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1、山东轻工业学院2009届本科毕业生毕业设计年产量1000吨高压法甲醇分离工段工艺设计作 者 姓 名 xxx 专 业 化学工程与工艺 指导教师姓名 xxx 专业技术职务 讲师 48目 录目 录摘 要4ABSTRACT5 第一章 总论61.1概述61.2文献综述71.2.1甲醇简介71.2.2甲醇工艺发展91.2.3甲醇工艺简介91.2.4我国甲醇发展及市场需求131.2.5世界甲醇发展及市场需求151.2.6甲醇未来需求展望161.3设计任务的项目来源161.4原料规格及来源161.5水、电、汽供应情况171.5.1给水、排水系统171.5.2电力供应171.5.3蒸汽供应171.6贮存和运输1

2、71.7节能17第二章 生产流程方案的确定192.1生产方案的确定192.2生产流程简述192.2.1生产工艺流程简图192.2.2流程简述19第三章 工艺计算193.1小时生产能力193.2物料衡算和能量衡算193.2.1计算条件193.2.2物料衡算193.2.3热量平衡计算22第四章 主要设备工艺计算和设备选型254.1主要工艺操作数据254.1.1化学控制254.1.2压力控制254.1.3温度控制254.2主要设备(主精馏塔)塔径的工艺计算254.2.1理论塔板数计算254.2.2塔径工艺计算284.2.3水力学性能计算304.3塔体与裙座机械设计324.3.1设计条件324.3.2

3、按计算压力计算塔体与封头厚度334.3.3设备载荷计算334.3.4风载荷与风弯矩计算364.3.5地震弯矩计算374.3.6地震偏心弯矩计算394.3.7塔体水压试验和应力校核394.3.8基础环设计404.3.9地脚螺栓计算40第五章 原材料、动力消耗定额及消耗量335.1原料消耗425.2动力消耗42第六章 经济分析与投资概算426.1经济分析426.2车间经费43第七章 环境保护447.1环境保护447.2主要卫生、安全、环保等说明44第八章 设计心得与体会44参考文献46附 录47致 谢48摘 要甲醇是重要的化工原料,广泛用于有机合成、燃料、医药、涂料和国防等工业,在国民经济中有重要


5、水用量。根据物料及能量衡算计算所需的主设备(主精馏塔)尺寸,并对辅助设备进行设备选型。估算成本并采取安全环保措施。设计工程图纸(主要工艺流程图、设备平面立面布置图、主要设备装配图及厂区平面布置图),并对外文资料进行翻译。关键词:甲醇 蒸汽 冷却水 物料衡算 热量衡算 精馏塔 ABSTRACTMethanol is an important industrial chemical,it is widely used in organic synthe- sis, fuel, medicine, painting and national defense and so on.It plays an

6、 important role in the national economy. There are several methods of synthesizing methanol such as the high pressured method, the low pressure method,the mesolow method and unites mellow method and so on. The low pressuremethod synthetizes gas under low press- ure with copper based series as cataly

7、st. The mesolow method develops from the low pressure method.Presses the law is further developed in the low pressure law found- ation. The high-pressured method usually uses zinc chrome as catalyst to synthesize methanol under the high temperature and high pressure. The paper design mainly describe

8、s the technological design of construction separating methanol by high pressured method,selective evaporation method is widely used to separate methanol, which includes pre-rectifying tower and main rectifying tower.during rectifying ,the crude methanol is firstly heated by pre-heater ,and then goes

9、 into pre-tower for rectifying with steam passing.The steam from the top of tower is cooled in condenser by cooling water.most of the cool steam was deliveed into tower for reflux,and the rest is blown off after fluid seal or is recycled as fuel. The cauldron fluid from pre-rectifying tower enters t

10、he main rectifying tower and passes the bottom of the tower with steampassing,finally is separated from the tower methanol. According to the request of the design task by methanol balance,we calculated the amount of cude methanol ,steam and cooled water needed to produce 1000 tons of fine methyl alc

11、ohol. And according to the material and the energy graduated blance,we calculated the the size of main equipment neededl(main rectifying tower) choose the right auxiliary fatory, estimate costs ,take measures for security and environmental protection,designed the pictures (main flow chart, thet plane and stereoscopic arrangement chart of equipment, assembly drawing major installations and pictures of factory arrangement), and translated related foreign materials. Key words: methanol;stea



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