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1、Chapter 1Marketing:the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.Marketing myopia营销短视: the mistake of paying more attention to the specific products a company offers rather than to the benefits and

2、 experiences produced by these products.Customer-perceived value: the customers evaluation of the differences between all the values and all costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing offers.Customer satisfaction: the extent to which a product perceived performance matches the custome

3、rs expectation.Customer equity: the total combined customer lifetime values of all of a companys all customers.Chapter 2Strategic planning: the progress of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between a organizations goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.Mission state

4、ment: a statement of a organizations purposewhat it wants to accomplish in the larger environmentBusiness portfolio: the collection of businesses and products that makes up the company 以下四个和Chapter 7中的内容重复Market segmentation: dividing the market into distinct groups of buyers who might have differen

5、t needs, characteristics and behavior, and who might require separate products or marketing programs. Market targeting: the progress of evaluating each segments marketing attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter.Positioning: arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive an

6、d desirable place relative to the competing products in the minds of the target customers.Differentiation: actually differentiating the market offering to create superior customer value.Chapter 3Marketing environment: the actors and forces outside the marketing that affect marketing managements abil

7、ity to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers. Microenvironment: the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers,-the company, suppliers, market customers, marketing intermediaries, competitors and publics.Macroenvironment: the larger societa

8、l forces that affect the microenvironment-demographic, natural, economic, political, technological and cultural forces.Marketing intermediaries: the forms that help the company to promote, sell and distribute its goods to final buyers.Chapter 5Consumer buyer behavior: the buying behavior of final co

9、nsumersthe individuals and householders buy goods and services for personal consumptionConsumer market: all individuals and householders who buy or acquire goods and services for personal consumption.Subculture亚文化群:a group of people with shared value systems based on the common life experiences and

10、situations.Opinion leader: a person within reference group who, because of special skills, knowledge, or other characteristics, exerts social influence on others.Complex buying behavior: consumer buying behavior in situations characterized by high consumer involvement in a purchase and significant p

11、erceived brand differences. Habitual buying behavior: consumer buying behavior in situations characterized by low consumer involvement and few significantly perceived brand differences.Purchase decision: the buyers decision about which brand or purchase.Postpurchase behavior购后行为:the stage of the buy

12、er decision process in which consumers take further action after the purchase, based on their satisfaction or dissatisfaction.Chapter 7Market segmentation:dividing the market into distinct groups of buyers, who might have different needs, characteristics or behavior, who might require separate produ

13、cts and marketing programs. Market targeting: the process of evaluating each segments attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter.Differention: actually differentiating a market offering to create superior customer value Target market: a set of buyers sharing common needs or character

14、istics that the company decides to serve. Undifferentiated (mass)marketing: a market-coverage strategy in which a firm decides to ignore the market segment differences and go after the whole market with one offer.Differentiated (segmented)marketing: a market-coverage strategy in which a firm decides

15、 to target several market segments and design separate offer for each.Concentrated (niche) marketing: a market-coverage strategy in which a firm decides to go after a large share of one or a few segments or niches.Micromarketing: the practice of tailoring the products and marketing programs to the n

16、eeds and wants of specific individuals and local customer groupsinclude individual marketing and local marketing.Competitive advantage: an advantage over competitors gained by offering greater customer value, either through lower prices or by providing more benefits that justify the high prices.Chapter 8Consumer product: a product bought by final consumer for personal consumption.Industri



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