Improve Primary School Students’ Ability of Listening and Speaking Trough Group Work英语专业毕业论文

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《Improve Primary School Students’ Ability of Listening and Speaking Trough Group Work英语专业毕业论文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Improve Primary School Students’ Ability of Listening and Speaking Trough Group Work英语专业毕业论文(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Improve Primary School Students Ability of Listening and Speaking Trough Group Work摘要现在,在九年制义务教育中,标准英语课程以取代以前的教学模式。根据英语语言教育分成九个等级,新课标采用了国际体制,改变了旧的方法。新的教学方式通过引起学生的兴趣,鼓励他们参与去培养学生日常生活中运用英语的能力。新的方法重在听力和口语,因此现在听力和口语在小学学英语教学中越来越重要。然而,在日常的英语课堂教学活动中,老师们发现小学生在英语听力理解方面和口语方面存在一些问题:如只能听懂单词,不能听懂较长的句子,只能听懂语速慢的句子,

2、听不懂外国人正常语速的句子和简单的对话,口语表达不够流利。根据以上所述问题及分析,为了提高学生的听力理解能力,我设计了能激发学生学习兴趣的听力语段让孩子们听和说,同时教给孩子们听、读重读、弱读、连读单词的方法和如何从听力材料中提取主要信息的方法。并训练学生复述听到的内容,以便在提高学生听力水平的同时提高学生的口语表达能力。本课题在两个小学三年级的班级经过为期四周的分对比班的教学实验,收集了课堂观察,实验前后各组测验成绩以及实验后的问卷调查和学生访谈等数据。这些数据有效地表明,学生的英语听力能力和口语能力通过小组合作的方法得到了更有效的培养和提高。关键词:听力 口语 交流 小组合作Abstrac

3、tNow, a 9-year voluntary education program is put forward in China. A Standard English course is being used to replace the former teaching outline. This has changed the old style of teaching, which attaches importance to grammar and vocabulary. Adopting the new standard helps to develop the students

4、 ability to use English in their daily life.The new method will in favor of “listening” and “speaking”. So now, listening and speaking is getting more and more important in primary school English teaching.But in daily English teaching class activities,teachers find primary students has some problems

5、 in listening and speaking. Such as: They cant listen long sentences, cant listen foreigners voices, cant speaking fluntly.According to the above problems and analysis, in order to improve the students ability of listening comprehension, I designed listening discourse can stimulate students interest

6、 in learning, let the children to listen and speak, at the same time to teach children to read, weak read, read the word accentuation, from the listening material and the methods how to find the main information.And training students to retell the hear of the contents, in order to improve students l

7、istening ability and improve students ability of oral expression.This topic in the two primary school the third grade class after a four-week mark contrast teaching experiment, collected by classroom observation, experiment before and after the test scores and the student questionnaire and interview

8、 data. These data effectively indicate, the students English listening ability and speaking ability through group cooperation method to obtain a more effective training and improving. Key words: listening,speaking、communication、group workTable of ContentsPages1. Project Introduction 72. Project Prob

9、lem Identification and Analysis8 2.1 Project problem8 2.2 Problem analysis8 2.3 Results of problem analysis93. Project Objective and Hypothesis10 3.1 Project objective10 3.2 Project hypothesis104. Project Rationale11 4.1 Research about top-down processing11 4.2 Research about comprehensible input11

10、4.3 Advantages of storytelling115. Project Design 12 5.1 Target Group and Control Group12 5.2 Teaching materials12 5.3 Storytelling design136. Project Implementation15 6.1 Background information15 6.2 Timetable of project implementation15 6.3 Sample Grouping177. Results and Discussion17 7.1 Students

11、 perception of the new method17 7.2 Students self-evaluation in the questionnaire17 7.3 Comparison of the pre-test and post-test188. Project implementation198.1 Background information198.2 Summary of project implementation199.Results and Discussion209.1. Project findings209.1.1 Comparing the result

12、of exercises in the two groups2010.Conclusion21Bibliography22Appendix 22 Improve Primary School Students Ability of Listening and Speaking Trough Group Work1. IntroductionEnglish is a popular language -especially in the new century. As is known to us all, it is the most widely used language in the d

13、eveloping world and its getting more and more important nowadays. It is an official language in a large number of countries and is widely used in air traffic control and academic gatherings.Nowadays English teaching has been getting more and more attention. People are enthusiastic about learning Eng

14、lish. Most of our students begin to learn English from Grade 1 in primary schools. However, classroom teaching has long been the only way to learn English in China, and the method has usually involved cramming grammar-translation knowledge into learning a language. But this approach of teaching and

15、learning English is evidentially passive, because it goes against the principle of English teaching, which requires that listening and speaking take the lead in English teaching, and on the basis of these two skills, reading and writing will be cultivated. So listening and speaking have played a very important role in English teaching in primary schools. All the communications are established on the basis of listening and speaking. In daily life listening and speaking is the best way which make the communication of information become more quickly, especially in the present society



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