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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Unit 5 It must belong to Carla单元同步测试 / 满分100分,限时80分钟班级_ 姓名_ 得分_.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.The girl has a sweet_,and many people love to listen to her songs. A. sound B.voice C.noise D.song 2 .What _in the neighborhood last night? A. happen B

2、. happened C.was happened D. is happening 3.Could I go to the movie this weekend,Dad? Yes,you _.But you have to come back before nine. A. shall B.must C.need D. can 4.They wi11 _get there a little later,for the traffic is so busy at the moment. A. hardly B. differently C.slowly D. possibly 5.Look!Th

3、e light is out in her room. She _have gone to bed already. A. may B. can C.must D. should 6.Girl Students _ 56% of the students in our schoo1. A.make up B. deal with C. catch up with D. belong to 7.We have _all the sugar,so we have to buy some today. A.used up B.turned up C.picked up D. given up 8.F

4、red didnt go to the party not _the weather but _he didnt feel well. A.becauseof;because B. because;becauseof C.because;because D. because of;because of 9.You _be tired.You have been only working for an hour. A.mustnt B. wont C.may not D. cant 10.She was very _because she couldnt find her mobile phon

5、e. A. pleased B.strange C.carelessly D.anxious 11.The new basketball _Dave.He bought it yesterday. A.is belonging B.is belonged C.be longs D.belongs to 12.If Richard _go tomorrow,we all wont go,either. A.dont B.didnt C.doesnt D.wont 13.What will you send to your sister as a Christmas gift? I havent

6、decided yet.I _ send her a hand bag. A. shall B. may C. must D. used to 14.Whose notebook is this? It _be Nings.It has her name on it. A. need B. can C. must D. shall 15.It is reported that it will rain heavily next Saturday. _.Were planning to go boating that day. A.I dont think so B.I hope so C.Im

7、 afraid not D. I hope not.完形填空(共10小题海小题1分,满分10分) 通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。Gareth looked at the beautiful stones in the bags. “I will not be 1 until the bag is full.I must find some more,”he said.As Gareth went into the forest,he saw someone 2 stones.It was Brog.He put many stones into a bag

8、.Gareth liked those stones very much. “ 3 can I get those stones from him?”Gareth though.”1 know, I11 make a trade(交易)with him.” “Excuse me!ld like to have a word with you,”Gareth shouted. Brog 4 and turned around. “What do you want?” “My name is Gareth and this forest belongs to me.Im afraid all th

9、ose stones that youve got in your bag are 5 .”“Yours?Since when have you owned the forest?” “I have always owned it,but I will be happy to make a trade.Why dont you come 6 me to my house?You can 7 anything you like. All I ask for is that you 8 me keep something in your bag.”Gareth felt quite proud t

10、hat hed come up with 9 a great idea. Brog followed Gareth back to his house.Then he saw a(n) 10 in the kitchen,and he knew what he wanted. “1 want her,”he said. “You want my wife?”Gareth was worried.Should he keep his word and live alone?1.A. happy B. worried C.sad D. afraid2.A. cutting up B. pickin

11、g up C.setting up D. cleaning up3.A. When B. Wlly C How D. Where4.A. stopped B. left C.dropped D. refused5.A. hers B. yours C.mine D. his6.A. by B. from C.out D. with7.A. lift B. choose C.chase D. destroy8.A. let B. ask C.help D. allow9.A. even B. such C.so D. only10.A.boy B. monster C.alien D. woma

12、n.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 AI found a black backpack on September 10.It was 10 oclock in the morning. I found it in a taxi.It was on the front seat of the taxi.I think it probably belongs to the passenger who took the taxi before me.I took the taxi in front of Beihai P

13、ark.In the backpack there are three bank cards,one ID card and an MP5 player.The owner of the backpack can call me at 13809189190 or write to . David I lost a wallet on September 12.It was brown.I lost it at about 11:00 am. when I was taking Subway Line 5.There were two bank cards,my ID card and five hundred yuan in it.I am very anxious.Theis very important to me.It was given to me by my grandmother who died last year.If you find it,please call me or e-mail me.My telephone numbe


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