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1、2022年考博英语-湖北省联考考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Crimes by children have been rising at a faster rate than the juvenile population. About half of such crimes involve the traditional offenses of the theft, breaking and entering, and vandalism, but serious, violent crimes are going up at a startling rate. Th

2、e rate of armed robbery, rape, and murder by juveniles had doubled in a decade. If all the needs of the adolescent could be met adequately and without delay, without violating laws, there would be no point in violation, and a minimum of internal, indirect, and direct control would suffice to secure

3、conformity. The objection may be made that many violations are committed for the excitement of the violation itself. However, other possibilities for excitement exist besides violating laws and regulations.No complete and generally satisfactory list of needs, either of children or adults, has been c

4、ompiled. There does seem to be essential consensus on the needs for affection, and security. Although these categories do not exhaust the needs of children, they are, at least, a beginning.Only some of the childs needs, particularly those of the adolescent, can be satisfied within the family. The fa

5、mily does, however, also greatly affect the chances the adolescent will have in satisfying his needs in the school, in his peer group, and later, in his occupation. If he is able to satisfy his needs reasonably well outside the home, in socially approved ways, there is less pressure to achieve them

6、through delinquent behavior.As there are limitations upon what can be achieved by indirect and direct control, so also are there limitations as to need satisfactions. Adolescents have wants that must be deferred, at least, such as for foreign sport cars, sexual satisfactions, and adult income and st

7、atus. Likewise, not everyone can be the captain of the football team, the campus queen or the winner of scholarship honors. At present, there is no way that adolescents can always be made to feel loved and secured and no assurance that there will always be something interesting to do. On the other s

8、ide of the ledger, there is always some work to be done to obtain, in a legitimate manner, whatever recognition and privileges are possible.Even though complete and immediate satisfaction of needs is not ordinarily possible, families can go far toward the legitimate satisfaction of needs within the

9、family, and they can prepare and launch the adolescent in his interaction with school, peer group, and occupation, otherwise they can fail almost totally in helping to meet needs in and outside the family through acceptable behavior.1.According to the author, juveniles commit violations because( ).2

10、.The fourth paragraph is written to illustrate that( ) .3.Which of the following should the family do to reduce juvenile delinquency?4.Which of the following themes does the author focus on?问题1选项A.they want to derive pleasure from the violation itselfB.their needs are not satisfied completely and im

11、mediatelyC.violating laws and regulations offers them greater excitementD.not enough control is exercised to make them conform to laws问题2选项A.the important thing is to give children something interesting to doB.all that children need, like adults, are recognition and privilegesC.children can be made

12、to feel loved and secure only at homeD.all the needs of an adolescent cannot be satisfied问题3选项A.Exert direct and indirect control over the child within the family.B.Dont interfere in childrens behavior in or outside the family.C.Try to help the children meet legitimate needs in and outside the famil

13、y.D.Try its best to satisfy all of the childrens needs within the family.问题4选项A.Need satisfaction and juvenile delinquency.B.Adolescents interaction with family, school and society.C.Family affection and development.D.Indirect and direct control over adolescents.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A【解析】第1题:1.根据第

14、一段第四句“If all the needs of the adolescent could be met adequately and without delay, without violating laws, there would be no point in violation.”如果在不违反法律的情况下,能够充分地及时地满足青少年的所有需要,那么青少年就不会犯罪。选项B符合原文。2.根据第四段的二三句,青少年的某些需要必须被推迟,比如外国跑车,性满足,成人的收入和地位。同样,不是每个人都能成为足球队队长、校花或奖学金获得者。作者意在说明并不是青少年所有的需求都能得到满足,选项D正确

15、。3.根据最后一段的内容可知,家庭可以在很大程度上满足家庭内部的需求,并且可以鼓励孩子与学校,同龄人团体以及职业相关的人和事交往互动。即帮助孩子满足家庭内外的合法需求。选项C符合原文。4.结合文章内容可知,本文主要讨论的是满足需要与青少年犯罪,选项A最能概括全文。第2题:第3题:第4题:2. 单选题This ( )was conducted to find out how many people prefer TV series to films.问题1选项A.examinationB.inspectionC.analysisD.survey【答案】D【解析】根据句意:目的在于弄清楚多少人更喜欢看电视连续剧而不是电影。由此可以推断, 这是一项调查, 所以选项D符合语境。3. 单选题It has long been recognized that the immigrant generation often arrives in a new land as pioneers with dreams of making a better life for themselves as well as for their children. The objectives of the first generation are relatively clear:get a j


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