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1、回顾总结 分析盘点 展望预测 中考英语复习备考策略市近四年中考英语试题,坚持了“稳中求变,变中求新”的原则,其题型、赋分及比重都保持不变,而且题目抓住教学中的重难点知识,不出怪题、偏题、难题,有利于毕业班教师搞好中考复习的教学工作。一、试卷结构分析(题型、分值及比重分析)近四年(2009-2012)中考英语试题结构,题目类型、分值及比重见下表:听力语言知识运用书面表达合计测试时间单项选择完形填空阅读理解词汇运用任务型阅读写作分值25151030151015120120分钟比重20.812.58.32512.58.312.5100注:1、听力测试包括五部分即听句子选答语,听句子选图画,听短对话选

2、答案,听长对话选答案,听短文选答案,每部分各5个小题,计25分。2、词汇运用部分包括两部分即单词拼写(5个,5分)综合填空要求从12个单词中选择10个,并用其正确形式填空(10个,10分)。二、试题分析(一)听力测试2009201020112012听句子选答语1.看病: Whats the matter?天气: Whats the weather like?遗憾: Im sorry to hear that帮助: Could you help me wih the box?2. 交通方式: How does your daughter go to school?能力: Can you spea

3、k Japanese?就餐: Which would you like, juice or coffee?How long have you lived in your house?3. 遗憾: I missed the football game on TV last night.邀请: Lets go to the zoo.道歉: Sorry, I have taken your pen by mistake.建议: Im sorry I dont know. You can ask the policeman over there.4. 赞扬: The shirt looks smart

4、 on you.现在进行时: What are you doing?邀请: Would you like to come to my party this evening?(Yes, Id love to.)日期: Whats the date today?5. 一般疑问句: Have you taken the air plane tickets?致谢: Thanks for your help.建议: Why not buy some flowers for her?(Sounds good.)遗憾: I missed the football game on TV last night.

5、听对话选图画6. 生日礼物: birthday present. a watch.喜欢的运动: What favorite sportfootball.When On Sunday.喜欢的运动: table tennis7. I drive a car to work every day.爱好: What hobby -go hiking/ go fishing.Go to school - On foot喜爱的食物: What favorit foodVegetables.8. 时间与数字: 10:30(at ten oclock - thirty minutes later)交通方式: (

6、How, by bike)购物: a pair of sports shoes职业: What does your father do? A famous cook.9. 借书: in a library( How long may I keep it please?)原因: (Why, have a guitar lesson)Weather - Sunny动物: Animals goldfish10. 课外活动 play basketball /go to the movie学习英语的方式(How, by listening to the radio)过去进行时:- reading a b

7、ook标志: Dont smoke here.听短对话选答案11. 天气: The weather数字考查(When, In 1955)Prefer salad to French fries and hamburgers问路: Could you tell me the way to the bank?12. Job(a doctor/ a policeman)周末活动(What, went to a picnic - Saturday, did my homework -Sunday)take me to visit my grandfatherWhere are the going to

8、 have lunch? In the park.13. How long six years agoHow often (keep running every day, sometimes I go swimming, but I never play ball games.) it lasts too long.What dont they need to make a fruit salad? Milk.14. Why - move to a new house (the man upstairs always plays music loudly.)Favorite music(Wha

9、t, pop music, classical music)Chicken sandwich - $4.Chicken sandwich and a glass of milk - $6生日: When is Graces birthday?15. favorite food - ChickenHow much (paid only 200 dollars. half the price)Why not try chicken soup?价格: How much are four pairs of socks?30 yuan.听长对话选答案16-20两个学生的假期计划四个what/ who问路

10、与指路Where/ how far学校公共汽车司机的起居生活(Job, time)电话用语(speaking, number)Teachers Day Party What / Where学生的暑假生活活动(What/ Who /How)如何保护环境(protect the environment)听短文选答案21-25兄弟两人勇捉歹徒的故事What/ When/ Who/ How有关Mother的事情Lucy写给Jenny的信考查了When/ Where/ What/ Why的几个要点。关于篮球俱乐部的信息。1、考题分析对于听力测试题主要考查课程标准的问候与应答,感谢与应答,提供帮助与应答,

11、打电话,购物,问路,看病,谈论天气,询问天气,谈论假日计划等语言交际项目。此题丢分点在于考生心情紧张、考生抓不住重点内容或关键词而不知如何选择。2、备考策略要求学生每天坚持听读10-20分钟,保持耳朵对语言的敏感和熟悉;精听与泛听相结合;老师要养成在课堂上尽量说英语的习惯,以口语的形式培养听力能力。“Speak English if possible, speak Chinese if necessary.”注意训练解题技巧。(训练学生利用时间差做好预读;排除生词障碍,抓住大意;整理信息后要再审题检查等。(二)单项选择近年的单项选择题具有重情景,重交际,重运用以及重能力四大特征。所有试题均借助

12、于一定语言环境考查学生对语法、词汇、习惯用语和常见表达法的掌握,语言极为真实,地道,具有时代性,在多数试题上可以明显地看出“语境”在确定正确答案时的作用。200920102011201226口语: Would you mind if? Of course not, go ahead.the most useful invention/the computer (冠词)by bike/ take a taxi (冠词)milk (名词)27介词be popular with usorange 一词多义(n/adj 橙色)your/ mine (物主代词)something wrong with

13、(固定搭配)28You are wanted on the phone(被动) Im cominghis/mine (物主代词)not.until 连词 on a cold winter early morning (介词)29动词辨义: take/ bring/ get/ carrymuch better (形容词的比较级)like better (adj 比较级)How long/ soon/ when/ what time (疑问词)30比较级 things are getting worseWhich to choose疑问词+不定式be made in (介词)tell/serve/

14、 send/ show(动词辨析)31代词eitherWont/has been (gone) toboth of them(代词)动词时态 left32冠词 a, the代词 bothfans (名词)被动语态: is finished.33keep off(out) /take off(out)(动词词组)were planted (被动)stop to rest (动词不定式)get up/ stay up/ look up/ come up(动词词组)34被动语态 was heard to sing 宾语从句(When he will come)find out/ get out/ look out/ take out (动词词组)最高级: the greatest 35动词时态What is happening?put them away/ on/ down/ up (动词词组)offer (动词意义)动词形式 祈使句 Make sure 36数词 thousand of prefer to do rather than doif it rains (条件状语从句)情态动词 must37情态动词 cant 表猜测How soon/long/often/far(特殊疑问句)How soon/long/often/far(


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