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1、第 9 期 Module 3 Unit 9 参考答案及部分解析1-5 DACBB6-10 CDADA11-15 CBAAC16. librarian17. when18. with19. had been shocked 20. covered 21. a22. at 23. watching 24. himself 25. It26-30 CBABA 31-35 BDDCD 36-40 BBCCD 41-45 DCABA 46-50 CEAFD基础写作 One possible version:Recently, all kinds of activities about how to so

2、rt out rubbish have been held in our school, from which we know household waste is divided into four kinds, including recyclable waste, kitchen waste, harmful waste and other waste. Besides, we also know that when we sort out the rubbish, we should separate the dry waste from the wet one and take th

3、e recyclable waste to the waste recycling station, as well as put the harmful waste alone. Actually, waste sorting has many advantages, such as saving resources, reducing environmental pollution, making waste profitable and beautifying our environment. To support our school s work, a class meeting h

4、as been held inour class, from which students have known more about waste sorting.What smore, we have put four rubbish bins with different colours in the classroom to help students to sort out waste correctly. 读写任务One possible version:Being aware that his best friend Zac lost his hair battling again

5、st cancer, five-year-old Vincent, not only raised money for him, but also shaved his head to show his understanding and support. I mdeeply impressed by what little Vincent did for his friend. I believe the majority of us, including me, may not do better than Vincent in this situation. Such is a typi

6、cal illustration of what a real friendship is.In my eyes, a true friend is the one who always understands and supports you, who grows up together with you and helps you to be a better person.My best friend and I have shared our enjoyable friendship for 13 years. Though we live in different cities no

7、w, distance can ttear us apart. Once when I was terrifically puzzled and frustrated by repeated difficulties in life, I received a text from her: “ We know life is not easy, but we ve bene determined to stick to our initial belief in its beauty. Cheer up and walk on. I believe you can, my dearest fr

8、iend.” What magical words! Her words were transformed into a released smile of mine. I am deeply convinced that, our friendship has always been a force to push me forward.部分解析完形填空 话题 :人与自然本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了Amos Peters修建松鼠桥Nutty Narrows的起因以及对该桥的重建情况。1. Do由下文的内容可知,Longview的松鼠(squirrel)桥引来全世界的关注。2. A 。 3.

9、C 。由最后一段的 in memory of its builder 可知, Amos Peters 是当地的一个建筑师 (builder) ,建造了松鼠桥,帮助松鼠穿过繁忙的道路而不被来往的车辆撞(struck) 。4. B 。由后文的 hundreds of animal lovers attended the 14 ceremony of the new bridge 可知,最初的( original )桥是修建在 Olympia 路上的。5. B 。联系上下文可知,修建该桥之前,松鼠们在来往公园的路上不得不避开来往车辆( traffic ) 。6. C。由下文的One day Pete

10、rs found可知,Peters和其他在附近上班的人都目睹过(witnessed)松鼠被车撞倒的情况。7. Do 8. Ao联系上文可知,一天 Peters发现一只被撞死的(dead)松鼠嘴里还含着坚果, 于是当天的休息讨论围绕松鼠安全(safety)这个话题展开。9. D 。由后文的 Bess LaRiviere jokingly named the bridge “ Nutty Narrows ”可知,市政会同 意了(approved )修建松鼠桥。10. A 。设计师设计好这座桥之后, Amos Peters 和 Bill Hutch 开始了松鼠桥的建造 ( construction

11、) 。11. Co由后文的 The story was picked up by the media可知,松鼠使用该桥的报道( reports) 很快就被大家熟知。12. B。由后文的 Repairs were made and crosspieces were replaced 可知,使用 20 年之后,Peters 拆除了( removed )破烂不堪的的松鼠桥。13. A 。由上文可知,Peters 重新粉刷了褪色的(faded )的标志。14. A 。由上文可知,经过一翻修整, 1983 年成百上千名动物爱好者参加了新桥的落成( completion )仪式。15. C 。 Peter

12、s 死后人们在桥边建造了一座松鼠雕塑以纪念他和他对建造该桥的奉献( devotion ) 。语法填空16. librarian o考查构词法。设空处前面的a(n)表明此处应填名词;且由语境可知,设空处应是一个表示人物的名词,故填librarian 。17. when。考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词day,且在从句中作时间状语,故填 when。18. with 。考查介词。 a book in his hand 作伴随状语,故填with ,意为“拿着” 。19. had been shocked。考查虚拟语气。设空处所在句句意:他的白发看起来那么乱,就像是被电击过似的。本句表示与过去

13、事实相反的假设,所以用过去完成时;又因, hair 与 shock之间是被动关系,故填had been shocked。20. covered 。 考查非谓语动词。 设空处作宾语补足语, 且 cover 所表示的动作与宾语 him 之 间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词,表被动。21. a。考查冠词。由后文的 moustache是可数名词可知此处缺少冠词,又因 short是辅音开 头,因此用不定冠词 a。22. at 。考查介词。glance at 是固定搭配,意为“匆匆一看,一瞥” 。23. watching。考查非谓语动词。can t help doing sth.是固定搭配,意为“禁不住

14、要做某事”。24. himself。考查代词。devote oneself to sth.是固定搭配,意为“致力,专心” 。25. It。考查强调句。设空处所在句是一个强调句,强调时间状语 today,故填It。阅读理解A 篇(兴趣与爱好)本文是记叙文。文章介绍约翰缪尔从机械行业转行成为自然学家的故事。26. Co推理判断题。由文章第一段可知,约翰缪尔在机械方面很有天赋,而且在工厂上 班期间他还可以利用业余时间研究植物学,可见在这期间他的生活是充实的。27. B 。 细节理解题。 由第二段中的 As friends visited and read him accounts of wilder

15、nesses like Yosemite, Muir made a deal with himself. If he ever recovered his sight, he d give up machinery and spend his days studying plants in the wild可知,约翰缪尔决定从事植物学的主要原因是 自己内心对它的热爱。28. A 。 推理判断题。 由文章第三段中的 the wildest, leafiest, and least trodden way 及第五段中的natural beauty was abundant可知,约翰缪尔选择的是一条

16、风景秀美的路线。29. B 。细节理解题。由文章第四段中的 His few belongings meant that he was reliant on the kindness of anyone he passed可以推断,约翰缪尔在途中应该得到了很多帮助。30. A 。推理判断题。由文中的 trekking through the South to study the region s plants, He wandered through Tennessee s Cumberland Mountains and south to Georgia 及 Along the way he kept detailed records that were ev


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