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1、2022年考博英语-哈尔滨工业大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题We are good at inventing way to enlarge our realm. Repeatedly we find methods of spreading farther. If an element is forbidding, we devise a means to master it. Reaching the continental shores, we developed ship-building and navigational skills in order to cr

2、oss oceans. Shivering at arctic weather, we designed for clothing and snug shelters in order to edge northward. And, having first occupied much of the usable space in the world, we are filling its usable time. Although being wakeful at night flouted our natural rhythms, we developed artificial light

3、ing that let us be active after dark.An era is now under way in which we are replacing our cyclic community with activities that never stop. There is widespread factory shift work. Airports, gasoline stations, hotels, restaurants and broadcasters operate incessantly. Data-processing departments of i

4、nsurance companies and banks are astir all night. Meanwhile, isolated individuals bend over books and papers on desks in their homes, watch television after midnight, or walk in the streets and listen to the night breathe.This extension across all hours of the day resembles our spreading across the

5、face of the Earth. Look at both trends from enough perspective in distance and time and they appear alike. Hover far above the planet and watch it as it spins throughout the eras. With the planets surface in daylight, little human settlements can be seen to grow larger as the years go by and small e

6、xtensions appear at their outskirts. Watch the surface when it is in night and at first some pinpoints of light flicker for a while and then go out. After ages pass, those light become stronger; they stay on longer, and other glimmerings appear nearby. Day and night, over thousands of years, reveal

7、to us widening networks of human settlements and illumination being prolonged after dark. The surface is not uniformly occupied. The hours are not uniformly lit. But both are advancing in order.Both forms of expansion are frontiers. A frontier is a new source of resources that people use for subsist

8、ence or for profit. It is also a safety valve for people who feel confined. They disperse in response to pressures at home and to appealing opportunities elsewhere.Now, venturing into the night, we have the same motives as our predecessors who migrated geographically. The daytime is too crowded. Its

9、 carrying capacity is being strained, and still it does not yield alt that the community wants. The chance to exploit facilities that are left idle also arouses our initiative to use more of the night. Using the same space more of the time is a way to multiply its capacity. Some people dislike the c

10、ommotion of the day and crave the serenity of night. Others look to it to better themselves economically. It is no accident that personal motives for relief and opportunity are similar to the causes of expansion for the community as a whole. Those are the age-old forces behind all migrations.1.The p

11、rimary purpose of the passage is to( ) .2.The examples the author cites in Para.2 (“There is night”)illustrate a blurring of( )3.In context, the use of “Look”, “Hover,” and “Watch”(in Para.3) is intended to( ).4.In Para. 3, both most directly refers to( ) .5.Which of the following activities provide

12、s the best example of the way to multiply as discussed in the last paragraph?问题1选项A.persuade readers to increase their use of nighttime hoursB.argue that constant human activity is harmful to individuals and groupsC.explore how the changing use of time is related to the history of human expansionD.c

13、ritique the way in which changing labor patterns have come to dominate human life问题2选项A.ambition and greedB.solitude and companionshipC.the uses of nighttime and of daytimeD.the purposes of work and of recreation问题3选项A.warn readers of the threat of unbounded migrationB.invite readers to imagine huma

14、n history visuallyC.prepare readers to anticipate change and its consequencesD.promote the use of nighttime hours for work or leisure activities问题4选项A.worker productivity and national wealthB.scientific knowledge and individual well-beingC.competing work demands and available timeD.inhabited space a

15、nd usable time问题5选项A.Conducting evening classes in public school buildingsB.Keeping municipal offices open during the lunch hourC.Enforcing curfew laws in residential neighborhoodsD.Adding more buildings to a factory complex【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.本题是问这篇文章的写作目的,A项意为“为了规劝读者多加利用他们的午夜时间”;B项意

16、为“为了讨论持续的人类活动对个人和团体是有害 的”;C项意为“为了探讨对于不断利用时间与人们扩张的历史之间是如何联系的”;D 项意为“为了批判不断变化的劳动方式已经主宰了人类的生活”。本题可通过文中出现 的“spreading”、“edge northward、“This extension across all hours of the day” 以及 “Day and night, over thousands of years, reveal to us widening networks of human settlements and illumination being prolonged after dark.日以继夜地,几千年以来,


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