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1、2022年考博英语-中国地质大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 填空题Weve (1)in determining the nature of the soil pollution in this area. We (2 )lab tests on soil samples and detected the presence of three heavy metals in harmful quantities. Now we need to find out what the(3) of the heavy metals is: Where are they coming from?

2、【答案】controversies; performed; origin【解析】句意: 在决定该地区土地污染的属性方面我们存在争议。我们做了一些实验室测试,从大量有害物质中检测出三种重金属的存在。现在我们需要找出这些 重金属的来源:它们是从哪里来的?1.语义题。句意: 在决定该地区土地污染的属性方面我们存在争议。2.固定搭配。Perform tests on做实验。3.语义题。根据冒号后面的内容Where are they coming from? “它们是从哪里来的”可知此处是问“起源, 来源”,故填origin。2. 填空题A Have you seen my dictionary? I

3、cant find it(1 ) .B Is that it over there by the door?C It is! I (2)have left it there yesterday afternoon as we were leaving for the day.句意:你有看见我的字典吗?我到处都找不到它。在门口的那个是你的字典不?是的!在昨天下午我们放学时,我有可能把它放在那里了。【答案】1.anywhere2.probably【解析】1.语义题。anywhere:任何地方,到处。2.语法题。副词修饰动词left (动词leave的过去分词)。3. 填空题Last year th

4、e director of our company was accused(1) corruption and arrested. At his (2)three senior government (3)testified that he had attempted to bribe them. In the end he was found guilty and sentenced to fifteen years in(4) .【答案】of; trial; officials; prison【解析】句意: 去年,我们公司的董事被控告贪污而被捕。在审判中,三名政府官员举证其试图贿赂他们。最

5、终他被判有罪,判处入狱十五年。1.固定搭配。be accused of 被控告。2.语义题。根据后面的testified (举证)推测此时场景为审判时,故填trail。3.语义题。根据后面的bribe (贿赂)可以推断出贿赂的对象一般 是指“政府官员”,填officials。4.语义题。句意为: 判处入狱十五年。4. 单选题Toronto is some 475 km in the northwest of New York, while Vancouver, only 200 km from Seattle, is even closer to a major American city.问

6、题1选项A.is some 475B.in the northwest ofC.while Vancouver, only 200D.even closer to a major American cityE.没有错误【答案】B【解析】介词误用。去掉in,此处表示位于西北方向(一般用to the northwest of somewhere),shi大致方向,并非指具体位置。5. 填空题I have(1) good news for you: John has (2)to buy your old motorcycle.【答案】1.some2.decided【解析】1.语义题。句意:告诉你一些

7、好消息。2.固定搭配。Decide to do 决定。6. 填空题Yesterday afternoon, while John and Linda were both at work, thieves (1)into their flat and (2)money, jewelry and an expensive new computer.【答案】1.broke;2.took【解析】1.固定搭配。break into 闯入。因此此处填break的过去式broke。2.语义题。第二空也填动词的过去式, 由其宾语money可知填 took (带走了)。7. 填空题Small children

8、need to be( ) to look both ways before they cross the road.【答案】told【解析】语义题。句意: 小孩子需要被吿知横穿马路前要看两边/需要告知小孩过马路要看两边。因此tell符合句意, 空格处应用动词的过去分词形式和前面的be动词一起表被动。8. 单选题Ordinarily Professor Ling is a perfectly reasonable man, so I dont understand why he is being so stubborn in this case.问题1选项A.a perfectlyB.I do

9、nt understand whyC.is beingD.in this caseE.没有问题【答案】E【解析】9. 填空题A: Isnt that your car?B: No, it(1) . Mine is (2)red one over there【答案】1.isnt2.the【解析】1.语法分析。此处是否定回答。2.语法分析。句意:我的是红色那辆。此处为特指,所以用定冠词the。10. 填空题After I (1)the university entrance exam, I was extremely upset, because I was almost sure I had(2

10、) the test. To my(3) , it (4)out that I had gotten the highest score inthe province!句意: 大学入学考试考完,我感到非常沮丧,因为我几乎确信自己考试没有通过。 然而令我感到意外的是自己最后的实际成绩是省里的最高分。【答案】1.finished2.failed3.surprise4.tumed【解析】1.语义题。句意为高考结束,动词finish合适,根据时态为过去式,故用finished。2.固定搭配。fail the exam 考试失败。这里用过去完成时。3.固定搭配。to ones surprise 令某人惊

11、讶的是。4.固定搭配。It turns out that 结果是。11. 填空题I dont write (1)letters these days, just an occasional one to an aging aunt of mine. Ordinarily I use e-mail to stay in(2) with people.【答案】1.many2.touch【解析】1.语义题。此处用many修饰letters。与前面的否定词dont连起来表示我最近没怎么写信。2.固定搭配。stay in touch with 保持联系。12. 填空题A: You re lateB:(1

12、) I? Im sorry I must have lost track of the time. Has Mike arrived (2)?A: Yes, he (3)here about 15 minutes ago. Hes in the lavatory now.B: Oh, look! (4)he is! Hi, Mike!C: Hi, Angela! Its good to see you again.A: Well, now that everyones here, I guess wed (5)find a cab and set out.【答案】Am; yet; arrive

13、d; Here/There; better【解析】句意:一一你迟到了。1-2.语义题。一一是吗?抱歉,我一定是忘了时间了。迈克已经到了吗?3.语义题。一一到了,他十五分钟之前就到了。他现在在厕所。4.语义题。一一看!他在这里(那里)。你好,迈克!一一你好,安吉利尔!很高兴再次见到你。5.固定搭配。一一好了,现在我们都到齐了。我想我们最好叫辆出租车出发吧。13. 填空题Liz didnt tell her friends that she was ill, so as a result (1)of them came to see her(2 ) she was in the hospital.

14、【答案】1.none2.when【解析】1.语义题。None表示 “没有一个”。2.语义题。When 当的时候。14. 单选题A large number of people from my hometown had moved to Qingdao in search of work,with the result that I already feel quite at home there.问题1选项A.had moved toB.in search of workC.with the result thatD.quite at homeE.没有问题【答案】A【解析】时态错误。had moved to 改为have moved to。“I already feel我已经感觉”是一般现在时态,因此,前一个表示原因的分句应该用现在完成时态。15. 单选题There was one thing that shocked me about the Queen when he walked into the room with Mrs. Obama, namely her height; the British monarch is only 163 cm tall, much shorter than I



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