2021-2022年小学六年级英语《Charlie’s chores》教案

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《2021-2022年小学六年级英语《Charlie’s chores》教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022年小学六年级英语《Charlie’s chores》教案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021-2022年小学六年级英语Charlies chores教案教学目标:知识与技能:1能够正确的听、说、读单词chore, polish, feed, dust, trash及熟练认读短语:walk the dogmake breakfast wash the dishes polish my shoes feed the fish clean my roomdust the furniture cut the grass make my bed take out the trash;2能够用have to 描述自己在日常生活中不得不做某些事情,应用句型熟练问答。A: What chor

2、es do you have to do?B: I have to (feed the fish) every day.3跟光盘能正确朗读课文,理解故事,完成表格。情感态度:通过对课文的学习,了解国外的少年儿童,都承担一定的家务活动,培养学生的家庭意识。教学重点:1能够用have to描述自己在日常生活中不得不做某些事情,应用短语,进行熟练问答。A: What chores do you have to do?B: I have to (feed the fish) .2正确分角色朗读课文,理解故事,完成表格。教学难点:正确、流利的分角色朗读课文。教学工具: 课件、PPT、单词卡片等等。教学过

3、程:一、Warmup听歌曲p23,听两遍之后,提问:这首chant主要讲的是什么?师帮助生明确:从星期一到星期日这个女孩不得不做的事,主要是家务。二、Lead in and presentation1学习新词:chore 家务(板书) 领读指名读。2理解“chores”:看chant中的图片What chores does she do?指导学生说出并板书:make my bed walk the dog wash the dishes clean my roomfeed the fish(领读,指名读)3I do and you guess!师做动作生猜短语,猜后齐说两遍。4句型问答:(1)

4、师提问并板书, What chores do you have to do?(2)理解have to 师帮助生明确:不得不 ,指名说说句子的意思。(3)指导学生回答I have to (feed the fish)。师问生答 交换问答 同桌问答(4)歌曲演唱并打节奏操练: What chores, what chores;What chores do you have to do?Walk the dog, walk the dog,I have to walk the dog.5导入:look!Who are they ? 指名说说,师投影展示表格中的人名。What chores do th

5、ey have to do at home?三、story:(一)根据表格自学1、投影展示表格,学生自读课文,标画出每个孩子的家务劳动。NameChoresFrequencyCharlieSueLisaMattAnnKen2、师巡视指导:巡视重点,估计:(1)是否划全面(2)关于do homework go shopping和play the guitar是否是家务劳动。(3)有一些生词,学生判断不好是否是家务劳动的名称。对策:(1)发现问题个别指导提示。 (2)当有学生提出时,师组织学生简单谈论。 (3)给予提示:可借助生词表查看词义。3、组织集体交流:(1)What chores does

6、 Charlie have to do?汇报,师填表,重点操练短语:make breakfast dust the furniture cut the grass wash the dog take out the trash 操练方法:(1) 做动作读单词,由快到慢,边做边说 (2)我说短语你做动作,我做动作你说短语。 (3)齐读并指名读。4How often do they do the chores?(1)举例子让学生理解how often,look at picture1,领着学生完成表格。(2)自学标画,完成表格。(3)集体交流,汇报表格。(二)读课文1跟光盘读课文,模仿语音语调,领

7、读难句及生词。生词:busy person street2自由读课文,标划不会读的单词。3小组交流、互助不会读的单词和句子。师巡视,了解整体情况。4组织集体交流,提出你的困难:词或句。师副板书。5选择喜欢的角色跟读。6打破小组界限分角色读故事。其他学生练习读重点句型,投影出示。四、巩固与练1师生情感交流、谈话:A: What chores do you have to do?B: I have to (feed the fish) every day.2检测:1)完成词组:do_ my shoes_the fish _the furnituretake out the _2)任选两个词组造句,

8、汇报做家务情况(也可以不用所提供的词组)。Eg.(举例):I have to make my bed every day._._.五、板书设计:Unit 2 Charlies choresWhat chores do you have to do?I have to walk the dog make breakfast feed the fish polish my shoes dust the furniture wash the dishes take out the trash附送:2021-2022年小学六年级英语December is the last month教案Teachin

9、g Aims:1. To learn the new words and sentences.2. And then practice them in pairs or in groups.3. To know more things about different countries festivals. Teaching Important Points:1. To say the words and sentences correctly.2. To talk about some different things in each month and try to write somet

10、hing about one of them.Teaching Aids:A puter and some pictures.Course:Step 1. Ask the students to guess the names of four famous stars.(Teacher will say some hints of them) Step 2. Repeat the phrases in this lesson. January the first month of the yearFebruary the second month of the year March the t

11、hird month of the yearApril the fourth month of the yearStep 3. Look at the screen please. Lets say something about January. Then look at the pictures and say something new about it. They can also ask and answer each other.Step 4. Lets practice. Ask them to talk about the other three months.Step 5. Make a summary.Step 6. Finish the exercises.Fill in the blanks with the proper prepositions.Step 7. Lets make and talk about them. (Make them in groups)Step 8. Homework.Talk about and write something about one of the four months.


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