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1、2022年考博英语-首都师范大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a half hour nap ( )me.问题1选项A.revivedB.releasedC.relievedD.recovered【答案】A【解析】考查近义词辨析。revive使恢复体力(或精力、活力等);release释放,发布; relieve缓解,减轻; recover恢复健康。 句意:我下班回家的时候非常累,但睡了半小时后我又有精神了。由but可知前后句为转折关系,前半句提到“非常疲劳”,后半句句

2、意应与之相反,再从“a half hour nap”可推知睡半小时后恢复了体力。故A项正确。答案A2. 单选题Fewer and fewer of todays workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field, ( )the same company.问题1选项A.all elseB.much worseC.less likelyD.let alone【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。all else “其他所有”;much worse “更差”;less likely “最不可能的是”;let alone“更不必说”。

3、句意:当今人们越来越不希望一生只干同样的工作,更不用说只待在一家公司了。D项符合句意,答案D3. 单选题For more than 20 years, weve been supporting educational programs that ( )from kindergartens to colleges.问题1选项A.spreadB.shiftC.moveD.range【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。 range from “从到(一个范围)”; spread from “从传播”; shift from “从转移”; move from “从搬走”。句意:20多年以来,我们一直在支持

4、从幼儿园到大学的教育项目。该句表示从幼儿园到大学这个跨度范围,故D项正确。4. 单选题Some people either( )avoid questions of right and wrong or remain neutral about them.问题1选项A.violentlyB.enthusiasticallyC.sincerelyD.deliberately【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。violently “激烈地,猛烈地” ;enthusiastically “热心地,满腔热情地” ;sincerely“真诚地”;deliberately “故意地”。句意:有些人不是故意避开

5、是非的问题就是保持中立。eitheror要么要么,表示并列关系,故答案D5. 翻译题教育无所不在,可以在任何场合进行,可以在淋浴时,也可以在工作中;可以在厨房里,也可以在拖拉机上,教育既包括在学校的正规学习,也包括整个非正规学习的过程。从德高望重的爷爷奶奶到在电视上就时政展开唇枪舌战的人们;从年幼的孩子到著名的科学家都可以是教育者。一个人从婴儿时期起就开始接受教育。教育是一项终身的活动,是人的一生中自始至终不可或缺的组成部分。【答案】Education exists almost everywhere. It can be given on any occasion, for example,

6、 when you are taking a shower, or doing a job, and even when you are in the kitchen or on a tractor. Education includes not only the regular attending school for learning, but also the non-normal learning off school. Everyone can be an educator, from the highly-respected grandparents to the critics

7、who have spurred a strong debate on current politics on TV and from young kids to well-known scientists, etc. One receives education from infancy. Education, as a life-long activity, is all the way the indispensable part of ones life.6. 翻译题Can a person consider himself a thinking, creative, responsi

8、ble citizen and not care about history? Can an institution that proposes to foster such attributes do so without including history in its curriculum? Many college students would answer such a question with an immediate Yes!But those who are quick to answer do so without reflecting on what history tr

9、uly is and how and why it is important.History is boring, complain many students. Unfortunately, a lot of people pick up a bad taste of history from the primary and secondary schools. Too many lower-level history courses (and college level, too) are rife with rote memorization of dates and events de

10、emed important by the teacher and textbooks, coupled with monotone lectures that could induce comas in hyperactive children.Instead of simply making students memorize when Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese, teachers should concentrate on instilling an understanding of why the Japanese felt they

11、had no alternative but to attack the United States. History is a discipline of understanding, not memorization.Another common complaint is that history is unimportant. But even the most fanatic antihistory students, if they were honest, would have to admit that history is important at least within t

12、he narrow confines of their own disciplines of study. Why be an artist if you are merely going to repeat the past (and probably not as expertly, since you would have to spend your time formulating theories Revolution again?How could anyone hope to be a mathematician, or a scientist, without knowing

13、the fields history? Even a genius needs a base from which to build. History helps provide that base.【答案】(1)一个人可以自认为是有思想、有创造性、有责任心的人,却对历史毫不在意吗?一所提倡培养人的这类优秀品质的学院会没有历史课程吗?(2)很多低年级的历史课程(甚至是大学的历史课程)都只是要求学生对老师和教科书认为重要的历史日期和事件进行死记硬背,还伴随着枯燥乏味的讲课,使原本思想活跃的学生都变得昏昏欲睡。(3)老师们不宜让学生只是简单记住日本偷袭珍珠港事件的时间,还应该将日本为何别无选择地袭

14、击美国的原因慢慢灌输给学生,最终让他们理解。(4)然而,即使是那些十分盲目地反对历史的学生,只要他们还算诚实, 也不得不承认,至少在他们自己所学的学科中,历史对他们来说是重要的。(5)如果一个人不知道数学界或科学领域的历史,他又怎能有望成为数学家或者科学家呢?即使是颇有天赋的人,也需要有一个良好的基础去发展成为天才。历史就是帮助打牢基础的关键因素。7. 单选题We have invested ( )80,000 in this project, but till now there is no hope for us to get a penny back.问题1选项A.subsequentl

15、yB.unexpectedlyC.approximatelyD.reluctantly【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。subsequently“随后”;unexpectedly “出乎意料地”; approximately “大约”;reluctantly “不情愿地”。句意:尽管我们已在这个项目上投资了大约8万英镑,但是直到现在我们拿回一分钱的希望都没有。C项最符合句意,故答案C8. 翻译题A dynamic view sees the pluses of change as well as the minuses. And it appreciates how new, unforeseen technologies or social changes can solve current problems.By contrast, the environmental movement has been built on crisisContrary to the doomsayers, both past anti present, people have a kna


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