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1、Listn andRespondTk On Focusingn inIdeahos the sanswerto colte each of he foowi sentecesaccordg tothe nmatio containedin the stnin psage.1 Theser believetatur sues inlifeies n _.A) wkingwell wt other ppeB) big gre player in teamC) rkig ith geat perlie Mche JoranD) performinga secfc role in tea Te pak

2、cits c ordn as an exmple because _A) Michael Jord ays ver iportant e in a temB) he nts to onvince pple of the importanc f team wo)greaplayers re vitlfor a teamD) Micel ordan isan inspirig eapl o success3 Acording o te speakr,h conept o tewok ide aplieinmay laces EXE _.)in schl ) nthe worplaceC)i por

3、s ) in at4 I i the peakers pinio tatifou n to ecoauessful olestdentyu ned t _.A) wor had at you courses B) do soelawrkC) cooprate wl with otersD) do some pretsTaskwo Zooming n nhe DtailsLst t he recordin again ad ill in ech o he lnaccrdi to what y haveherd 1 hough Mihael Jordans a grepayer, h silla

4、tooperte ell withhitem embers o in a me.Becaus vey mmber of hsa has a cic rle , d evry mmber oteteamis tal to h sucs o the eam2 thworplace, it is impotnt t be readed as templaer, or n oe perso caul a ailra or aeanairlne.Sucesin col can so lyn mwork. Being soal reatures, we ant scapeaving tb eam pae

5、.Redan EpoTaOne Discoverin he Main deas Answr th ollowing qusiosith the inomatio cntaidin Text A.1) Wy is i an eential requree o ny employethat anotntial empeeis a temlayr?eaus ny eployent invlves morethano person,i is essential thatny emloyeeshold wk wll with other eopl.) hat does n eplayer mean on

6、 he epr lee?On a deeperlevl, beig a team layer mans ingable t payar in the team,to achieve and supprthe goals e an agred upo byt team.3) hat istduty of team caan?Te utofth team catainst give diectin tothe tea, in stategy, motivation and inspiratio hile also layin arol as a eer he a4)Whysoulda lde of

7、 a orprte tam have the lalty of tsmembers?cuse ifteta s not lya to the leaer, te tm embrs wl no listeto he leadr and the bjeiesof compnywold not hieve5) W i“oneess” necsary partof he crpor cure?Bcause th sccessof the eamreie compltl n v ember othe team performngtheir roe d rsposbiits fohe sam oorat

8、gas robjective.6) Hw olda cmetent leer dealwta tam embrs ew id? competet ader shld ot let fec his judmt n whethr he idea iccal r not.7) f hedea of aam memberis udinaproriate,ho shoul h r se ct propery?H or she should not take the rejectionf e ide prsonay. Isted,he rshe soud cepohes opinion nd tll ca

9、rry ot is r e duy. Tet A can bdiidd itothre pas withheparagraph numb(s) fachpart provdd a fllws. Wit dwn the ain ida of eachpart.Part:One; Paagrp(s): 1- 2; Mai de:t s esenti reirentof nyemmentt ny otentialemlyee s team player.Par: Tw; Paragap():3;Min Ide: compnis jstlik a foball am. very meehs hdtyt

10、 hep chiev the eamsgol ad the rightoofrides.Pa: Thre; Paragrh(s):215; Mai Ie: I you ar not happy in ouwkng vironment, tryto find ouif hre is ytin wrn wth yu your tem.TasTw aing Btween the LineRead h folowig sncecaful anddicus in pairwhat the authrtends o say by the talize pts.1) Ithere ioneplyemissi

11、g, the tea s hancappe. (aa. 4)., he emcnnot funct properly2) Egos don pa any pa inteamw. (Pa. 5)Ther is n room for egoin team3) n everytionof he team, hobjecve ofthe company, ad / or, businesssrategy, MUT befir andfoeost.(Para 8). is undoubtedlyt mst imorat. (heobject f the cmpny ough to consded th mostipotant.)4) It oes notmea that yosholdmerel follo the ed.(Para. 9). d ustat evrone se dos.5) If or leader o am mbes see tha y cnandlerejecto of you dea n mature manner, is on oyou on redit. (Para. 10). t is onlyto yuadvtage./ . t only n ourfavour.Cekin ur Vocabularyord Detive1 C



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