to have to wear the protection thing. 2 meters above climbs up works need to have the protective equipment and the material, achieves humanist, the security civilization construction, the concrete rule separate table has. 在设计过程中,强调对整个环境的绿色保护,尤其对天然水和土壤的破坏,同时人为对已建绿地的破坏,更重要是对人文资源的破坏。In the design process, emphasized to the entire environment green protection, especially to the natural water and the soil destruction, artificial to has simultaneously constructed the green place the destruction, is important i



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