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1、第一学期初三英语期中测试卷 出卷:蒋静 审卷:岳明星 11时间10分钟 满分10分第卷(客观题 共分)一、听力测试 (本大题共20分,每题1分)I听对话回答问题:本部分共有10道小题,每题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你尚有5秒钟的时间选择你觉得最合适的备选答案。( ) 1.Which chaiy aethetalking bot?ABC. ( ) 2. Whais ho ik? A. ts eavyan mll.B.Its mall and ligh. CIts ig a light.( )3. Who wil epar the bike

2、?A L Pn. Bm. C.Mar.( ) 4. Wat does thean mean?. He asntreadthe try. B.He doesnt li thestoat allC. He knows somehing about the tory.( ) 5.Wen wil the speech be read?A On Monda mrnig.B. O uesda fteno.C. O Tsdaymornin.( ) 6.Why does he womn wal all the wyt the offie? AShetakesit as typeof exercise. B.h

3、eants to saveon. C.Her ffi sn ver far.( ) . Whats h woan ob? A. AaitressB. A cerkCA hopasstant( ) Who is te woa mos rbablspeain o? A A taxi ver. A bus condto. C. orker ithepstfice( )9.hatcn elen fom the convrsati? A Thewoadoesn watto goto he oves. B. Th oman was g to thoi C. The man s too tire t o t

4、o te mvie.( ) .Hwwould the wman mostpobab go towrk?A. By bu. B. Bybk C.A worer in the ps office.听对话和短文回答问题。你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读有关小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,每题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你觉得最合适的备选答案。听第一段对话,回答第12小题。( ) 1. Wy ddt te man buttickets tht vening?A.Becausetheweathe wa baB. Becase headranto

5、muh winnd waoo lte.C. Because he i left befre he got to thesttio.( ) 12ow ong l itake the a o trel t Shagio th first trin i the oing?A. Abot an haf hur.Aou 5ad aalfours. C. bu 6 nd a half hors听第二段对话,回答第315小题。( )3. tkidofoodoes i Ming want toborow? A nilbok.B. Sorts book. Coputer bo.( ) 14 hat dos L

6、ng cle do? A. H isa th.B. He s libraianC.He is a ve(兽医)( )15. ihbus willtak Li Ming to he librry? A. No.16bus. B. No. 60 uC o1 s听一篇短文,回答第60小题。( )16. e i iea o the passae is _. A. how topla h piano B. owo play musigames C. how toply a game calle“ Musical Chas”( ) 17. If sen player are n the am, how m

7、ny hars do ynd t the bennin f the game? Aie chair.B. Six chairC eve chir.( ) 18. Thairsshould e _.in ow, back o bckB. ntwos, wit apiano, tape recod or a radio on tem . awayfromhe payers when the msic tops( ) 19. n thusic sat, thplayers houd _.A.un abo t room with the chaB. get downfomthechairs C. wa

8、karondte hrso thmsi( ) 0. From the passage, eknow _.Athe gme“ Musi Chair ” is no diffcult t en B. if the pron plays musc, he an e te wnerC. h gme ant beaye byelevnpepe 二、单项填空: 在四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的对的选项(本大题共1分,每题1分)( ) 1. UICEF wantst ae _world_ place fo chldren. t; te./; aC. th; / he;( ) Alhouhyou may m

9、eet soe difulties,ou soul ver A. urn B gt up C. give gow p( ) 3. Danel s Englsh, t he _ in Cha ow. use toliv B. is use to liv C. ued liing D. i usedto living( ) 4. I as _ lovey wether _ we eidedt snd the onthbeah. sc a;that B such; hat . uc; D so;tat( ) 5 I tin yours, it mustbe _.A. somebody le B. s

10、ombody ses C. elesmebdy D.elses smeboy( ) 6. Althouh hav ots of dficuis, yo t _ ur wrkA. carry ut wth B ar awy on . carry nw cary or( ) 7. f everyrer isreful, ost ccident_. Acnevent Beed event .are preented D.an be prvente( ) Milie in _neresi _edifeene beteen the tw wordA /;to le B. it; earing C t;to l D. ; learng( )9H dint to the coce yeteray, dd he? _ H w buy tuying for te ts al day.A No,he didnt Yes,e d C.o, he iD. Y, he idn( ) 10 Tnks or_ thenew hrperson.A.ommnd mes recomendi e a . recommn fr D.rmmendifr( ) 11. Te cciet_on th oig f last unday.A


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