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1、Unit1 Going to different places.单词 :jungle 灌木丛forest森林 plant植物 island小岛 field田野village小山村 countryside村庄 waterfall瀑布 lake湖mountain 大山 hospital医院 library图书馆cinema 电影院bank银行zoo 动物园supermarket超市 park 公园 city城市place 地方 poor 穷的 people 人民词组 :take (lots of) pictures照相play in the park在公园玩climb the Great Wall

2、爬长城go to the zoo去动物园ride the horse骑马buy some toys买玩具shop in the market在商场购物visit Tiananmen参观天安门see a film看电影swim in the lake在湖里游泳that s great太棒了that s right正确have a good time玩的高兴have one s holiday度假go swimming去游泳go shopping去购物go fishing去钓鱼go riding去骑马go skating去滑冰go dancing去跳舞句型 :1. Where are you go

3、ing now? Im going to the zoo.2.Where would you like to go in the holiday then?I d like to goto the countryside .3.Where did you go on the holidays?4. Did you go to Huang Mountain?Yes, I did./No, I didnt.5.What other places did you go to?I m sure you had a good time.1Unit2Whats the weather like today

4、 ?单词 :weather 天气 rainy下雨的 windy有风的 snowy 有雪的cloudy 多云的 sunny 晴朗的 enjoy喜欢 soccer足球rainbow 彩虹 because 因为 beach 海滩 dark 黑暗的 light浅色sunset 日落bicycle 自行车 cousin(堂)表兄弟姐妹grandparent 祖父母 , 外祖父母 along 沿着 sweet甜的cycling 骑车兜风 snack 零食词组 :stay at home在家go to the park去公园visit the zoo参观动物园have a snowball fight打雪仗

5、water the flowers浇花fall asleep睡着get off 下车play with sand on the beach在沙滩上玩沙子enjoy the beautiful weather享受好天气句型 :1.What s the weather liketoday ?It s sunny.2.I like sunny days because I can do many things outside .3.I don t like rainy days because its wet outside .4.What can you do when you cycle in

6、the country ?2Unit3Let s playdoctors.单词 :earache 耳朵疼 toothache牙疼 stomachache 胃疼 a headache头疼a temperature 温度 a cough咳嗽 matter 问题 medicine 药doctor 医生 zookeeper动物园管理员 dentist牙医 knee 膝盖sick 生病的 although尽管 centimeter厘米 nurse 护士granddaughter 孙女 wide宽的 kiss吻 hug拥抱词组 :have an earache患耳病let me see让我看一看find

7、out 找出it doesnt matter没关系eat sweet food吃甜食come on加油 go out 出去stay in bed 呆在床上drink a lot of water多喝水fall out of a tree摔下树来pick up捡起run a temperature 发烧have a look看一看give sb. a big hug and a kiss给某人一个热烈拥抱和亲吻句型 :1. Whats the matter with this doll ?Shes got an earache .2.Shell beOK in two days .3.Whats

8、 the matter with you?I m running a temperature.3Unit4 I can see with my eyes.单词 :clean 打扫 brush 刷 use 使用 special特殊的 smell闻 taste品尝touch 触摸 hear 听 leaves树叶 crab 螃蟹 grow 生长 flat平坦的ground 地面 upwards 向上 similar相似的词组 :clean the elephant with a brush用刷子刷大象smell the flowers with the nose用鼻子闻花香get things得到物

9、品I can hear我能听见I can smell我能闻到I can taste我能品尝I can touch我能摸到I can see我能看到句型 :1. I can clean the elephant with a brush.2. This animal uses its legs to catch food.3. I can smell the flowers with my nose.4. What body parts does a plant have?4Unit5 Simon Paul lives in the country. :live 居住 country 国家 re

10、ady 准 nowhere 哪里都不 somewhere 某 remember记忆 field 田地 either 也 never 从不 worry 担心 wait 等待 picnic 野餐 breathe 呼吸词组 :dont worry不要担心come inside 来get in 入in the evening在晚上listen to birds singing听 儿唱歌sleep on the grass睡在草地上 play sports games做体育运 visit friends看朋友meet lots of people 很多人go to the supermarket去超市h

11、ave a picnic野餐see farm animals看 物breathe clean air呼吸新 空气live in the country住在 村learn sth. by heart用心 住句型 :1.Would you like to visit your cousin Bob in the city this weekend?2.I d ont like gonging to the city.There are too many cats .3.Where do you like living? I like living in the city .4.What can y

12、ou do in the city /countryside?I can5Unit6I dlike a glass of water.单词 :bowl碗 moment 一会儿question问题 dialogue对话nothing 什么都没有soup 汤词组 :a cup of tea一杯茶a cup of coffee一杯咖啡a cup of water一杯水a bowl of soup一碗汤a bottle of juice一瓶果汁a bottle of lemonade一瓶柠檬汁a bag of popcorn一袋爆米花a box of toys一盒玩具not at all一点也不here you are给你go to sleep睡



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