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1、西南大学21秋英国文学史及选读综合测试题库答案参考1. Seventy-five percent of the earth&39;s surface _ with water Ais covered Bis covering CwSeventy-five percent of the earths surface _ with waterAis coveredBis coveringCwere covered Dare coveredA本句缺谓语,主语percent后面是不可数名词,所以要用第三人称单数形式。2. I saw them bending with great _ over the

2、 machines.A.concentrationB.endeavorC.toleranceD.absorption参考答案:B3. Beowulf is a national epic of _.A.ScandinaviaB.GermanyC.FranceD.England参考答案:D4. In Hardy&39;s Tess of D&39;urbervilles, the heroines tragic ending is due to _.A.her weak characterB.her ambitionC.Angel Clares selfishnessD.a hostile so

3、ciety参考答案:D5. About ( ) Aboriginal and European parentage-were taken from their parents from 1910 until the 1970s.A.10,000B.100,000C.1,000,000D.1,000参考答案:B6. The “dark comedy” refers to those written by Jonson in his third period of dramatic career.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A7. If you know what the trouble is

4、, why dont you help them to _ the situation?A.simplifyB.modifyC.verifyD.rectify参考答案:D8. The old paper mill has been _ to make way for a new shopping centre.A.held downB.kept downC.cut downD.turn down参考答案:D9. What did Engelhardt advise China to do in a conference last month? ( )A.People should clean

5、up the foul air.B.People should take some measures to preserve their heritage.C.People should built more expressway in the sites.D.People should allow more foreigners to visit China.参考答案:B10. We wish to _ that it is only in view of our long friendly business relations that we extend youWe wish to _

6、that it is only in view of our long friendly business relations that we extend you this accommodation, in payment.AreiterateBrepeatCrevertDrelateA11. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth _ of American Independence.A.ceremonyB.anniversaryC.occasionD.occurrence参考答案:B12. a

7、vowal ( )A.acknowledgmentB.uncompromisingC.please or satisfy参考答案:A13. For quite sometime after its appearance, Catch-22 was seen as a structural _ despite its narrative power.A.successB.miracleC.failure参考答案:B14. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her _ attitude toward custom

8、ersA.impartialB.mildC.hostileD.opposing参考答案:C15. The Yellow River is the second _ river in china. A) long B) longer C) longest D) leThe Yellow River is the second _ river in china.A) longB) longerC) longestD) lengthC最高级可被序数词修饰。句意“黄河是中国第二长的河。”16. American companies are evolving from mass-production m

9、anufacturing to _ enterprises.A.moveableB.changingC.flexibleD.varying参考答案:C17. 雨果从( )原则出发观照中世纪的宗教生活。A.人道主义B.古典主义C.现代主义D.浪漫主义参考答案:A18. I prefer this game _that one.AthanBmore thanCrather thanDtoI prefer this game _that one.AthanBmore thanCrather thanDto正确答案:D解析:prefer.to表示“比起更喜欢”。19. These overseas s

10、tudents show great _ for learning a new language.A.faithB.authorityC.enthusiasmD.convention参考答案:C20. Pynchon&39;s fascination with popular culture is overwhelmingly evident in the novel V.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A21. To his great joy he discovered that his ear was becoming _.A.sensationalB.sensitiveC.sentim

11、entalD.sensible参考答案:B22. In some ways these schools are (differ) _ from Chinese middle schools.In some ways these schools are (differ) _ from Chinese middle schools.different23. Equipment not _ official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop.A.conforming toB.consistent withC.predomi

12、nant overD.providing for参考答案:A24. 罪与罚中的人物( )是人类苦难的象征,同时又是博大的基督式的爱的象征。A.拉斯柯尔尼科夫B.索尼雅C.阿廖娜D.卢仁参考答案:B25. 洪堡的礼物通过( )知识分子的命运和精神状态的描写,表现了美国现代社会中人的生存困境和精神危机。A.两代B.三代C.四代D.五代参考答案:A26. Politically these nations tend to be _, with very high birth rates but poor education and very low levels of literacy.A.unst

13、eadyB.unstableC.rationalD.reluctant参考答案:B27. Here are two lines taken from The Merchant of venice:“Not on thy Sole,but on they soul,harsh Jew/thou makst thy knife keen”What kind of figurative device is used in the above lines?A.SynecdocheB.SimileC.PunD.Metonymy参考答案:C28. Wuthering Heights deals with

14、a story of love and violence.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B29. I am not_this cityWould you please introduce it to me? With pleasure.Afamiliar to I am not_this cityWould you please introduce it to me? With pleasure.Afamiliar toBfamiliar inCfamiliar forDfamiliar with正确答案:D30. G.B.Shaw&39;s play Mrs.Warren&39;s Profession is a realistic exposure of the _ in the English society.A.slum landlordis



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