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1、新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程 3原文听力原文说明:本原文包含 warning up, listening禾口 homework部分Unit 1 Live and love一、warming upW: Did the doctor call? Did he say rm pregnant?M: Yeah, ljust talked to him.W: What did he say? Are we going to have a baby?M: VouVe really excited about this, arent you?W: Ybu know 1 am! Its my dream

2、to have a baby that I can teach how to be a loving person. I thouaht vou were excited too.M: Sure, 1 am. I am. rm excited for the same reason as you are. I think we can do what you sard we can teach this baby how to grow up and become a Joving person,W: So. is there a baby? What did the doctor say?M

3、: Its exactly what we wanted. Were going to have a b日byl Lets start off by calling our families and telling them the good news. 1 believe our parents are going to be as thrilled as we are.二、short conversations1W: I dont know what to say about your new girlfriend “ she seems so cold, so distant.Deep

4、down, shes a loving person. The problem is that she didnt have a toving family like ours. So she doesnt know how to express love.Q: According to the man, what1s wrong with his new girtfriend?2W: Mdu look at my father anci see a tough man with a gun and blood on his hands. But I see him as a man who

5、atways provides for his family.M: Whoad wait a minute. I didnl say anything of the sort, (admire your father a lot.Q: What does the man think about the womans father?W; bu know. I never understood why my parents kept giving second chances to my brother He never does right by them.M: Then you dont un

6、derstand the nature of love. Love means never quitting on the one you3一. 一Q: What does the woman NOT understand?4W: If only I had more money, I would buy my parents everything they wanted.M: Thafs a very nice thought, but fts really not necessary. Visit them more. That shouSd be enough for them.Q: W

7、hat should the woman do for her parents?W: Excuse mel Have you already started class? Or am I on time?M. Ive already begun the lesson. We re tatking about the meaning of love. Please take your seatQ: What is the topic for the cEass?6W: Some team from their parents, some from their friendsbut if a pe

8、rson has never learned about love, his life is a waste.M:丨 agree whole-heartedly ThankfuEly. Hearned about love from my parents at an early age. Q: What are the speakers talking about?7W: ltrs 10 oclock! YbuYe late again! I just dont know what to sayanymore,M: Sweetheart, love, darting, you should k

9、now that my being late has nothing to do with my love for you Try to understand me.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?8W: Sometimes fm glad our mother isnt alive. I think if she could see the person Fve become, shedd really be disappointed.M: Mom had a lot of teve for you. !f she were here n

10、ow. she woutdnt judge you that way. She just wouldve been happy to see her ktds and help them when she coutd.Q: According to the man. what would their mother NOT have done if she were alive?9M: Pardon me+ Um, why dont you teach us anything about love in class?W: Well, love is important, but its not

11、a good topic for the classroom. Ybu should learn about love from your parents or grandparents.Q; What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?10W: Ive been thinking about how i could teach my children to be more loving.M: Sounds like a job for you and your husbard. How about I give you

12、 some vacation time? You could take a family trip and talk more with your kids.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?三、long conversationM: Sometimes I really dont understand you. You are often rude to our children, you never play with them, and you rarely say you love them. T

13、his isnt how parents are supposed to act. Where did you learn such behavior?: Hey! 1 dont 也ink fve treated them any differently than my parents treated me and my sisters!M: So thats where you learned itfrom your parents?W: My parents were good. They raised three children.M: From what 1 can see. they

14、 didnt leach you how to be a loving person. What is going to happen to our kids? If you keep treating them poorly, theyre going to grow up to be just like you.W: Lis怕n, theres a lot that I can leam about being a good mother, but I still think fm doing a good job. Look at our kids. Theyre already kin

15、d and loving people. And I dont think you have any reason to worry.1. What are the two speakers talking about?2. According to the man, what es wrong with the way the woman treats her children?3. According to the man, what didnt the womans parents teach her?4. What does the woman think?5 Whal is the

16、probable relationship between the two speakers?四、passageAll parents want to raise a happy, successful and loving child, but there is Tittle agreement about how best to reach this goal. Over the years, parents have tried dramaticalty different ways. They have put their baby on a schedule, or they have fed on demand; they have Je



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