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1、教学基本信息课题北京版小学英语六年级上册Unit 6 What is he wearing ? Lesson 20学科英语学段: 小学高段年级六年级相关领域正确着装教材书名:义务教育教科书 英语六年级上册出版社:北京出版社 出版日期:2014年7月教学设计个人信息姓名单位联系方式设计者白璐北京市大兴区采育镇第二中心小学158102622681指导思想与理论依据在本节课的教学中,我指导学生在情境中感知、体验语言,通过多种形式对话交流的活动,学生能够充分运用语言形成语感,从而体现学生语言和思维同步发展的指导思想。其理论依据源于英语课程标准中“强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性”。让学生在教

2、师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。并给学生提供最佳的体验学习环境,以及合作学习的有效性。2教学背景分析(1)教材分析:北京版义务教育教科书 英语教材基于促进学生全面发展的基本理念,以培养学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,在培养学生英语语言能力的同时进一步促进学生思维能力的提高,促进学生在语言、情感、认知、文化意识、学习能力、道德与价值观等多方面的综合发展。本单元为六年级上Unit 6 “What is he wearing ?”,本单元的话题是以询问服装为主,通过真实的语言情景,学会询问他人穿着的服饰及服装号码,并能在真实的情景中运用,注重语言知识和语言

3、技能相结合。本课 Lesson 20是单元的第二课时,重点是学生能够在情景中恰当使用“What does wear at”“wears at ”。对不同场合及相应服装进行询问和回答。本课包括三大板块“Listen and say”、“Listen, look, and learn”和“Lets do”。“Listen and say”是围绕本课的主题句型设置的生活中具体应用的场景;“Listen, look, and learn”呈现本节课的重点句型,新短语以及替换用句型;“Lets do”与本单元重点句型相关的口语操练活动。(2)学生分析:六年级学生处于高年级阶段,喜欢读故事和参与自己感兴趣

4、的活动,自主能力较强。他们对英语学习仍然保持着较为浓厚的兴趣,但时常羞于表达。本班学生在课前已明确本节课上小组合作学习的具体形式,每个人明确自己在小组内的分工,并熟悉英语课堂中的评价方式。(3)技术准备 图片、多媒体、教学PPT、补充阅读材料。3教学目标(1)知识与技能1.在情景中能听懂、会说“What does she wear on stage ?”及其答语“She wears pretty dresses.”并能在情景中运用2.认读formal clothes,会用pretty dressesa suit with a tieformal clothes等有关词语描述不同场合的着装 3能

5、够正确理解课文对话,获取课文中的相关信息,能够正确朗读课文。(2)过程与方法通过情境设置,继续培养学生的逻辑思考能力。(3)情感态度了解着装礼仪,能够知道在不同的场所穿不同的衣服。教学重点1.会说“What does she wear on stage ?”及其答语“She wears pretty dresses.”2.能够正确理解课文对话,获取课文中的相关信息,能够正确朗读课文。教学难点运用“What does wear at”“wears at ”询问某人在不同场合穿着的服饰,并做出相应回答。4教学过程本课教学过程共分为五个环节,具体内容如下:I.导入环节(5分钟)1.教师出示幻灯片中5

6、个关于教师个人信息的句子,让学生朗读出来并猜测其中之一为假。T: Hello! Everybody! S: T:Do you know me? ST:OK. Look at here (PPT).There are five sentences about myself. Can you read them?S: (watch and read)1. My name is Jessica.2. Im 30 years old.3. Im a teacher.4. Im from China.5. I like music best.T: One of them is not true toda

7、y, so which one? Please guess!S:Y: Sorry, its true, so how old are you ?S:T: No.3 is not true! Im not a teacher today! What do I do ?(复习旧知)T:There are some famous person in our vocation.(PPT) S:T:Yes, Im a detective .Today Ill tell you some stories about my cases.设计意图:此环节设置意图有三:1.本班为借班上课,学生通过5个基本句子了

8、解了老师。2.在讨论句子真实性环节中与老师进行交流,复习5个在小学阶段重要的特殊疑问句。3.通过此环节进入本节课设置的大情境。II.学习课文与主题句型 (12分钟) 1. 介绍案件1 ,Listen and say学习主题故事(6分钟)Case 1 Her necklace was missing!T:(出示人物图片)Case 1 about the girl. This is Saras cousin .I have a sound recording. Please listen carefully and answer the questions.1. What does Saras c

9、ousin do? A. She is a singer. B. She is a dancer. C. She is a worker2 What does she wear on stage(舞台) ?.S: Listen and answer. (第一次接触课文,听)T: Yes , she is a singer . Her necklace was missing on that concert.T: OK, please answer the question :What does she wear on stage(舞台)? S:T:Now we will watch the v

10、ideo and check the answer.S:Watch the cartoon and answer the question 2.(第二遍接触课文),并回答T:There are four people in this picture. The girl is her friend Lucy, and the boy is Lucys brother. So, who is that man! Lets watch again and find the information about him!S:Watch for the second time.(第三遍)T: If you

11、 find the information about the man, please underline them.S: Read and findT: What is he wearing on stage?S: He is wearing a pair of sunglasses.T: What clothes does he wear on stage?S: He wears a blue suit with a pair of sunglasses.T: Lets listen and repeat to find other information about him.S: Lis

12、ten and repeat. T:Why did he wear a pair of sunglasses on stage? Its strange! He must be the thief!2介绍案件2, Listen, look, and learn(前两幅图片)(6分钟)Case 2 The computer was missing! T:Next day he went to Apple Company as a worker to steal. Please read the dialogue and underline the information about the th

13、ief. S:Read the passage.(From the police station)Police: What do you do, John?John: Im a worker of Apple company. Today, I find my computer is missing.Police: Is anybody strange?John: There is a man. He wants to use my pen.Police: Is he your workmate?John: No, I dont know him.Police: What does he we

14、ar at work?John: He wears a blue suit with a red tie.Police: What does he look like?John: About 170 centimeters tall. He is thin and his hair is black and short.Police: Ok. Thank you. Whats your telephone number?John: My number is 6793-4821.Police: Ill call you. See you!T: Lets share his information

15、.S:T:After that he went to a school3介绍案件3, Listen, look, and learn(第三幅图片)(6分钟)Case 3 The money is missing!T:出示PPT: The school master tell me 2 thousands yuan was missing in his school.From the control room(监控室) we know a woman steal(偷) the money.She is about 170 centimeters tall and she is thin. What does she wear at school? She wears formal clothes (?). T:讲解 formal clothes4总结案件中人物着装, 找到线索并抓到小偷。In case 1:What does he wear



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