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1、初三英语单项选择题(Units1-6)1. How long have you_at this school?A.come B.arrived C.studied D.gone2.- I havent heard from Henry for a long time.-What do you suppose_to him?A.was happening B.to happen C.has happened D.had happened3.Its so hot today. Please keep the window_.A.to open B. opened C.open D.opening4

2、.They _Moscow_a summer morning.Areached to, in B.arrived at;in C.got in;on D.arrived in;on5.-Do you know if your mother will go shopping tomorrow?-I am not sure. But if she wont,_I.A.neither do B. so do C.so will D.neither will6.Can the photos_in an hour?A.come true B.come out C.cut down D.come down

3、7.Boys are usually_with football because the game is_.A.excited;excited B.exciting;exciting C.excited;exciting D.exciting;excited 8.The meeting_for ten minutes.A.has finished B.finished C.has been over D.has been in9.If you see a sign with “Business Hours:9:00-17:00” near the door of a shop, you can

4、 nothing in the shop at_.A.10:00 a.m. B.2:00 p.m. C. 7:00p.m. D.4:00 p.m.10._large groups_small, we are happy to help you! A.If;or B.However;or C.Whether;or D.No matter;and11.The baby was born_the morning_May 1st.A.in,in B.on,of C.on,in D.in,of12.We dont know much about Hainan Island._do they.A.Neit

5、her B.So C.Either D.Or13.I want to go _for my holiday.A.somewhere warm B.warm somewhere C.where warm D.warm anywhere14.Ill go back home as soon as school_.A.will finish B.will be over C.over D.is over15.-How about going scuba diving?-_. A. That sounds cool B. Thats all right C. Im sorry to hear that

6、 D. I dont know16.This pair of shoes_ Li Leis, Ill give_back to him.A. is,it B.is, them C.are,it D.are;them17The TV show let people see_.A.what was life under the sea B.what life was like under the seaC.what life under the sea D.what life like was under the sea18._people around the world have visite

7、d the Great Wall. A.The number of B.A number of C.The numbers of D.Number of19.Some animals have changed a lot, but sharks have changed very_.A.much B.few C.is D.little20.- Must I return the book now?-No,you_. But you_return it before supper.A.neednt;must B.mustnt;can C.mustnt;may D.cant;need21._goo

8、d news it is! A.What B.What a C.How D.How a22.Its hard for them to walk _the forest. A.through B.across C.cross D. over23. Toms mother taught him_. A.write and read B.to read and writing C.to read and write D.reading and writing24. We often hear her_this song in the next room. A.sing B.singing C.to

9、sing D.sings25.- Why did you stop running?-_. A.Have a rest B.To have a rest C.Having a rest D.Had a rest26.Now she has a house of_.How happy she is! A.owner B.her own C.her D.own her27.The baby is sleeping. Dont make_. A.much too noise B.too many noise C.too more noise D.too much noise28.Some of th

10、e inventions have changed the world_ A.more than another B.more than the other C.more than others D.more than the another29.Shes already a little weak in maths,_she? A.is B.isnt C.has D.hasnt30. It was the first newspaper_on train in America A.sell B.sells C.sold D.selling31.What do you mean_”stop w

11、atching TV”? A.on B.by C.for D.with32.The tree smells_in the room now. A.so nice B.so well C.so beautiful D.so badly33.They get tother and go from house to house_songs. A.sing B.sang C.singing D.sung34.The bottle is_orange juice, would you like_? A.filled of;some B.full of;any C.filled with;any D.fu

12、ll of;some35. We want to put_the star_the tree. A.on;on top of B.up;on the top of C.on;at the top of D.up;at top of 36.Even though he is no longer living,_well remember him for ever. A./ B.but C.and D.so37. English is hard,but its really worth_ A.to learn B.learn C.learned D.learning38. The boy jump

13、ed off the wall and_ on the ground. A.landed B.drop C.falled D.based39. -This is not my coat. Is it yours?-No,its_ A.mine B.your C.hers D.theirs40. She teaches_English this term. A.ours B.we C.ours D.us41.The old man has three sons. One works in Shanghai._works in Beijing,and_works in Shenzhen. A.Another;another B.The other; the other C.One;another D.The other;another42.We can do the work better with_money and_people. A.little;fewer B.fwer;less C.les;fewer D.few;little43.I think maths_ one of the most important subjects. A.are B.is C.were D.was



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