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1、2022年考博英语-通用考博英语考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Indulging in seeking leisure and material comfort.B.Attaching too much importance to independence.C.Failing to care for parents in the traditional way.D.Leaving their parents on the ver

2、ge of starvation.问题2选项A.They have great difficulty living by themselves.B.They have little hope of getting any family care.C.They have fond memories of their good old days.D.They have a sense of independence and autonomy.问题3选项A.People in many parts of the world preferred small-size families.B.There

3、have been extended families in most parts of the world.C.Many elderly people were unwilling to take care of their grandchildren.D.So many young Americans refused to live together with their parents.25.问题4选项A.Leave their younger generations alone.B.Avoid being a burden to their children.C.Stay health

4、y by engaging in joyful activities.D.View things from their childrens perspective.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:B【解析】Recording ThreeI would like particularly to talk about the need to develop a new style of aging in our own society. 22 Young people in this country have been accused of not caring for their

5、parents the way they would have in the old country. And this is true. 23 But it is also true that old people have been influenced by an American ideal of independence and autonomy. So, we live alone, perhaps on the verge of starvation in time without friends. But we are independent. This standard Am

6、erican style has been forced on every ethnic group, although there are many groups for whom the ideal is not practical. It is a poor ideal and pursuing it does a great deal of harm. This ideal of independence also contains a tremendous amount of unselfishness.In talking to todays young mothers, I ha

7、ve asked them what kind of grandmothers they think they are going to be. I hear devoted loving mothers say that when they are through raising their children, they have no intention of becoming grandmothers. 24 Theyre astonished to hear that in most of the world, throughout most of its history, famil

8、ies have been three-or four-generation families, living under the same roof. We have overemphasized the small family unitfather, mother, small children. We think it is wonderful if grandma and grandpa, if theyre still alive, can live alone. We have reached the point where we think the only thing we

9、can do for our children is to stay out of their way. And the only thing we can do for our daughter-in-law is to see as little of her as possible. Old peoples nursing homes, even the best one, are filled with older people who believe the only thing they can do for their children is to look cheerful w

10、hen they come to visit. 25 So in the end, older people have to devote all their energies to not being a burden.We are beginning to see what a tremendous price weve paid for our emphasis on independence and autonomy. Weve isolated old people and weve cut off the children from their grandparents. One

11、of the reasons we have as bad a generation gap today as we do is that grandparents have stepped out. Young people are being deprived of the thing they need mostperspectiveto know why their parents behave so peculiarly and why their grandparents say the things they do.22. What have young Americans be

12、en accused of?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问美国的年轻人被指责什么?录音开头提到,美国的年轻人被指责没有像过去一样照顾他们的父母(not caring for their parents the way they would have in the old country),C选项“没有按照以往的传统来照顾父母”是录音原文的同义表述,因此正确。A选项“沉溺于追求休闲和物质上的舒适”在录音中并未提及;B选项“过分注重独立”,利用录音中的independence设置干扰,录音中说的是美国的老年人深受独立自主的理想的影响,并没有提及年轻人过分注重独立,因此可排除;D选项“让他们的父母

13、食不果腹”,利用录音中的on the verge of starvation设置干扰,录音说的是老年人因深受独立思想的影响,选择自己独自生活,以致可能挨饿,生病时身边没有朋友。父母食不果腹并不是年轻人造成的,因此D选项不正确。23. What does the speaker say about old people in the United States?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问的是说话人对美国的老年人的看法。录音中提到,美国的老年人确实深受独立自主的理想的影响(influenced by an American ideal of independence and autonomy

14、),D选项“他们有独立和自主的意识”与录音原文表述一致,因此正确。A选项“他们独自生活有很大的困难”,录音中只是提及他们(老年人)可能会挨饿,生病时身边没有朋友,但并没有说这是很大的困难,因此可排除;B选项“他们几乎没有希望得到任何家人的照顾”和C选项“他们对过去的日子有着美好的回忆”在录音中没有信息提及,因此不选。24. What is astonishing to the young mothers interviewed by the speaker?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问说话人采访的年轻妈妈们对什么感到惊讶?录音中提到,她们惊讶的是,世界上大多数地方的人们,在历史上多数时期里

15、都是三、四代人生活在同一个屋檐下,B选项“世界上大多数地方都有大家庭”与录音原文表述相符,因此正确。A选项“世界上许多地方的人都更喜欢小家庭”很明显与录音原文表述相反,所以不正确;C选项“许多老人不愿意照顾他们的子孙”和D选项“美国太多的年轻人拒绝和他们的父母生活在一起”在录音中没有信息提及,所以排除。25. What does the speaker say older people try their best to do?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问老年人尽力做什么?录音中提到,老年人相信他们能为孩子做的唯一的事情就是当孩子来看望他们时,尽量表现得快乐,把所有的精力都用来避免成为一个负担(not being a burden),因此B选项“避免成为子女的负担”符合录音原文表述,因此正确。A选项“不打扰他们的年轻一代”;C选项“参与快乐的活动以维持身体健康”和D项“站在孩子们的角度看待事情”在录音中均没有提及,因此排除。2. 单选题The acoustics in this meeting room are not very good, so if you wish to be heard clearly, you must remember to speak out.问题1选项A.areB.soC.wish to be heardD.speak outE.没


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