大学体验英语综合教程2 unit-5-way-to-success 教案

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《大学体验英语综合教程2 unit-5-way-to-success 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学体验英语综合教程2 unit-5-way-to-success 教案(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、it Fie s SuccssPr one: Lisen a Talk : (2 peris)eahing objetiv:Tohelp sudent bemiarwi sccssul celeritis; T tke senig/wtching exercisencerning t opic of ei sesfu;T tr the skilsf gving fedbck o prtrs n theseking area;T deelp studnts leny skils we they do the cmuicte tkTeaching content: Wat scesmenst yo

2、u Lstng Whatyou kow t hs celebritie and how he ucceed Wachig: hat eads to ucces akig Tansig -cutue saloStep : (5minutes) Ges: telwh they are Teachr shos epiture an tuens guess who ty are. Ask studens tofi ates commo pointamogths eope2 icuss: wy he arfamos/suslAk tudents: if succss equsmnr power or s

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4、 hsbeecetral tote ces of Micrsoft orpaion, he omay he2)_ wth his childood friend in 7.Te fomerEO of Genallctri, JakWel, sausness legend A faousuoe yr.Wlh is, “Change befreyou ave to.” H belev eadig by exampl and 3)_hi mplyees oo their bestve a. Mhae ord said, “Iccep 4)_, butI cant cepnot tryg”e ison

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6、came rom 8)_ bginings in a rralFrench Candian wn inaada. e youngest of urteen hden, he vice is itrnationaly kown nsch suntracks as “Beauy and th Ba” ad “Titnc”Ral i Bazlsrat 9)_ i occer sincePe. Hebean hi prsoal 10)_ inthe season 91, playg for te Social Rams lub FIFA (deion InternatialeootblAsciaion

7、) td him bst layerofhe yea inoh 996 d 9. , he wn the oden SoeAwrd heFIFA orldCu with 8 gas scored2. Gosussin:Choos one celebty a later tll usabouthis/hetory.tudet readt paragrap d then tryto reeltheir tory.Cose of the pitures andth ell th clas bou s/er or.3. Group diussn: ow they see?4. Vdeowathing:

8、 wha eadouccess?Watch the de ad tnk abu h follng quest: What eads t sucss?5. Comunicatv asksStut eto thetwo ialogues, py atentiontthe ponciation and itonatinRad thdiloue itptnesa thenmake theron dilogues.St3 Trnslting-Culur salon (altrnativ)(1mis)Qtes fromfamous Pepe Homok: o ini the communicavsks b

9、y referring tosmple dialoues To preview he passge A Part 2 eaand Exloe ( prids)Passae A: eah o a Deam Teachng objective: T gid tudt to gt soias abou BillGaesopon owrdducation; To lead th to cmprehend the aaeb anwring qetinsnd exercisesTeahing connt: Psag raig and qetionnsweringSep 1 Pe- rading Tsks(

10、30mi).eeing anda rief eviso(airworkorouwor)Ask neor two pairs (grous) o cout teir on ialgues2.Warm up actii: Do you kno them?anmmon ang the?rop-out celebritieshdid hey rp out o coleg?Des ucation cunt?What o we etfromeucation?Do y wan t psue gadutetudyaeryou t r A o BS? Why?Step While-reding Tasks (6

11、mns). Fst eding: Awe the followg uestins:1. ho s Bill Gates? hat do ouknow uthm? 2. Wht douhinkof school educaton?.oywant to pure radutesudy afer you ge our BAoS? plin 4. hydo anstudent ite toGatesevry yr? 5. W do somprents rite toGates?6 Whtdoes Gaeshik of dropin ot of schol? ichivrsy dd ats o o? d e radute thaegre? . Manystudet choose t wok fo a we or goi to a uiversy.h do you thk of hs? ecid ht th fllowin tatemns are tru () r false(F)acording to te pasge_1 By “educan counts”, Gates eans thatdcationis mporant toeeone. _ From te pasage we knw thatGatesdropped out


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