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1、3月人婴儿能察觉他人情绪来源:中国网2011 年07月 09 日 08:20我来说两句(0)复制链接打印大中小It is precious me time that many new mothers use to catch up on teleph one calls and con versati ons.许多新妈妈都很珍惜“独处的时光”,趁着宝宝休息时打打电话,聊聊天。But the n ext time your baby has a n ap, watch what you say.但下一次在宝宝打盹时,请注意你聊天时说的话。For at just three mon ths old

2、, babies can tell huma n voices from other sounds-and work out whe n some one is sad. Curiously, happy sounds just wash over them.因为三个月大的宝宝就能辨别人声,并能察觉到他人悲伤的情绪。奇怪的是,快乐的声音对他们影响却不大。A British study shows that the brain areas devoted to processing speech develop much more quickly tha n was thought and co

3、uld lead to new in sights into con diti ons such as autism一项英国研究显示,负责语音处理的大脑部位的发育比人们所想的要快得多,这一发现可能会对治疗自闭症等疾病有所启发。The research team from the In stitute of Psychiatry at Ki ngs College London started by gett ing 21 babies acclimatisedtobrain sca nn ers.来自伦敦大学国王学院精神病学研究所的研究小组首先让21名婴儿逐渐适应大脑扫描仪。Technique

4、s used included giving their parents a CD to take home with the noise made by the mach in es.他们所采用的技巧包括给婴儿的父母一张存有大脑扫描仪发出的声音的CD,并让他们在家中播放。The youn gsters, who were aged from three to seve n mon ths, the n had their brains sca nned as various familiar no ises were played while they slept.然后研究人员在这些三至七个

5、月大的小孩睡觉时对他们的脑部进行扫描,同时播放各种各样熟悉的声音。The firstexperiment looked at whether the tots could tell the differeneebetweenhuma n and non-huma n no ises.在第一个试验中,研究人员观察这些幼儿能否区分人类和非人类发出的声音。This revealed that cough ing, sn eez ing, yaw nin g, lapp ing water remini sce nt ofbath time and the squeak ing of toys all

6、 activated a part of the brain knownto process speech. But huma n sounds lit it up far more.研究发现,咳嗽、打喷嚏、打哈欠、让人联想到洗澡的冲水声、玩具发出的吱吱声都会 激活婴儿负责语音处理的大脑部位。但是人类的声音对这一部位的影响尤为明显。The researchers the n checked whether the babies brains reacted differe ntly to happy, sad and n eutral no ises.之后,研究人员查看婴儿的大脑是否会对快乐、

7、悲伤和平和的声音做出不同反应。This time, a brain area linked to emotion sprung to life, with crying triggering it more tha n laughter or n eutral soun ds, the jour nal Curre nt Biology reports.据当代生物学杂志的报道,这一次,和情感相关的大脑区域变得活跃起来,其中哭 声引起的反应比笑声或平和的声音引起的反应要大得多。Researcher Evelyne Mercure said it was rare to see such spec

8、ialised brain regions so early in life.研究人员伊芙林梅库尔说,这么小的孩子就有了专用的大脑区域,实在很罕见。Co-researcher Anna Blasi added: It is probably because the human voice is such an important social cue that the brain shows an early specialisation for its process ing.同一研究组的安娜布拉希补充道:“这很可能是因为人类的声音是非常重要的社交信 号,所以大脑才会这么早就有了处理人类声音的专门区域。This may represe nt the very first step in social in teract ions and Ian guage learnin g.“也许这代表了人类在社交和语言学习方面迈出的第一步。”



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