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1、三级词汇和结构练习100题(1) BADCD ACBDB ACBAD CDCBA(2)DACBA BCDDC BACBD ABDAC(3)CADBA BCDAC BDAD B CDCBA(4)CADBB BCCDA CABBD DCDAB(5) BBAAC DCBCD CCABD BAADD大学英语三级考试词汇练习100题(1)1.She is one of the newest film stars from America and has many fans, _b_in Europe.A) specially B) particularly C) partially尤其 相当于espec

2、ially D) specifically2. _a_ a little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only one minute and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour.A) If only I had got up B) If I had got up 虚拟语气C) If only I get up D) If I got up3. _d_ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we cha

3、ined our dog up.A) Being bitten B) Had been bittenC) Having bittenD) Having been bitten4. They took_c_ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping in the chemical plant. take measures 采取措施A) fruitful B) beneficialC) effective 有效的 D) influential5. Never before that night _d_ so great my respons

4、ibility was.A) I had felt B) I felt C) did I feel D) had I felt 倒装6.There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone_a_ me that evening.A) had interrupted 动词有先后 过去完成 B) to have interruptedC) would have interrupted D) having interrupted7. There is not much time left; so Ill tell you abou

5、t it _c_.A) in short B) in detail C) in brief 简要 D) in all8.Indoor heating systems have made _b_ for people to live and work comfortably in a mild climate. make it possible for sb. to do sth. 使可能A) possible B) it possible C) possible that D) it is possible9.A railway ticket should indicate the place

6、 of departure 出发as well as the_d_ of the trip.A) advance B) arrival 到达 C) direction D) destination10. Over thirty coal miners were reported _b_ in that shocking accident.A) to be killed B) to have been killedC) having been killed D) being killed11. The United States is composed of fifty states,_a_ a

7、re separated from the others by land or water.A) two of which 定语从句 B) two of whom C) two of them D) two of those12. We are anxious to hear any information _c_ his health.A) involving B) including C) concerning 关于,相当于related to D) considering13. A good artist, like a good engineer, learns as much fro

8、m_b_ his success.A) his mistakes as B) his mistakes as from as much as 结构 前后from平衡C) his mistakes from D) his mistakes from as14. _a_ its economy continues to grow, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part-time and temporary workers.A) Even though B) If only C) Now that 既然,表原因 D) Provided th

9、at15. At such a time of crisis, we must try to _d_ differences of party or class and stick together.A) set forth B) set back 阻碍 C) set down D) set aside 放在一旁16. I told the foreign guests that it was in the house _c_ we used to live that the exhibition was held.A) that B) which 结构还原后为we used to live

10、in the house,前面有in了所以用which,如果没有in,就用where where=in which whose=of which when=on which C) where D) there17. _d_ a choice of two jobs, the man decided to take the one which was more challenging.A) When being offered B) When offeringC) When he is offered D) When offered18. I cant _c_ her another day;

11、she never stops complaining.A) come up with 相出 an idea B) keep up with 保持一致 C) put up with 忍受 D) catch up with 赶上19. The boy_b_ Spanish for six years by the time he takes his examinationA) has studies B) will have studied 到那个时候已经 将来完成C) has been studying D) had studied20.A soldier should never_a_ fr

12、om the duty of defending his country even in the face of death.A) shrink 退缩,缩水B) shield C) shelter D) avoid(2)1. Only in a few countries d_ a reasonable standard of living. A) the whole population enjoyC) do the whole population enjoy B) the whole population enjoysD) does the whole population enjoy

13、倒装,population集合名词强调整体概念用单数,强调成员用复数2. We have _a_ to the government for a home improvement loan. A) appliedapply for 申请 apply to sb. for sth.B) approachedC) apologizedD) appointed3. _c_, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of English is poo

14、r. A) Were other things equalC) Other things being equal 独立主格结构:同等条件下 B) To be equal to other thingsD) Other things to be equal4. May I speak to your manager Mr. Smith at four oclcok this afternoon? Im sorry. Mr. Smith b_ to a conference before then. 到那个时候已经去开会了 将来完成 A) has goneB) will have goneC) had goneD) would have gone5. There was a large crowd in the square _a_ against



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