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1、2022年考博英语-中国矿业大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题The patients progress was encouraging, as he could( )get out of bed without help.问题1选项A.onlyB.nearlyC.hardlyD.badly【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。空格后是动词,因此空格处填入副词修饰。A选项only“只,仅仅”;B选项nearly“差不多;密切地”;C选项hardly“几乎不;刚刚”;D选项badly“非常;严重地”。句意:病人的进步是令人鼓舞的,因为他不需要帮助就能下床。由句中“encouragin

2、g”可知,此处表示病人“几乎不需要帮助就可下床”,因此B选项正确。2. 单选题Some of these online services are free, while others( )a charge.问题1选项A.carryB.cashierC.coincideD.collect【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:有些网络服务是免费的,但是其他的需要付费。carry “包含”;cashier “解雇”;coincide “同时发生”;collect “收集”。根据句意,选项A符合题意。3. 单选题You cannot imagine how I feel( )with my dut

3、ies sometimes.问题1选项A.overflowedB.overthrownC.overwhelmedD.overturned【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项overflow“溢出;挤满”;B选项overthrow“推翻;瓦解;背弃”;C选项overwhelm“淹没;压倒;受打击”;D选项overturn“推翻;倾覆”。句意:你无法想象有时我被工作的感受。此处必然是强调工作内容过多的感受,overwhelm可表示“被工作淹没”,但一般与by搭配,可排除。只剩下A选项overflow with duties,表示“满载重负”。4. 单选题Success as( )by econo

4、mic output bears no close relationship to human achievement.问题1选项A.decidedB.achievedC.assuredD.measured【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:靠经济输出来获得的成功与人类成就没有紧密的联系。achieve success “获得成功”,选项B符合题意。5. 单选题He said it was important to put in the hours, but it was not just the hours that( ).问题1选项A.affectedB.countedC.focused

5、D.faltered【答案】B【解析】动词辨析题。affect “影响,感染,感动”;count “计算,认为,起作用,值得考虑”;focus “使集中,使聚焦”;falter “支吾地说,畏缩,蹒跚”。根据句意他说,投入时间是重要的,但是( )不只是时间。确定B选项count “起作用”正确。6. 单选题They used to quarrel a lot, but now they are completely( )with each other.问题1选项A.reconciledB.negotiatedC.associatedD.accommodated【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A

6、选项reconcile“使一致;使和解;调停”;B选项negotiate“谈判;转让;越过”;C选项associate“联系;使关联”;D选项accommodate“使适应;容纳;调节”。句意:他们以前常常吵架,但现在完全了。由used to“以前常常”可知现在与过去完全不一样,以前常“quarrel”,则现在应该是reconciled with “和好了”,A选项正确的。7. 单选题Printmaking is the generic term for a number of processes, of which woodcut and engraving are two prime ex

7、amples. Prints are made by pressing a sheet of paper (or other material) against an image-bearing surface to which ink has been applied. When the paper is removed, the image adheres to it, but in reverse.The woodcut had been used in China from the fifth century A. D. for applying patterns to textile

8、s. The process was not introduced into Europe until the fourteenth century, first for textile decoration and then for printing on paper. Woodcuts are created by a relief process; first, the artist takes a block of wood, which has been sawed parallel to the grain, covers it with a white ground, and t

9、hen draws the image in ink. The background is carved away, leaving the design area slightly raised. The woodblock is inked, and the ink adheres to the raised image. It is then transferred to damp paper either by hand or with a printing press.Engraving, which grew out of the goldsmiths art, originate

10、d in Germany and northern Italy in the middle of the fifteenth century. It is an intaglio process (from Italian intagliare, “to carve”). The image is incised into a highly polished metal plate, usually copper, with a cutting instrument, or burin. The artist inks the plate and wipes it clean so that

11、some ink remains in the incised grooves. An impression is made on damp paper in a printing press, with sufficient pressure being applied so that the paper picks up the ink.Both woodcut and engraving have distinctive characteristics. Engraving lends itself to subtle modeling and shading through the u

12、se of fine lines. Hatching and cross-hatching determine the degree of light and shade in a print. Woodcuts tend to be more linear, with sharper contrasts between light and dark. Printmaking is well suited to the production of multiple images. A set of multiples is called an edition. Both methods can

13、 yield several hundred good-quality prints before the original block or plate begins to show signs of wear. Mass production of prints in the sixteenth century made images available, at a lower cost, to a much broader public than before.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?2.The authors purposes in

14、 paragraph 2 are to describe( ).3.The word “incised” in line 15 is closest in meaning to( ).4.According to the passage, what do woodcut and engraving have in common?5.According to the passage, all of the following are true about prints EXCEPT that they( ).问题1选项A.The origins of textile decoration.B.T

15、he characteristics of good-quality prints.C.Two types of printmaking.D.Types of paper used in printmaking.问题2选项A.the woodcuts found in China in the fifth centuryB.the use of woodcuts in the textile industryC.the process involved in creating a woodcutD.the introduction of woodcuts to Europe问题3选项A.burnedB.cutC.framedD.baked问题4选项A.Their designs are slightly raised.B.They achieve contrast through hatch



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