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1、咨询效劳合同Consultation Service Contract甲方:南宁东亚糖业集团(Party A: Nanning East Asia Sugar Group Co., Ltd.) 乙方:南宁至哲企业管理参谋(Party B: Nanning Zhizhe Qiye Guanli Guwen Co., Ltd.)根据?中华人民共和国合同法?的规定,甲、乙双方本着互惠互利,真诚合作的原那么,决定就共同完成甲方管理咨询工程签订本合同。In accordance with The Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, and on

2、the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through a sincere cooperation, the two Parties agree to co-work in Party As management consultation project as follows:1、合同标的Bid for the Contract1.1 效劳工程Service Items乙方及其合作伙伴深圳市东方大成管理咨询共同为甲方提供管理改善咨询和培训效劳。Party B and its business partner Shenzhen Orien

3、tal Wisdom Consultation Co., Ltd. commit to provide Party A with management improvement consultation and training service. 1.2效劳内容Contents of Service乙方指导甲方进行管理系统完善,建立现代企业人力资源管理体系,从事管理标准化、员工职业化、管理人员能力素质提升等方面的咨询或培训。效劳内容包括:Party B will assist Party A in this management improvement project based on buil

4、ding a modern human resource management system, bringing its business administration into a standardized operation, developing a vocational education and, advancing its managers competencies through training. Service contents as follows:No效劳工程Service items结果提交形式Results to be submitted1公司战略梳理Corporat

5、e strategy东亚糖业集团公司远景、企业文化、经营理念及战略目标文本。Written documents of East Asia Sugar Groups corporate vision, corporate culture, business tenet and, strategic goals. 2组织架构/部门职能/关键业务流程梳理Organization framework/ Department function/Key flows东亚糖业集团新的组织架构图、部门职能描述、关键业务流程管理手册,管理人员权限表,提供组织及流程设计培训Handbook of East Asia

6、 Sugar Groups organization framework chart, descriptions of departments functions, and flowcharts of key operation processes; Permission form for managers; Training for organization framework and flowchart design3岗位说明书完善及工作标准设计Job description review and job standard design公司各部门岗位说明书检查与完善;公司各岗位工作标准设计

7、;全员工作标准训练。Review of job descriptions, design of job standards for each post, employee training in job standards.4员工职业标准及辅导drafting vocational behaviors criteria, and tutoring?一般员工职业行为标准?,?管理人员职业行为标准?及其相应培训辅导课程;全员职业化训练。Drafting employees and managers vocational behaviors criteria, designing vocationa

8、l education training courses, implementing employee vocational education & training5绩效管理体系完善Performance management system?东亚糖业集团绩效管理手册?、?东亚糖业集团关键业绩指标手册?、?东亚糖业集团2005年度绩效管理实施指南?及相关培训Handbook of performance management, handbook of KPI, performance management implementing guideline in calendar 2005, tra

9、ining for performance management system design6薪酬福利体系完善Pay and benefits?东亚糖业集团职位评价手册?、?东亚糖业集团薪酬管理手册?及相关培训Handbook of post evaluation and grading, handbook of pay and benefits management, and training for post evaluation and pay management system design7全面鼓励体系设计Comprehensive motivation?东亚糖业集团全面鼓励管理手册

10、?、?东亚糖业集团管理人员竞争上岗管理方法?、?东亚糖业集团招聘管理手册?及相关培训Handbook of comprehensive motivation management, management measure of competition for management positions, handbook of recruitment management, and relevant training8培训体系设计Training system and mgt. training?东亚糖业集团培训管理制度?,培训体系设计培训Training management system de

11、sign, and relevant training for this design9管理制度整合及完善Integrating of rules and regulations?东亚糖业集团人事管理制度?、?东亚糖业集团劳动关系处理标准?、奖惩制度Mainly as: personnel management system, employee relation management regulations, reward and punishment regulations10工程总结project sum-up管理改善系统方案汇编、宣讲,客户满意度调查,等等。Compilation and

12、 propagandizing of the project solutions, and satisfaction level survey, etc.11直线经理人力资源管理培训Training line managers for HRM 各级管理人员人力资源管理课程培训12天Provide a 12-day training for line managers1.3效劳目标:Targets of Service通过管理改善工程的实施,完善甲方的人力资源管理体系,实现管理标准化、员工职业化、管理人员能力素质的提升,有利于战略开展目标的达成。This management improveme

13、nt consultation aims to assist Party A in improving its existing human resource management system, reaching a standardized operation, developing a team of vocationalized employees, advancing competencies of the managers, ultimately achieve its strategic development goals.1.4效劳范围:Scope of Service南宁东亚

14、糖业集团。For and within Nanning East Asia Sugar Group Co. Ltd. only2、履行期限Term of performance双方决定乙方参谋入驻日期为2005年4月 6 日,预计工程完成时间为4个月。咨询工程自乙方参谋入驻甲方开始至工程完成经甲方验收合格止。The two Parties agree to start up this project since 6 May, 2005, and its expected that it will last four months until the project solutions are

15、checked and accepted by Party A.3、双方责任Responsibilities of Each Party3.1 甲方责任Responsibilities of Party A3.1.1 甲方应高度重视公司管理改善工程的实施,对乙方的工作提供支持,负责协调内部各部门及各工厂的关系,调动相关的资源,提供相关数据资料及方案文字处理等工作。被双方认可的工作或方案,在甲方组织中的贯彻、推动,由甲方负责。Party A should take special emphasis on this management improvement project, and offer Party B all necessary assistance in coordinating cross-section relations, deploying related resources and, providing relevant data information and word processing service. Project solutions that have been approved by the two parties shall be promoted and implemented by Party A. 3.1.2


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