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1、专题二名词和主谓一致卜专题导读名词和主谓一致是一个非常重要的考点,主要涉及名词单数向复数的转化、动词和形容词向名词的转化以及动词在时态和语态方面的变化等 ,在语法填空试题中主要以“提示型”命题出现。=考点一考查名词的“数” (invitation) to1 2017 全国卷皿语法填空(节选)She has tur ned dow n severalstar at shows in order to concen trate on her studies.试题分析invitations考查名词复数。根据句意“她拒绝了几个邀请”可知,此处需要填名词,而且invitation是可数名词,前面有sev

2、eral修饰,故用复数形式。【考点归纳】名词单数向复数的转化规则1. 基本变化规则 一般在名词后加s,变成复数。如boyf boys,pen f pens等。 以 s,x,sh,ch 结尾的,在后面力廿 es。女口 class f classes ,fox f foxes ,brush f brushes ,watchf watches。 但 stomach 的复数为 stomachs。 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,y变为i ,然后再加es。如babyf babies。 以f或fe结尾的名词有些直接加s,如safe ,roof ,belief等有些要把f或fe改为v,再加es,如thief ,l

3、ife ,wife ,shelf ,self ,knife ,half ,leaf ,wolf 等。 以o结尾的名词,除hero ,tomato ,potato等少数在后面加es的词外,一般是在后面直接加 s。如kilo f kilos ,photo f photos ,zoof zoos,radio f radios ,piano f pianos ,video f videos。2. 有些词变化不规则,需单独记忆,如:marf menwomaf womei;foot f feet ,tooth f teeth ,goosef geese,child f children , mousef

4、mice 等。3. 复合名词的复数形式 :girlfriends,boy students ,passers-by ,grown-ups。考点二考查名词的“格”口2 It is only five (minute ) walk from his house to the office ,so Mr Brown seldomdrives to work.试题分析minutes此处表示“五分钟的步行路程”,要用minute的所有格表示距离,根据five可知用复数,故填minutes。3 A new study looks at people around the world to see if t

5、hey followtheir(doctor )advice.试题分析doctors此处表示医生的建议,要用doctor的所有格形式,根据修饰语their可知填 doctors 。【考点归纳】通常情况下,不以s结尾的单数名词和词尾不带 s的复数名词的所有格是后面加“ S” ;以s结尾的复数名词后直接加“”。=考点三考查动词向名词的转化口4 2018 全国卷语法填空(节选)This switch has decreased (pollute ) in thecou ntry s major lakes and reservoirs and made dri nking water safer f

6、or people.试题分析pollution考查动词向名词的转化。作动词decreased的宾语,用名词pollution 表示污染”。口5 2017 全国卷语法填空(节选)This development was only possible with the(introduce ) of electric-powered engines and lifts.试题分析introduction考查动词向名词的转化。该词在此作with的宾语,意思是“引入方法、手段”等。由于其后带有介词 of,故只能用introduction。【考点归纳】(参考专题十动词变名词的规则)【技巧点拨】在语法填空试题中

7、,当提示词为名词时,首先要看句子的结构、语境和该词的限定词或修饰词,根据这些情况来判断该名词的变化,尤其要考虑单、复数形式。名词可能出现在介词和动词后面作宾语,也可能作句子的主语。2考点四名词与主谓一致2016 全国卷 皿语法填空(节选)Co nfucius believed kn ives would remi nd people ofkilli ngs and (be) too viole nt for use at the table.试题分析were 考查主谓一致和时态。此句是并列句,主语是knives,因此be应用复数形式,再结合前半句Con fucius believed kni

8、ves would remi nd”可知填 be 的过去式 were。匕7 2017 全国卷 I 语法填空(节选)Fast food (be) full of fat and salt试题分析is考查主谓一致。fast food 的意思是“快餐”,表示一类食物,为不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式,故填is。【考点归纳】 语法一致主语后跟 with together with ,as well as ,like ,but,except ,along with ,rather than,including ,inaddition to等词或短语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要与前面的主语保持一致。 就近一

9、致由oreither -or,neither nor,not only but also等连接的并列主语,谓语动词常与最近的主语 在单复数上保持一致。 意义一致a. 非谓语动词、名词性从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数。b. “half/most/part/the rest/分数/百分数+of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词的形式根据名词的数来确定。如:half of the books+复数谓语动词;most of the money+ 单数谓语动词。误区警示误区之一:定语从句中的主谓一致误用口8 She is excited because she is the only one of the g

10、irls that (pass) the drivingtest so far.试题分析has passed句意:她很兴奋,因为目前为止,她是众多女孩中唯一通过驾驶考试的人。此句是一个含有定语从句的状语从句。定语从句的先行词是the only one 而非the girls 所以that指代单数主语;结合从句的时间状语so far可知用现在完成时,故填has passed。此句易错误判定定语从 句先行词的影响而误填 have passed。误区之二:倒装结构中主谓一致误用口9 Wait ing on both sides of the street(be) excited fans who w

11、an ted to see KimSoo-hyun, the leading actor in the playMy Love from the Star .试题分析were 句意:等候在街道两旁的是激动的支持者们他们想一睹来自星星的你的男主演金秀贤的风采。此句是一个全部倒装句。句子的主语是excited fans,结合语境时态,故填were。此句易受倒装结构的影响而误填 was。误区之三:强调结构中主谓一致误用(be) the key to her10 It is her efforts rather than her intelligence that achiev ing success

12、.试题分析are句意:她的努力而非她的智力才是她取得成功的关键。此句是一个强调句型。被强调的成分是主语her efforts rather than her intelligence,根据主谓一致的原则,谓语be在语法上应和her efforts 保持一致,故填are。此句易受强调结构的影响而误填is。【技巧点拨】解决主谓一致方面的问题要基于对句子主要结构的准确判断,在做语法填空试题时,必须找出句子的真正主语,然后根据三个原则,即语法一致、就近一致和意义一致,来填写谓语动词的正确形式。呂真题典例2018 全国卷I Accord ing to a review of evide nee in a

13、 medical jour nal, ru nners live three years 1.(long ) tha n non-runn ers. You don t have to run fast or for long 2.(see) the ben efit.You may drink , smoke, be overweight and still reduce your risk of 3.(die ) early byrunning.While running regularly can t make you live forever , the review says it

14、4.(be)more effective at lengthening life 5.walking , cycling or swimming. Two of theauthors of the review also made a study published in 2014 6.showed a mere five to10 min utes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all 7.(cause).The best exercise is one that you en

15、joy and will do. But otherwise -it s probably running.To avoid knee pain ,you can run on soft surfaces ,do exercises to 8. (strength ) yourleg muscles (肌肉),avoid hills and get good running shoes. Running is cheap,easy and it salways 9. (energy).lf you are time poor, you need run for only half the time to getthe same ben efits as other sports , so perhaps we should all give 10.a try.卜模拟演练I. 单句语法填空1. Your(perform ) as a student wi


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