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1、第二学期教学计划进度表周次教 学 内 容总课时 1字母Aa-Kk Unit 1 Hello52字母Ll-Qq Unit 1 Hello53字母Rr-Zz Unit2 My classmates54Unit2 My classmates 55Unit3 My face56Unit3 My face 57Unit 4 I can sing 58Unit 4 I can sing 59Unit 5 My family 510Unit 5 My family5第二学期教学计划进度表周次教 学 内 容总课时 11Unit6 My friends512Unit6 My friends513Revision

2、 1514Unit 7 Lets count515Unit 8 Apples , please516Unit9 May I have a pie 517Unit10 0n the farm 518Unit 11 In the zoo 519 Unit 12 In the park 520(Unit 1-12 )Revision521第一单元教学要点课 题Unit 1 Hello 教 学目 的要 求Can say some simple greeting words and use them in daily life 教材分析重点Hello ,Hi , 难点 Goodbye ,Good mor

3、ning ,Good afternoon, morning, afternoon课时划分1-3课时(lets talk ) 4-5课时(Lets learn /enjoy) 6课时(lets play )7课时(lets act)8课时(workbook Unit1)9-10课时(课堂跟踪)第 二 单元教学要点课 题Unit 2 My classmates 教 学目 的要 求1. Understand simple instructions and act accordingly.2. Use simple expressions and structures to interact with

4、 others. 3Recognise basic words in familiar contexts. 4. Ask and answer questions about personal information.5. Use proper pronunciation and intonation.教材分析重点Give me please .(ruler ,rubber ,book ,pencil )难点Give me a rubber ,please Here you are Thank you 课时划分1-2课时(lets talk )3-4课时(lets learn )5-6课时(l

5、ets play )7课时(lets act)8课时(workbook Unit2)9-10课时(课堂跟踪)第三单元教学要点课 题Unit3 My face 教 学目 的要 求1. Understand simple instructions and act accordingly.2 .Use English to communicate with others while playing games.3. Recognise basic words in familiar contexts.4. Follow the recording and say simple sentences.5

6、. Use proper pronunciation and intonation.教材分析重点This is my 难点eye ,mouth,face,nose,ear,课时划分1-2课时(lets talk )3-4课时(lets learn)5-6课时(lets play )7课时(lets act)8课时(workbook Unit3)9-10课时(课堂跟踪)第四单元教学要点课 题Unit4 I can sing 教 学目 的要 求1. Understand simple instructions and act accordingly.2. Use simple expression

7、s and structures to interact with others.3Recognize basic words in familiar contexts.4. Ask and answer questions about personal information.5. Use proper pronunciation and intonation.教材分析重点I can 难点Dance ,read ,sing ,draw .课时划分1-2课时(lets talk )3-4课时(lets learn )5-6课时(lets play )7课时(lets act)8课时(workb

8、ook Unit4)9-10课时(课堂跟踪)第五单元教学要点课 题Unit5 my family 教 学目 的要 求1. Understand simple instructions and act accordingly.2. Use simple expressions and structures to interact with others.3Recognise basic words in familiar contexts.4. Ask and answer questions about personal information.5. Use proper pronunciat

9、ion and intonation.教材分析重点Grandfather ,grandermother ,father ,mother ,me难点Hes /shes my =he is /she is my 课时划分1-2课时(lets talk )3-4课时(lets learn )5-6课时(lets play )7课时(lets act)8课时(workbook Unit5)9-10课时(课堂跟踪)第六单元教学要点课 题Unit 6 my friends 教 学目 的要 求1. dentify/point to pictures/objects by listening to simpl

10、e words.2.Say simple words,phrases or sentences by looking at objects,pictures or actions .教材分析重点Hes /shes 难点fat ,thin ,tall ,short .课时划分1-2课时(lets talk )3-4课时(lets learn )5-6课时(lets play )7课时(lets act)8课时(workbook Unit6)9-10课时(课堂跟踪)第七单元教学要点课 题 Unit7 lets count 教 学目 的要 求Understand simple instruction

11、s and act accordingly.Say simple words, phrases or sentences by looking at objects, pictures or actions.Ask questions to find out information.Use English to communicate with others while playing games.Use proper pronunciation and intonation.教材分析重点How many ?难点One ,two ,three,four ,five ,six .课时划分1-2课

12、时(lets talk )3-4课时(lets learn )5-6课时(lets play )7课时(lets act)8课时(workbook Unit7)9-10课时(课堂跟踪)第八单元教学要点课 题Unit 8 apples,please 教 学目 的要 求Understand simple instructions and act accordingly.Say simple words, phrases or sentences by looking at objects, pictures or actions.Ask questions to find out informat

13、ion.Use English to communicate with others while playing games.Use proper pronunciation and intonation.教材分析重点Apple,please .难点Apple,pear,peach,orange .课时划分1-2课时(lets talk )3-4课时(lets learn )5-6课时(lets play )7课时(lets act)8课时(workbook Unit9)9-10课时(课堂跟踪)第九单元教学要点课 题Unit9 May I have a pie?教 学目 的要 求Underst

14、and simple instructions and act accordingly.Say simple words, phrases or sentences by looking at objects, pictures or actions.Ask questions to find out information.Use English to communicate with others while playing games.Use proper pronunciation and intonation.教材分析重点May I have please ?难点Hamburger ,pizza ,cake ,pie .课时划分1-2课时(lets talk )3-4课时(lets learn )5-6课时(lets play )7课时(lets a


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