(外研版(三年级起点))小学英语五上 期中测试

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1、期中测试一、在句子中找出所给单词的同类词1. Look, this is my new kite.her _2. Does Lily like this pair of shoes?shorts _3. Did you wear your red T shirt last week?argue _4. Dad bought a new skirt for me.met _5. Miss Yang found this bag on the school bus.took _二、单选题( )6. Will you help _?A. he B. him C. his( )7. His birth

2、day is on Sunday. I want to buy _a present.A. her B. him C. he( )8. Yesterday I watched TV _ my grandmother.A. and B. with C. to( )9.找出下列单词中不同类的单词。A. argue B. line C. wear( )10. We visited _ places.A. a lot B. lot of C. lots of( )11. _ bag is this? Its Damings.A. Who B. What C. Whose( )12.当你想表达我买了四瓶

3、果汁时,你会说:_。A. I buy four bottle of juice. B. I bought four bottles of juice. ( )13. t_en_yA. x; e B. y; I C. d; o D. w; t ( )14. Is that _ room? Yes, its theirs.A. Jim and Bobs B. Jims and Bobs C. Jim and Bob( )15. This is my book. That book is _.A. yoursB. mine C. your三、翻译16. Did you want to buy it?

4、(翻译)_小学英语 五年级上册 1 / 917. We can use the bag _ _ (在那边).18. We bought two _(瓶)of juice.19. We bought _ _ _(很多)chocolate. 20.英汉互译。(1)在周末(2)The British Museum (3)乘公共汽车 (4)许多的(5)the London Eye 四、情景交际21.选择配伍_( )(1)Are there lots of people in the park? ( )(2)Who will you go to the zoo with? ( )(3)What do y

5、ou want to buy? ( )(4)Do you like watching TV? ( )(5)How many pens do you want? ( )(6)What did you buy?( )(7)How much milk did you buy? ( )(8)Did you eat some eggs today? ( )(9)Where did you go last Sunday? ( )(10)Where are you from? 五、单词拼写(词汇运用)22.根据汉语提示补充单词。(1)_ce cr_ _m(冰激凌) (2)l_v_(喜欢)(3)m_ _ _(

6、遇见) (4)dr_p(使掉落)(5)h_rry(赶紧)23.按要求写出单词的正确形式。(1)first(基数词)_(2)box(复数形式)_(3)kilo(复数形式)_(4)lets(完整形式)_(5)orange(复数形式)_(6)egg(复数形式)_A. Five bottles.B. I bought a book.C. No, I didnt.D. Yes, there are.E. I went to the supermarket. F. My sister.G. Im from China.H. I want to buy some apples. I. Two pens.J.

7、 Yes, I do.小学英语 五年级上册 2 / 9(7)buy(过去式)_(8)do(过去式)_(9)pear(复数形式)_(10)make(过去式)_六、选词填空(词汇运用)24.选词填空。whose who where what when(1)_book is this ?(2)_did you buy in America ?(3)_did you go ?(4)_did you meet in the park ?(5)_did you come back ?七、连词成句25.连词成句。(1)much do how need you(? )_(2)are you what take

8、 going to(?)_(3)go home going to I am(.)_(4)us let make a list (.)_(5)want I bottles five of milk(.)_八、阅读理解26.阅读短文,判断正误。Lingling likes English very much. She works hard. She reads English every morning. She likes speaking English.She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Sunday evening.

9、 She likes dancing. But she doesnt like drawing. Her parents like her very much. All the teachers and her friends like her, too.( )(1)Lingling likes Maths very much.( )(2)Lingling likes speaking English.( )(3)Lingling often watches TV.( )(4)Lingling likes dancing.( )(5)All the the teachers like Ling

10、ling.小学英语 五年级上册 3 / 9期中测试答案解析一、1.【答案】my【解析】句意:看,这是我的新风筝。Her 她的和 my 我的,都是形容词性物主代词。故答案为 my. 【考点】同类词2.【答案】shoes【解析】句意:莉莉喜欢这双鞋吗?shorts 短裤;shoes 鞋,都是名词复数。故答案为 shoes.【考点】同类词3.【答案】wear【解析】句意:你上星期穿红 T 恤了吗?argue 争论;wear 穿,都是动词原形。故答案为 wear.【考点】同类词4.【答案】bought【解析】句意:爸爸给我买了一条新裙子。met 见面;bought 买了,都是动词过去式。故答案为 bo

11、ught. 【考点】同类词5.【答案】found【解析】句意:杨老师在校车上发现了这个包。took 带;found 发现,都是动词过去式。故答案为 found. 【考点】同类词二、6.【答案】B【解析】考查人称代词宾格。句子中的人称前有个动词,动宾结构;所以用的是宾格 him.7.【答案】B【解析】考查人称代词。主格作主语。宾格作宾语,放在及物动词或介词之后,有时还可以在口语中用作表 语。形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,在句中只能用作定语,后面必须跟名词。而句子中不缺主语,故排除 C。而句子中有个固定结构 buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物。故填的是宾格,

12、而前一句 His birthday 中可知是个男的,故选 B。8.【答案】B【解析】句意:昨天我奶奶一起看电视。A 和,连接两个并列成分;B 和,with sb.和某人,一般在句 末;C 到,介词。空格在句末,grandmother 奶奶,指人,用 with 表伴随。故选 B。【考点】近义词和介词9.【答案】B【解析】选项 A 争吵;选项 B 行/排,选项 C 穿,A/C 都是动词,B 是名词,故选 B。【考点】同类词10.【答案】C小学英语 五年级上册 4 / 9【解析】很多的表达有 lots of = a lot of,所以答案是 C。【考点】考查固定词组。11. C【解析】句意:这是说的

13、包? 它是大明的。bag 是名词,所以选 C。【考点】疑问词12.【答案】B【解析】A 我买了四瓶果汁。B 我买了四瓶果汁。当你想表达我买了四瓶果汁时,你会说:“我买了四瓶果 汁。”,故选 B。【考点】情景交际13.【答案】D【解析】twenty 二十,与选项 D 相匹配。故选 D。【考点】单词拼写14.【答案】A【解析】句意:那是房间吗?是的,是他们的。A 吉姆和鲍勃的,指两个人共同拥有某物,后面接 名词单数;B 吉姆和鲍勃的指两个人分别拥有某物,后面接名词复数;C 吉姆和鲍勃,指两个人,根据 room 是名词单数,与选项 A 相匹配。故选 A.【考点】短语辨析15.【答案】A【解析】本题含义为:这是我的书。那本书是你的。依据题意横线需要物主代词,横线后没有具体物品,应 填入名词性物主代词,故选 A。【考点】物主代词的运用三、16.【答


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