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1、 experienceD mineD. fbrbothrefused一Is the woman Miss Zhao?to improveIn the endwas expectingWhat aas long asD. good2019年葫芦岛市初中毕业生学业考试派 考试时间100分钟试卷满分120分看生注意:谓在答超卡各题目规定答四区域内作答,答在本试卷上无效。第一部分选择题(共50分)L单项选择(共15分,每小题I分) 从下面各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案Though Bill is very young, he has a lot of a

2、bout Chinese history.A. information B. knowledge C. backgroundPm sorry I took your card by mistake, but where is ?A. hersB. theirsC. yoursWe are going to have a party 一 the evening of June 30th.A. onB. inC. atHe tried many ways to solvethe problem.But一 of them worked.A neitherB.noneC. allD.New cnerg

3、s cars have been to cut down air pollution.A discoveredB.tbundC. invented D.It be her. She has gone to Qingdao fbr a meeting.A caniB. needntC. mustD, mayI,rcd hopes _ his spoken English, so he practices it every day.A improveB. improvesC. improving D.As students, wc must study hard. 一, we should car

4、e for our health.A At the same time B. On the one hand C. All in all D. Lucy _ her friends the whole morning, but they didnt show up.AexpectsB.will expectC.is expectingD.Look at the blue sky. 一 fine weather it is!AHowB.How aC.WhatD.The football fans cheered they heard the exciting news.Aeven thoughB

5、.in order thutC,as scon asD.What do you think of the TV program I m a singer?Great! Tve never watched a one.A. worseB. betterC. bad13 Every evening my father newspapers while my mother watches TV.A. puts upB. looks forC. gives away D. looks through14. I wonder I m not sure, but I hope so. It has bee

6、n dry for two months.A. if it will rain tomorrowB. why it doesnt rainC when the rain will stopD. how long the rain will last - My parents will take me to Shanghai Disneyland this summer holiday. A, Good luck to youB. Its a good ideaC Best wishes to youD. Have a good timeIL补全对话(共5分,每空1分),从方枢内所给的选项中选择

7、恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项)A : Hi. Tony. Are you free this Sunday?B : . . 16 What are you going to do?A: Im going to enjoy an art show in our city library.B: 17A : Its about the ( hinese p;iinting. 18B: Yes, I,d love to. 19 When and where shall we meet?A : I efs meet al the gale of the library at 8 o*clock

8、 this Sunday morning.B :20A : You can go there on toot. Its not far.A : See you.A. Is it far from here?B Yes. Nothing much.C. Im sure of that.D What is it about?i;. I low can 1 get to the library? I Would you like to go with me? G. I have a grcai interest in it, too.III完形填空(共10分,每空I分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个

9、选项中选择一个最佳答案。When I was a boy, 1 used to love walking in the 21 around my house. My mom warned me several times 22 to travel so far or I would lose the way. Being a naughty (淘 气的)boy, however, I soon found 23 walking further and further away, testing 24 I could go into the woods without gening lost.

10、But once after losing my way fbr two hours, I decided to leave a mark the next time I went fbr a walk.The next day I decided to try it. I walked into Ihe woods 25 the house couldnt be seen. Then I broke a small branch (树枝)to mark my place. I walked further and broke manybranches. After a vvhile I go

11、t tired and decided to return. When I turned around, I 26 found my way home, but I felt . 27 rather than being proud. I could see the mark of destruction (破that I left in the woods. I promised never to do that again. Instead I started to value my lime alone in the woods. Id sit by tlw slrcams (小溪)an

12、d 28 their beautiful singing. Td bend down (W 卜.腰)to 29 the flowers.I ve tried to leave marks of kindness and goodness since then. Tve tried to show others they can do the same. May you always leave marks of joy in your life.21.A. parksB.woodsC.streetsD.gardens22.A. neverB.seldomC.sometimesD.always2

13、3.A. yourselfB.himselfc.herselfD.myself24.A. how longB.how oftenc.how soonD.how far25.A. untilB.afterc.unlessD.if26.A. slowlyB.nervouslyc.easilyD.difficultly27.A. goodB.happyc.sadD.cold28.A. turn toB.listen toc.speak toD.stick to29.A. smellB.kickc.breakD.make30.A. whereB.whenc.whatD.thatM阅读理解(共20分,每

14、小题1分)根据因文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案。,“Passage 1Humans can go to the hospital when they7e ill. But as for animals,diat should the do1? lostax healths, animals have their own ways toKxheal (治愈)themselves. Nou let gel to know their special skills.Skill OneI lave you ever seen your dog or cat lick () its wo

15、unds? Why do they do it? It probably feels good, but its good medicine. Licking cleans a wound, and saliva (唾液)has chemicals that kill germs (细菌).rSkill TwoTo avoid diseases, many animals have good living habits. Ihey hate to be dirty. Most animals separate their pooping (排便)areas from their ealing areas. Horses poop far away from the g


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