八年级英语Unit 1 Past and present Period nine

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《八年级英语Unit 1 Past and present Period nine》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语Unit 1 Past and present Period nine(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、八年级英语Unit 1 Past and present Period nineTeaching Aims: 1. Grasp some new words of this part. 2. To describe two pictures explaining the difference between past and present situations. 3. To generate ideas to describe specific details shown in pictures.Teaching Steps: 一、Greeting二、Revision三、New Teachi

2、ng(一) New words: 1. fresh adj. 新鲜的 e.g.: fresh air/vegetables The air smelled fresh after the rain.雨后的空气闻起来很清新。 2. convenient adj. 方便的 It will be much more convenient.它将会方便得多。 This school is very convenient for the station.从这学校去车站很方便。 用法:convenient句子中不能以人做句子主语。 3. benefit n. 好处、帮助 bring many benefit

3、s 带来很多好处 Children will have the benefit of a first class education. 孩子们将受益于一流的教育。 4. recent adj. 最近的 recent news 最近的消息 in recent times在近代 5. describe vt. 描述 describe sth /sb 描述某人/某物 Can you describe the picture to me? 你能向我描述那幅画吗? 6. Lantau Island 香港大屿山(二)Listen to the tape and try to understand the

4、meaning of the report.(三)Some language points 1. It used to be the home of many wild animals.它过去曾是许多野生动物的家园。 词组:used to do sth 过去常常做某事 the home of 的家园 2. green hills 青山(绿色的山林) fresh air 新鲜空气 3. The area has changed over the years. 这些年这一地区已经变了。 4. It no longer provides a good environment for wildlife

5、. 它不再为野生动物提供良好的环境了。 词组:no longer = not any longer 不再(强调时间方面) e.g.: He no longer lives here. He doesnt live here any longer. 他不再住在这儿了。 I can no longer wait. I cant wait any longer. 我不能再等了。 provide sth for/to sb = provide sb with sth 5. in the past 在过去 6. go to Lantau Island by ferry 乘渡船去大屿山 7. Things

6、 have changed a lot 事物已发生了巨大变化。 8. It is fast and convenient to get there. 到那儿快捷又方便。 9. the changes to 的变化 10. bring many benefits带来了许多好处 11. cause many problems for wildlife 给野生生物带来很多问题 cause 引起、引发, 后可加双宾语 e.g.: Speeding caused the accident. 超速导致这次事故。 The heavy rain caused the flood. 12. lose their living areas. 失去它们的生存空间 13. because of + 名词(词组) 14. an old photo 一张老照片 15. a recent photo 一张最近的照片四、Listen and read the passage.五、plete the exercises or P18.六、Homework 作第九课时教后感:


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