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1、2022年考博英语-哈尔滨工业大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 翻译题Chinas prolonged silence about its destruction of the Feng Yun 1-C satellite, which it launched in 1999, has been almost as unnerving to its potential enemies (American, Japan and Taiwan especially) as the experiment itself. It was only this week-12 days after

2、 the event that China grudgingly admitted that it had tested something in space. This has led to speculation that China will not describe openly what actually happened. A foreign-ministry spokesman insisted that China would not engage in an arms race in space. Yet it is hard to see the test other th

3、an as a display of Chinas ability to challenge American space power. It has triggered a chorus of complaint from Western powers, as well as from neighboring Japan and Taiwan. China says it did brief American and Japanese officials, among others, on what happened -but not, it appears, until just befo

4、re it confirmed the test to the press.China will doubtless insist that the Americans can hardly complain, American and the former Soviet Union tested anti-satellite weapons, albeit more than 20 years ago. George Bush has refused to talk to China about a proposal it raised in 2002, with Russias backi

5、ng, for a treaty outlawing the weaponisation of space. Mr. Bush authorized a new national space policy in August last years that irked the Chinese. It defended Americans right to use space for defense and intelligence gathering purposes as well as to stop adversaries from using space in ways that th

6、reaten American national interests.【答案】摧毁这枚自己在1999年发射的风云1-C卫星后,中国一直都不动声色。这几乎与 试验本身一样,让中国潜在的敌人(美国、日本、尤其是台湾)感到惴惴不安。直到本周,也就是摧毁卫星12天后,中国才勉强承认在太空中进行过某个试验。这不免让人怀疑,中国不会公开描述实际发生了什么。中国外交部发言人坚称,中国不会参与太空军备竞赛。然而,除了将此次测试视为中国能力的展示之外,很难看到其他任何迹象。这引发了西方列强以及邻国日本和台湾的一致抱怨。中国说,它确实向美国和日本官员以及其他国家的官员简要介绍了发生的情况,但似乎是在向媒体证实朝鲜

7、试射导弹之前才这样做的。毫无疑问,中国会认为美国人没什么可抱怨的。美国和前苏联就曾试验过反卫星武器, 尽管这还是20多年前的事了。乔治布什还拒绝就中国在2002年提出并得到俄罗斯 持的一项关于签署“太空禁武”条约的建议与中国进行对话。去年8月布什批准出台的国家太空新政策也惹恼了中国人。该政策维护了美国将太空用于各种目的的权利,其中包括防卫、收集情报以及阻止“对手”采取危及美国“国家利益”的方式利用太空。2. 翻译题过去十年间,中国手机网络的发展可谓有目共睹,几乎每年都会新增约八千万用户, 但据英国广播公司报道,在某种程度上,真正的通讯革命才刚刚开始。今年,中国将取代美国成为世界最大的智能手机市

8、场。对很多中国人来说,智能手机使他们第一次拥有了通向互联网的私人路径。这对于信息技术开发商、尤其是移动手机应用程序开发商来说是非比寻常的机遇。那么,应用程序开发商是怎么在中国赚到钱的呢? 一种方法就是尝试“应用内销售” 一一他们推出免费的应用程序,一旦用户被吸引,再以较低的价格卖给他们体验增强版。 虽然中国的用户只愿意出几分钱来购买升级服务,但只要想想用户多达数百万,加在一起很快就是一大笔钱。不过,对于非游戏类应用程序开发商来说,要发展就得依靠广告收益。【答案】The mobile network growth in China has been remarkable, with some 8

9、0 million new users joining every year for the past decade. But to some extent, the real communications revolution has only just begun, BBC reported.This year, China will overtake America as the worlds biggest Smartphone market. For many Chinese, the Smartphone offers them their first personal acces

10、s to Internet. This is an extraordinary opportunity for information technology developers, especially mobile app developers.So how then does an app developer make money in China? One way is to try in-app salesthey offer free apps and once users are hooked, they will sell them an enhanced version of

11、the experience at a lower price. Although users in China may be only willing to pay a few cents for the enhanced service, when youre talking millions of users, that can soon add up to a lot of money. But, for non-game app developers, there must be advertising revenue to move forward.3. 翻译题If asked t

12、o give one example of a successful innovation in the past 10 years, what would come to mind first? Apples shiny cool gadgets like the IPhone and the IPad? Or the emergence of social networking sites such as the Facebook and its various copycats?We admit these devices and applications have greatly ch

13、anged our lifestyle. We have never before felt so connected and social networking sites are powerful tools in motivating people to take part in worthy social and civic causes.We chum out one nifty gadget after another, with bigger screens and less buttons. We tweak text and photo-sharing social netw

14、orking sites to create a new product to share, perhaps audios and videos. All of these are wonderful, but what about truly groundbreaking and visionary endeavors that will profoundly change the world and human life?Or, is something wrong with our technological development? Steve Blank, writing in Th

15、e Huffinton Post, blamed social networking and social media companies such as Face book for stifling innovation. Blank teaches entrepreneurship at Stanford, Columbia and the US National Science Foundation Innovation Corps. He advises people, especially venture capitalists (VC), who want to commercia

16、lize inventions.Blank argues that the success of Face book and other social networking and social media companies is diverting venture capital from serious research with a more uncertain payoff. He is talking about research that truly visionary VCs should be supporting.Instead of “investing in a blockbuster cancer drug that will pay them nothing for 15 years”, Blank says VCs are throwing their money at th



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