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1、2022年考博英语-北京师范大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Seven years ago, when I was visiting Germany, I met with an official who explained to me that the country had a perfect solution to its economic problems. Watching the U.S. economy(1)during the 90s, the Germans had decided that they, too, needed to go the high-

2、technology(2). But how? In the late 90s, the answer schemed obvious: Indians.(3) all, Indian entrepreneurs accounted for one of every three Silicon Valley start-ups. So the German government decided that it would(4) Indians to Term any just as America does by(5) green cards. Officials created someth

3、ing called the German Green Card and(6) that they would issue 20,000 in the first year. (7), the Germans expected that tens of thousands more Indians would soon be begging to come, and perhaps the(8) would have to be increased. But the program was a failure. A year later(9) half of the 20,000 cards

4、had been issued. After a few extensions, the program was(10). I told the German official at the time that I was sure the(11) would fail. Its not that I had any particular expertise in immigration policy, (12) I understood something about green cards, because I had one (the American(13). The German G

5、reen Card was misnamed, I argued,(14) it never, under any circumstances, translated into German citizenship. The U.S.green card, by contrast, is an almost(15)path to becoming American (after five years and a clean record). The official(16) my objection, saying that there was no way Germany was going

6、 to offer these people citizenship. “we need young teach workers,” he said. “thats what this pro-gram is all(17).”so Germany was asking bright young(18)to leave their country, culture and families, move thousands of miles away, learn a new language and work in a strange landbut without any(19)of eve

7、r being part of their new home. Germany was singing a signal, one that was(20) received in India and other countries, and also by Germanys own immigrant community. 问题1选项A.soarB.hoverC.amplifyD.intensify问题2选项A.circuitB.strategyC.traitD.route问题3选项A.OfB.AfterC.InD.At问题4选项A.importB.kidnapC.conveyD.lure问



10、essionalsD.amateurs问题19选项A.prospectB.suspicionC.outcomeD.destination问题20选项A.partiallyB.clearlyC.brightlyD.vividly【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A第6题:C第7题:B第8题:A第9题:C第10题:D第11题:C第12题:B第13题:D第14题:A第15题:B第16题:D第17题:C第18题:C第19题:A第20题:B【解析】第1题:soar 剧增,攀升,常用于经济和金融领域;hover盘旋,翱翔;amplify扩充、详述;intensify强化,加剧。根据上

11、下文可判断,美国的经济在上个世纪90年代得到了迅速发展。选项A符合原文。第2题:circuit电路,线路;strategy策略,不能和go搭配使用;trait特征,品质;route路线。句意:走高科技路线,所以选项D更符合。第3题:四个选项都可以和all 搭配构成词组。Of all.在所有的.偏偏(竟然).,表示意料之外、看似不可能发生的事情。After all表示毕竟,终究,经常用于解释原因。In all总共,合计;At all丝毫(不),一点(不),常用于否定句和疑问句中,表示强调。根据上下文,此处应为解释为什么选择印度人的原因,应选B。第4题:根据上下文,德国政府决定效仿美国,发行绿卡,

12、从印度引进人才。import进口,一般指货物的进口。kidnap 绑架,劫持;convey 运输,表达;lure 吸引,诱惑。所以选项D更符合原文。第5题:offering提供;install安装;evacuate撤离;formulate构想,规划。根据原文,这里指德国政府效仿美国发行绿卡。只有选项A符合原文。第6题:confer授予,颁发;infer推断;announce宣布,宣告;verify证实,核实。根据上下文,德国政府应是宣布第一年发行20,000张绿卡的消息,选项C符合原文。第7题:根据上下文推断,德国人自然是希望成千上万的印度人来。 specially和particularly表

13、示特别地,放在文中不符合原义。naturally自然地,当然地;consistently 指一贯地,一致地。选项B放在此处最恰当。第8题:quota配额;digit数字,measure测量;scale规模,范围。根据上下文,德国人认为印度人会成千上万地涌来,所以空白处应该指的是配额有可能需要增加,只有选项A符合题意。第9题:invariably始终不变地,总是;literally照字面地,确实地,真正地;barely勉强地,仅仅;solely独自地,完全。根据句意,德国政府的这个项目失败了,所以勉强(仅仅)有一半的绿卡发出去了,选项C符合原文。第10题:repel排斥,驱除;delete删除;

14、combat战斗,斗争,一般与with 或against搭配;abolish废除,废止,取消。根据上下文,因为预定的20,000张绿卡没有发行出去,这个计划应该是取消了。只有选项D符合原文。第11题:adventure冒险;response答复,响应;initiative主动权,首创精神;impulse推动,促进。根据上文可知,这里应该是指这个项目会失败,只有选项C符合。第12题:not that.but that. 不是(因为).而是(因为).为固定用法,此句中省略了but 后面的that。类似的搭配还有not because.but because.,not only. but also.。第13题:heritage遗产,传统;revision修订版;notion概念,看法;version版本。根据原文内容课推断,这里指“我”有一张美国版本的绿卡,选项D符合原文。第14题:根据上下文可推断,这里用because引导原因状语从句,阐述德国绿卡取名不当的原因是它无法转化成德国公民身份。选择A正确。第15题:a


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