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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑牛津上海版高中一年级第一学期Unit,4,Entertainment,Surprises,at,the,studio教案 Entertainment - Surprises at the studio Designer: 【 教材分析 】 这篇课文属于消遣新闻题材,是一篇小说节选。故事的两位仆人公分别为 Mandy 和Angela,故事背景设置在一个摄影棚内,故事情节为 Mandy 和 Angela 参与了一个电视竞赛类节目的录制,在录制过程中,发生了许多令人意想不到的大事,最终 Angela 意外地获得了此次竞赛的大奖。从本文的标题来看,surprise

2、为串起全文的关键词,全篇文章共消失了一位参赛者在节名目制前五分钟意外晕倒、Angela 猎取参赛资格表现精彩、Angela 赢得大奖三处 surprises。从本文的语言来看,尽管故事篇幅较长,但语言难度不高;从语言的结构来看,故事采纳顺叙的方式,消失了很多诸如five minutes until we start filming, ten seconds, twenty-five minutes later等表示时间挨次的关键词,有助于同学理清故事进展的脉络;从文章内容来看,主要以对话、细节描写和心理活动描写来刻画人物性格,浅显易懂。 【 重点、难点分析】 1. 把握故事类体裁的基本要素人物

3、、环境、情节。 2. 理清故事进展的不同阶段,从而关心同学把握文章主题,找出文章中消失的 surprises。 3. 体会针对不同人物所使用的不同动词,如 whisper,faint,shout, gasp, boom 等,从而理解对不同人物性格的刻画。 【 学情分析】 此节课的授课对象为高一班级平行班,相对于前四个重点特色班,不管是词汇量还是口语表达都比较弱。而且,这是同学在高中阶段第一次接触故事类体裁的文章,如何此类体裁的课文,需要老师给与指导。由于本文是一篇小说节选,篇幅较长,基本以对话的形式呈现,内容比较散,因此老师在授课时,需要让同学留意表示时间挨次的词、推动故事情节进展的动词等来把

4、握主题。 Teaching objectives: 1. To help students get a general idea of the whole text through the three elements of a story: characters, setting and plot. 2. To help students understand the leading characters personalities by paying special attention to the use of different verbs: whisper, faint, shout

5、, gasp, boom, etc. 3. To raise students awareness of taking a proper attitude towards challenge. Teaching procedures Ses Learning activities Purposes Pre-reading Ex A on p.46 What do you know about To make students familiar with the four types of TV programmes and lead in the topic quickly. While-re

6、ading 1. Ask students to skim the title, the introductory paragraph and the picture in the text and make a prediction about what happened. To remind SS of the fact that the title, the introductory paragraph and the pictures often help to get a general idea of the text. 2. Ask students to read the te

7、xt quickly and find out the three elements of the story. To help SS to explore the three basic elements of the story. 3. Scan the text to fill in the blanks by writing down some key words, mainly verbs. To help SS to clarify the plot of the story. 4. To have students find the words and expressions t

8、hat help describe each characters personality. To enable SS to find out the personality of each character by analyzing the text. Post-reading 1. Fill in the proper words to summarize the story. To cultivate SS ability to summarize. 2. Pair work: One acts as Xiao Xuan, a journalist from CCTV, who is

9、interviewing Angela after the quiz. The To help SS output what they have learned in class by means of an interview. other acts as Angela. 3. Food for thought: If you were Angela, would you meet the challenge to be the contestant? Why? To raise students awareness of taking a proper attitude towards challenge. Assignment 1. Role reading the story. 2. Do the exercises E on Page 48-49. 3. Suppose you are Angela, write in your diary about what happened at the studio? 第 1 页 共 1 页


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