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1、Unit 9 When was he born? Section A1a-2c 导学案一课前检测1.Read the new words on Page 53-54.2. Translate the words and phrases.翻译下列单词短语1.出生_2、什么时间_3、中国的_4、金的_5.奖牌_6、足球运动员_7、变成_8.篮球运动员_3.Match the people with their professions(职业).把人物和职业匹配( )1.Deng Yaping a. a soccer player( )2.Michael Jordan b. a ping-pong p

2、layer( )3.Martina Hingis c. a basketball player( )4.David Beckham d. a tennis player二学习目标 1、 学会并熟练应用本课单词和短语。2. 掌握出生日期和职业的表达方式并能谈论名人的出生日期和职业。三学习过程1. 导入新课:明星俱乐部姚明图片: -Whos that ? - He is . What is he ? - He is a Where is he from ? - He is from _. -When was he born? - He was born in 1980(年) / in Septem

3、ber(月)/on September 30th ,1980. (一)小组活动:展示名人图片,完成1a, 问答以下问题。(姓名、出生年月、职业)自主学习-4人小组问答(二)点拨提高:时间名词前所用介词的速记歌:年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行。遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in。要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行。(三)巩固练习一A:写出有关职业的名词:1、乒乓球运动员_2.篮球运动员_3.网球运动员_4.体操运动员_5.教师_ 6.歌手 _B:用in,on填空 1.She was born_1969 2.They were born_August (八月), 1932 3.Jim was b

4、orn_May 4th,1975(1975年5月4日) 4.We were born_Saturday morning.C . 1.Zhou Jielun is a singer. (划线提问) _ _ he?2.She was born in 1980 .(划线提问) _ _ she _? 3. I was born on June 12th, 1990. (划线提问) _ _ you _? (提高题) 1. we went camping on a rainy day .(划线提问) _ _ you _ camping ?点拨提高: 助记口诀:疑问词走在前,后面紧跟是“一般” 系动词(be

5、)要提前,情态动词也当先, do(does)和did加在前,行为动词再变原 巩固练习二: 1.Guo Jingjing won a gold medal in 2008. (划线提问) _ _ Guo Jingjing _ a gold medal?2.他 何 时 成 为一个世界冠军? 在1977年。 _ _he _(become)a world champion? He became a world champion in 1977.(四)、听并完成lb练习。 自主学习 再听一遍 (listen again)回答下列问题:1. Was Deng Yaping born in 1970? _2

6、. Is Michael Jordan from America? _3. Is Martina Hingis an American tennis player ? _同桌练习对话 (1C)(五)Listen and finish 2a.-Listen and repeat after the tape.-Read the listening text ,try to find out these phrases:How long start doing sth stop doing sth be famous for 69 years and three months-listen and

7、 finish 2b巩固练习三:1. She learned English for 10 years.( 划线提问)2. 用单词的适当形式填空。 Class begins, stop _(talk). When did you start _(learn)English?小组采访活动:(当当小记者!)采访你的同伴,了解他/她的出生日期和他/她喜欢的名人的出生年月和职业 (明星档案):姚明:a famous Chinese basketball player /September 12th,1980 周杰伦:a famous singer/ January 18th,1980/ Taipei(

8、台北)郭晶晶:diver/ October 15th ,1981/won a gold medal in the Olympic Game刘翔 :a running star /July 13th , 1981/ Olympic (奥运)Champion(冠军)四反思总结 回顾本节课所学: Summary:我的收获: 五 堂堂清检测 (一)、按要求做题: A. 用单词适当形式填空 1. Lang Ping is a great volleyball _(play). 2. Yao Ming is a _(China)basket ball player. 3. -When_(be)Li Yuc

9、hun _ (bear)? -She was born in 1984. 4. When _(be) they born? They were_(bear) in 1962 5. When_they_(visit) Beijing? B、选词填空(in, on) 1. She always watches TV_Saturday. 2. We went to Beijing_1980. 3. It is cold _October.(选做) ( ) She was born _the morning_June lst,2008. A, in, in B.on, of C.on, on D.in

10、, on (二).句型转换 1、I was born in 1992. (变一般疑问句) _ you _in 1992?2. They are workers. (划线提问)_ _they ? 3、They were born on Monday.(划线提问) _ _ they _? 4、She started playing ping-pong in 1978 .(划线提问) _ _ she _ playing ping-pong ? 5、He did his homework for two hours last night.( 划线提问) _ _ _ he _ his homework?

11、_ _ he _his homework for two hours ?(选做)Write a person you admire:I love _, she/he is from _,she/he is a_,she started_,Shewon_._ 六、预习定标 Preview Section A 3a-4b 1.记忆单词:打嗝 喷嚏 巴西的 国家的 成就 金子 变成 为.取名 2.思考下列问题: 1)How long 什么意思?后跟什么语序的句子? 2)tooto意思是_?too后跟_词?to后跟_词? 3)when she four years old 意思是_,when后跟什么语序? 4)学习游泳怎样表达? 5)start golfing 是什么意思? 课后练习题一、 汉译英。1.国际体育明星_ 2.一位中国乒乓球运动员_3.高尔夫球选手_ 4.体操运动员_5.一位瑞士网球选手_ 6.一位美国篮球运动员_二补全句子。1.你出


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