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1、江苏高考英语二轮词汇复习训练模块七 Unit 1 Living with Technology第一部分 基础巩固 一、根据句意及中文提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.The place is _(可到达的)to the public.2. She is o_(反对)to our plan. 3.The young scientist is applying for a _(专利的)on his recent invention.4.Newton discovered many of the important _ (原理)of physics. 5. When Darwin first put f

2、orward his theory of e_(进化), many people doubted it. 6. They _(预料) that the price would go up, so they bought a lot of things in advance.7. I am still s_ (怀疑的) about the solution. It may not be practical or effective.8. It is _(显然的)that he missed the opportunity of being sent abroad to further his s

3、tudy.9. Many companies are required to buy the basic medical_ (保险) for their employees.10. The government is trying to maintain a fast and _ (平稳的) economic development.二、根据方框内所给短语的适当形式完成句子Acontribute to; rely on; along with; wind up; keep pace with; benefit from; have access to; up to1. Would you pl

4、ease _ the car windows_? Its cold.2. Cigarette smoking is a major concern _cancer.3. _the new economic policy, farmers are enjoying a much better life than ever before.4. Communication _information industry plays an important part in modern society.5. Since we have entered the industrial age, our ec

5、onomic development mode has to _the times.6. You can _it that he will turn up at our party since he promised.7. Our government has taken effective measures to make sure every child _compulsory education. 8. This new theatre located near the park can hold_2,000 people at a time. Bin truth; vote on; b

6、e absorbed in; face to face; in general; rid of; for good measure; for some reason1. The committee will _the proposal next week.2. _or other, she turned up at the party a little late yesterday evening.3. Tom pretended not to have heard about it, but_, he knew it two days ago.4. What do you think of

7、the hotel? Its fairly good_, though there is something which needs to be improved.5. _ the fiction, the boy didnt notice my arrival at all.6. He wanted to _ himself _ the burden of the secret. 7. My friend Bruce gave me a nice pen and a beautiful birthday card _.8. Now that you are interested in it,

8、 shall we talk _ sometime next week? 三、根据中文提示完成下列句子 1.约翰洛吉贝尔德于1928年制造出第一台彩色电视机,但是直到1938年第一个彩色电视节目才播出。John Logie Baird constructed the first colour TV in 1928, but _ 1938_ the first colour TV programme was broadcast.2.然而,彩色电视节目直到1951年才得以在美国定期播出,其间经历了二十多年的时间。It took more than two decades, _, until 195

9、1, for regular colour TV broadcasts to begin in the USA. 3.同时,电子元器最终变得很小。到六十年代后期,便携式录音机被研制了出来。电视台使用的录相机也随之出现。Meanwhile, electrical components eventually became so small that, by the late 1960s, portable cassette players were developed, along with video recorders _ were used by TV stations.(P3)4.当你在做

10、某项研究时,你可能想要尽快地得到一些特定的信息。You may want to obtain some specific information _ when you are doing research. (P3) 5.例如:无论在什么情况下,当电话铃声响起时,为了能接电话,一切都要停下来。For example, _ the circumstances, when the phone rings, everything stops so that the call can be answered. (P14)第二部分 能力提升(一)单项填空1. .Frank put the medicin

11、e into a top drawer to make sure it would not be _ to the kids.A. accessible B. able C. available D. alternative2. Her mother had been worrying about her until she finally _. A. wound up B. took up C. turned up D. held up3. After graduation, he decided to _ a state-owned company for a job to support

12、 himself. A. apply to B. turn to C. deal with D. supply with4. The meeting would be put off but it was strongly demanded that it _ as planned. A. holds B. held C. be held D. should hold5.Whatdoyouwanttodonext?Wehavehalfanhouruntilthebasketballgame. _.Whateveryouwanttodoisfinewithme. (04 浙江)A.Itjustd

13、epends B.ItsuptoyouC.Allright D.Gladtohearthat6. The rapid increase of private cars _ a lot to over-crowdedness in cities.A. turns B. comes C. contributes D. adds7. I think you should _ the doctor about your arm. A. pay a visit to B. give a visit on C. offer visit to D. make a visit on8. John _sat a

14、t the head of the table with his wife next to him. Which of the following cant replace the underlined word.A. seated B. seated himself C. was seated D. took a seat9. At first he did not realize that he had succeeded in making a computer that ran on solar power(太阳能). “Realize” in the sentence means “


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