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1、2022年考博英语-上海交通大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Marriage therapists teach a skill called active listening. Each partner takes a turn listening, then paraphrases what hes heard and validates it. There is, however, a problem. It rarely works. For 80 percent of couples, active listening is too harD.It feels

2、 wooden, like emotional gymnastics. Nor does fighting well predict happy marriages. Even happy couples have screaming matches. Every time you raise a hot-button issue, such as the in-laws or money, does your husband suddenly clam up? More than 80 percent of the time, its the wife who brings up stick

3、y material issues, while the husband tries to avoid discussing them. This isnt a symptom of a troubled marriageits true in most happy marriages.Youll often hear that staying in a bad marriage is worse for everybody concernedespecially the childrenthan getting divorceD.That may be true if your home i

4、s so riddled with hostility that its like a war zone. But University of Chicago sociologist Linder J. Waite says she has found that 75 percent of couples who rated their marriages as miserable but stayed of married were happy five years later.We usually think the strongest marriages are those that s

5、urvive major traumas, such as bankruptcy or an extramarital affair. But frequently, dealing with the little things, those daily annoyances, eat away at a marriage. Every couple experiences disappointment as initial romance and passion fade and they discover all their differences, says Wolin.He doesn

6、t do enough housework. She is too emotional. He watches too much TV. Shes too lenient with the kids. People think these differences as problem, but theyre actually opportunities to build marital muscles.1.Which of the following is NOT true about active listening?2.The phrase clam up in Line 5 means(

7、 ) .3.We know from Paragraph 1 that the author thinks that a happy marriage ( ) .4.What is implied in the passage about divorce in the passage?5.Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?问题1选项A.Active listening is necessary if you want to fight well.B.A majority of couples doesnt practice active lis

8、tening.C.Active listening doesnt ensure happy marriages.D.Active listening has proven to be a little impractical问题2选项A.shut upB.gel upC.back upD.tighten up问题3选项A.is always full of romance and passionB.requires the tolerance of the husbandC.may not be free of quarrels and fightsD.excludes the discuss

9、ion of sticky martial issues问题4选项A.A bad marriage should end up in divorce to avoid further harm.B.Divorce is not the best solution to a bad marriage.C.Most couples get divorced for the sake of their children.D.Divorce is much better than suffering in a bad marriage.问题5选项A.Daily annoyances can do ha

10、rm to marriages.B.Marriage is not for romance and passion.C.Surviving major misfortunes help strengthen marriages.D.Differences are essential for happy marriage.【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节判断题。根据第一段的内容可知, active listening和fight well是婚姻生活发生问题时截然不同的两种处理方式, 前者是冷静的交流沟通,后者是激烈对峙。但active listening

11、并没有起到什么作用, 大部分的夫妻都不采取, 所以选项A描述错误。2.根据下一句的内容More than 80 percent of the time, its the wife who brings up sticky material issues, while the husband tries to avoid discussing them. 超过80%的时间, 是由妻子引起争吵话题的, 而丈夫总是避免讨论这些话题。由此可以推断, clam up与 avoid discussing them意思接近。所以选项A正确。3.细节推断题。根据第一段的最后一句This isnt a symp

12、tom of a troubled marriageits true in most happy marriages.争吵打闹并不是只岀现在问題婚姻中,即便是幸福婚姻也很难避免这类事情发生。选项A在文中没有提及, 选项B和D太片面, 而选项C符合原文。4.细节推斷题。根据题干关键词divorce定位到第二段, 根据下文75 percent of couples who rated their marriages as miserable but stayed of married were happy five years later.75%认为自己婚姻不幸的夫妻坚持在一起5年之后,也过得幸福

13、了。由此推断, 作者认为离婚并不一定是最好的解决办法。选项B符合原文。5.段落主旨题。根据最后一段的内容:我们通常认为, 最牢固的婚姻是那些能挺过重大创伤的婚姻, 比如破产或婚外情。但通常, 处理一些小事情, 那些日常的烦恼, 也会侵蚀婚姻。选项A最能概括最后一段的大义。2. 单选题Normally Americans do not assess their visitors in relaxed surroundings over prolonged small talk; much less do they take out for dinner, while they develop a

14、 pre-business sense of trust and rapport. Rapport to most of them is less important than performance. They seek out credentials of past performance rather than evaluating a business colleague through social manners. Since they generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, they star

15、t talking business very quickly.Most Americans live in time segments by engagement calendars. These calendars may be divided into intervals as short as fifteen minutes. They oftengivea person two or three (or more) segments of their calendar, but in the business world they almost always have other appointments following hard on the heels of whatever they are doing. Time is therefore always ticking in their inner ear.1.Americans are slaves to nothing but the clock. This means( ) .2.It can be inferred from the passage that since Americans value time highly, they( ) .3.Ac


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