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1、本科毕业论文(设计)贡菊花与野菊花薄层色谱鉴别方法的研究 安徽新华学院本科毕业论文(设计)独创承诺书本人按照毕业论文(设计)进度计划积极开展实验(调查)研究活动,实事求是地做好实验(调查)记录,所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除文中特别加以标注引用参考文献资料外,论文(设计)中所有数据均为自己研究成果,不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的工作已在论文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。毕业论文(设计)作者签名: 日期: 安徽新华学院本科毕业论文(设计)贡菊花与野菊花薄层色谱鉴别方法的研究 摘 要 目的对贡菊花和野菊


3、层色谱鉴别。从色谱图直观分析,贡菊花和野菊花中均含有绿原酸和蒙花苷,但其含量存在差异,本研究内容为贡菊花和野菊花的薄层色谱指纹图谱分析奠定了基础。关键词:贡菊花;野菊花; 绿原酸; 蒙花苷; 薄层色谱法 Study on identification of the tribute chrysanthemum and wild chrysanthemum of thin-layer chromatography AbstractPurpose:Compared to identify the tribute chrysanthemum and wild chrysanthemum ,and fi

4、nd the right TLC method to identify them from the chemical composition.Method: Making a TLC identification test on the chlorogenic acid and Linarin in the tribute chrysanthemum and wild chrysanthemum according to the literature method and improvement method.Outcome: The second method to identify chl

5、orogenic acid with Linarin in the tribute chrysanthemum and wild chrysanthemum is easy to operate, and chromatographic spots is clear, and separation is good, the tribute chrysanthemums and wild chrysanthemums test products for chromatography, The corresponding position in the chlorogenic acid refer

6、ence standard chromatographic have the same color fluorescent spots, The tribute chrysanthemums spots slightly darker than wild chrysanthemums spots;The corresponding position in the Linarin reference standard chromatographic have the same color fluorescent spots, The wild chrysanthemums spot is not

7、iceably brighter than the tribute chrysanthemums spots.Conclusion: Compare the experimental results of the tribute chrysanthemum and wild chrysanthemum, The second method to identify chlorogenic acid with Linarin in the tribute chrysanthemum and wild chrysanthemum is good on specificity, reproducibi

8、lity which can be used to make a TLC to identify The tribute chrysanthemum with wild chrysanthemum . Visual analysis from the chromatogram ,the tribute chrysanthemum and wild chrysanthemum both contain the chlorogenic acid and Linarin, but differ in their contents. The content of this study laid the

9、 foundation for making a thin-layer chromatographic fingerprint analysis for the tribute chrysanthemum and wild chrysanthemum .Keywords: the tribute chrysanthemum; wild chrysanthemum; chlorogenic acid; Linarin; thin-layer chromatographyII目 录 前言.11实验材料.21.1 仪器.21.2 试药.22 试验方法.22.1 试剂的配制.22.2 供试品的制备.2

10、2.2.1以绿原酸为对照品时供试品溶液的制备.22.2.2以蒙花苷为对照品时供试品溶液的制备.32.3对照品溶液的制备.32.3.1绿原酸对照品的制备.32.3.2蒙花苷对照品的制备.32.4鉴别试验.32.4.1贡菊花和野菊花中绿原酸的鉴别.32.4.2 贡菊花和野菊花中蒙花苷的鉴别.43 实验结果.64 讨论.74.1吸附材料.74.2 展开系统 .74.3 显色方法.74.4 检识条件.84.5试验温度 .8综述.91菊花的临床应用.101.1眩晕.101.2眼疾.101.3偏头痛.111.4急慢性咽炎.111.5溃疡性结肠炎.112野菊花的临床应用.122.1治疗盆腔炎.122.2预防昏迷患者口臭及口腔炎的发生.122.3治疗新生儿尿布皮炎.122.4治疗儿童疱疹性咽峡炎.132.5预防治疗高血脂症.132.6慢性支气管炎.132.7治疗前列腺电切术后急迫性尿失禁.


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